

Engorged Member
typical liberal response. "he cant be racist because he is liberal or did something liberal "

Did I say that? I was no fan of Breitbart, but I think even he would be shocked at what has happened to his namesake. He wanted to shake things up, not destroy them. If he were still alive, I doubt Bannon would have ever risen to the top.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
"The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either."
-Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin sounds like a fascist according to some folks here on these forums. I didn't even know what a Muslim was or any of there history before 911. Most people in the world (non-Muslim) assimilate peacefully within there country's cultural/political context. Islam itself is flawed and will not ever do this. How many religions out clause require honor killings. Maybe only LA gangs and north Korea.