

golden ticket member
So, where does 'honkey' fall in all this discussion? I never really understood the term, "cracker".....I just heard Richard Pryor say it all the time.


Staff member
I think you should use a historical source other than wikipedia. "Redneck" has more history than you are giving it credit.


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
Here's what wikipedia says

Redneck: Redneck is a historically derogatory slang term used in reference to poor white farmers in the Southern United States. It is similar in meaning to cracker (especially regarding Georgia and Alabama), hillbilly (especially regarding Appalachia and the Ozarks), and white trash (but without the last term's suggestions of immorality).
In recent decades, the term expanded its meaning to mean bigoted, loutish, and opposed to modern ways, and has often been used to attack Southern conservatives and racists. At the same time, some Southern whites have reclaimed the word, using it with pride and defiance as a self-identifier.

Cracker, hillbilly and white trash all such becoming terms.

Could this be a case of the pot calling the kettle black?

I'm just sayin........

Exactly my point of why it is acceptable to some blacks to call each other racial names, but not for whites to use that same term. Jones explained it as "reclamation", and I can live with that. When explained that redneck is being reclaimed, but still considered derogatory and racists, it's laughed off as a non-issue.

Is that Bush's fault as well?


Strength through joy
here's an interesting new idea............
China Wants To Construct A 50 Square Mile Self-Sustaining City South Of Boise, Idaho
China is now in a position of tremendous economic power. So what is China going to do with all of that money? One thing that they have decided to do is to buy up pieces of the United States and set up “special economic zones” inside our country from which they can continue to extend their economic domination. One of these “special economic zones” would be just south of Boise, Idaho and the Idaho government is eager to give it to them. China National Machinery Industry Corporation (Sinomach for short) plans to construct a “technology zone” south of Boise Airport which would ultimately be up to 50 square miles in size. The Chinese Communist Party is the majority owner of Sinomach, so the 10,000 to 30,000 acre “self-sustaining city” that is being planned would essentially belong to the Chinese government. The planned “self-sustaining city” in Idaho would include manufacturing facilities, warehouses, retail centers and large numbers of homes for Chinese workers. Basically it would be a slice of communist China dropped right into the middle of the United States.


Well-Known Member
Redneck, Hillbilly and Cracker, another POV as to origin and intended use.

Redneck: This term has it's origins in Scotland and refers to the lowland Scots who were Presbyterian in christian denomination and therefore rejected the State Church of England. These Scots were supporters of the National Covenant and The Solemn League and Covenant and were thus called Covenanters who in 1638' and 1641' drew up a national covenant affirming their belief in a Presbyterian form of Church Gov't. It would be important here if you looked up the word presbyter or the greek word Presbyteros to better understand what was the basis of the church gov't they desired and also in some respects how it would help influence a new nation across the water 130 years later.

These "Covenanters" or many of them signed the National Covenant in their own blood and to signify their public stance tied a red scarf around their necks as a form of public insignia and thus the term "redneck" was born. In the 1940's, a Glasgow minister by the name of Coulter began wearing a red clerical collar in honor of the convenanter tradition. The Redneck moniker came to America and at first was more assigned to a southern tradition because most Scots not only of the Ulster-Scottish tradition, lowland Scots who some say were wrongly called Scotch-Irish and also the Highland Scots mostly settled in the Southern US in the regions of Appalachia and the Ozarks (hillcountry) and thus we can move into the term Hillbilly.

Hillbilly is another term derived from Scot origins and has has to do with Scot supporters of William of Orange who defeated the Catholic King James II of the house of Stuart in the Battle of the Boyne Ireland in 1690'. These Scot supporters were often called "Orangemen" or "Billy Boys" and when these Scots settled in the Southeastern US hill country, "hillbilly" was an easy term to emerge from an older tradition. Many in the north came from a more British loyal concern or better yet a Jacobite tradition and these Jacobites were loyal to the House of Stuart and it's linage of Kings. If you understand the backstory, you'll begin to better understand the forces and ideals at play from the Jeffersonian (Southern, Scot, Orangeman tradition) and the Hamiltonian (British, Jacobite tradition) that was even at play in the backstory of our own civil war.

It was then easy to take the term "Billy Boy" and with this tradition now in the southern hill country, to call these folks the new disparging term, "Hill Billy."

What about Cracker? It's origins go back to the gaelic word "Craic" which we say in the english "Crack" and it has to do with having fun, entertainment and enjoyable conversation. It's later usage came associated with "one who talks" and the term "cracker" was born to that use. Again being of Ulster-Scot origins and then coming over to the American colonies in the southern environs, this term came to be associated on a wider scale with southern whites. Our slang of "crack a joke" origins back to the fun, entertaining and story telling legacy of the gaelic word craic.

How you use those terms going forward is up to you but in my own case and being of highland Scot traditions, understanding the origins, I find none of them offensive in the least and those who use them as such, I would question their own level of intelligence in the area of history and linguistics.

That's my take anyway.


golden ticket member
It turns out that 70 percent of guns found in Mexico actually come from the U.S. Meanwhile, 70 percent of people found in the U.S. actually come from Mexico.


Well-Known Member
It turns out that 70 percent of guns found in Mexico actually come from the U.S. Meanwhile, 70 percent of people found in the U.S. actually come from Mexico.



I've always wanted to ask, are you and Klein related? Something about you 2 always remind me of each other!

I'm just sayin'........


Für Meno :)
It turns out that 70 percent of guns found in Mexico actually come from the U.S. Meanwhile, 70 percent of people found in the U.S. actually come from Mexico.

Your first number is way too low !

The US is undoubtedly a major supplier of illegal guns (particularly handguns) to both Canada and Mexico.

The data that are available show that the majority of traced handguns recovered from Canadian crime scenes originate in US.
Authorities point the finger of blame at the Americans whose lax weapons laws lay the ground for easy access to arms that can be easily transferred to Canada.

It is not possible to determine with certainty the percentage of guns used in crime in Canada.
"There are very few cases that show handguns used in crime coming from anywhere other than the USA," the study adds.

Investigators have traced 90 to 95 percent of weapons in Mexico to the US.

Washington is already under fire for US-made arms that fall into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, which use them to wage a violent, endless war in the Central American country.

Now with the study conducted by researches from Canada, the United States and Switzerland, the issue is gaining larger dimensions, compelling White House officials to take action.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I find it funny that all the emphasis is placed on the Guns ending up in mexico, but NOT a single WORD on the gun dealer that sold them, the buyer who bought them and if any of the laws on the books were violated.

Why does the dealer get the free pass?

The problem with guns in this country is availability. Dealers are breaking the laws year after year and then people want to cry about gun violence.

What about these dealers who were being observed? How were they able to sell this many guns to people and how did they get across the border?

Where is the investigation into this?

Arizona is one of the largest violators of gun laws in this country and its no surprise that guns are ending up in mexico.

I believe the republicans call this action: "free market practices".



golden ticket member
I read that certain dealers contacted the proper authorities and were told to go ahead with sales. (no, I don't have a site)


golden ticket member
The dealers just did what they were told by the gov't. Maybe someone in the gov't should be let go. Don't worry it'll be someone expendable.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
The dealers just did what they were told by the gov't. Maybe someone in the gov't should be let go. Don't worry it'll be someone expendable.

Someone will have to take a bullet for the Obama admin...dont want to make the Messiah and his henchman look like the criminals they are.


Strength through joy
If you will recall from last year when bhos and hillary were making claims that 90% of weapons used in Mexico were from the USA, but what the true facts showed amounted to less than 10% something had to be done to make their lies creditable.