

Well-Known Member
I get your clip......under 3 mins., I'm shocked.

My post was more about an illegal accessing a secure area perhaps to do harm......

OK, but I wasn't addressing your post to begin with. Just a general post on the topic expressing an economic POV.


Strength through joy
From Neils the Poet: “Stop in the Name of the Law”
Stop in the name of the law
Turn around go the other way
Till you get back home
Get out of my country
Get out and leave us alone
No more free rides
No more lawsuits for you
No more special privileges
For what you say and do
Make your own country free
I say for the Billionth time
You’ve got a warped view from
Your entitlement state of mind
We don’t want to pay
To foot your bills anymore
Quit letting your Mexican leaders
Make you into slaves or whores
Fight back do what it takes and
That goes for your supporters too
Anybody who’s for the illegals
Hasn’t got one American clue
Get out get out get out
What part don’t you understand
No more from me whether you beg
Borrow steal or demand
We know your game now
The jig is up
Take back your own country
From the rotten and corrupt
Don’t rewrite history
Don’t keep workin your mouth
Just start walkin
And keep headin South


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
From Neils the Poet: “Stop in the Name of the Law”
Stop in the name of the law
Turn around go the other way
Till you get back home
Get out of my country
Get out and leave us alone
No more free rides
No more lawsuits for you
No more special privileges
For what you say and do
Make your own country free
I say for the Billionth time
You’ve got a warped view from
Your entitlement state of mind
We don’t want to pay
To foot your bills anymore
Quit letting your Mexican leaders
Make you into slaves or whores
Fight back do what it takes and
That goes for your supporters too
Anybody who’s for the illegals
Hasn’t got one American clue
Get out get out get out
What part don’t you understand
No more from me whether you beg
Borrow steal or demand
We know your game now
The jig is up
Take back your own country
From the rotten and corrupt
Don’t rewrite history
Don’t keep workin your mouth
Just start walkin
And keep headin South

Another typical redneck pandering song, as if all illegals come from the south.



golden ticket member
Sometimes the situations just make you angry. This little town is in need of affordable restaurants....better than fast food, but affordable for families and fixed income seniors. So what do they put in ? Inka Mama's.....a Peruvian cuisine restaurant.

I doubt very much that there are many displaced Peruvians in the Talega area. Of course, rice is a big piece of their cuisine,.......rice, like in all the 85 billion Mexican restaurants we already have. I like Mexican food, but if I'm in the mood for a fried chicken dinner, I don't want KFC to be my only choice. What if I want a nice steak, not a $30 entree steak??

We do frequent Carl Jr's a lot....great burgers & fries, but it is fast food. Of course, no one understands what I want because they don't speak English well enough.....that's why we do combos a lot...."give me a regular size #1" and point as you are saying it. You think I'm exaggerating??? NOT!!!


Für Meno :)
There ya go Moreluck, next time you see a restaurant going into receivership, buy it !
You can name it " Good ol' Meat & Potatoes" or "Steak, Spuds & Suds" :)

Usually they come with all the equipment and are cheap... from 30K and up.


golden ticket member
There ya go Moreluck, next time you see a restaurant going into receivership, buy it !
You can name it " Good ol' Meat & Potatoes" or "Steak, Spuds & Suds" :)

Usually they come with all the equipment and are cheap... from 30K and up.

I'm retired and don't have to work....thankyou UPS.


Strength through joy
klein was that your attempt to get a job ?
Would you really want to work for moreluck ?
If so than Canada isn't as well off as you have been claiming .
Another typical redneck pandering song, as if all illegals come from the south.

You can not deny that illegals do, indeed, come to the USA from the southern border. Well, I guess you can deny that fact, but you will be wrong. This poem just happens to address the ones that come through mexico.

You do realize that the term redneck is often coveted by many people. Nice try at disparaging an American citizen that doesn't like illegal aliens infiltrating out country.


Staff member
You can not deny that illegals do, indeed, come to the USA from the southern border. Well, I guess you can deny that fact, but you will be wrong. This poem just happens to address the ones that come through mexico.

You do realize that the term redneck is often coveted by many people. Nice try at disparaging an American citizen that doesn't like illegal aliens infiltrating out country.
The infuriating part is that the redneck, while not liking illegal aliens infiltrating the country eats up the gobbly-goop that the right throws out there about "securing the borders" all the while knowing that a) the political will does not exist to close the border and b) businesses love the cheap labor that has the redneck so upset.


Well-Known Member
Once again, I guess the term redneck is not racist or offensive if the user is not bothered by them. The same users that are so quick to label everyone else a racist.


Well-Known Member
Once again, I guess the term redneck is not racist or offensive if the user is not bothered by them. The same users that are so quick to label everyone else a racist.

TOS is using the term racist with moreluck in the hope that she will slip and incriminate herself. I think he is confusing narrow-mindedness with racism.


Staff member
Once again, I guess the term redneck is not racist or offensive if the user is not bothered by them. The same users that are so quick to label everyone else a racist.
trp did not seem offended by the term. Is "redneck" an offensive term? We better let Foxworthy know.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Another typical redneck pandering song, as if all illegals come from the south.


Here's what wikipedia says

Redneck: Redneck is a historically derogatory slang term used in reference to poor white farmers in the Southern United States. It is similar in meaning to cracker (especially regarding Georgia and Alabama), hillbilly (especially regarding Appalachia and the Ozarks), and white trash (but without the last term's suggestions of immorality).

In recent decades, the term expanded its meaning to mean bigoted, loutish, and opposed to modern ways, and has often been used to attack Southern conservatives and racists. At the same time, some Southern whites have reclaimed the word, using it with pride and defiance as a self-identifier.

Cracker, hillbilly and white trash all such becoming terms.

Could this be a case of the pot calling the kettle black?

I'm just sayin........