

Bad Moon Risen'


Well-Known Member
I know you're a foreigner. Do you actually consult other news sources, like BBC?

I lived in this country most of my life , i'm proud of my heritage. I'm proud that I represent legal immigration and legal naturalization and that I served my country.
I keep in touch with some family from over there but basically have no interest in their politics unless it affects or parallels issues here.


Well-Known Member
Benjamin Franklin sounds like a fascist according to some folks here on these forums. I didn't even know what a Muslim was or any of there history before 911. Most people in the world (non-Muslim) assimilate peacefully within there country's cultural/political context. Islam itself is flawed and will not ever do this. How many religions out clause require honor killings. Maybe only LA gangs and north Korea.

I'm mixed on your point. I have muslim friends that are terrific people that I respect very much. at the same time there are the extremists that I see but don't know personally that I think are some of the vilest animals I have ever seen or heard of.


Well-Known Member
Benjamin Franklin sounds like a fascist according to some folks here on these forums.

I've read a bit of communist literature over the years, consider the communist Mikhail Bakunin a hero of mine and I've heard a lot of people on this board called communists and yet I know they are not. Read fascist doctrine as well and Ben Franklin is no fascist regardless what someone here throwing around logical fallacies sez.

I didn't even know what a Muslim was or any of there history before 911.

Your loss actually. Prior to the 20th century and the Wahabbist corruption of Arabian Islam, thanks mostly to the House of Saud, the Muslim world was a rather interesting place. Even in some case inviting. Some of our great historical advances to understanding early civilization were possible because of the openness of the Islamic world to archeologists and anthropologists who welcomed the west with open arms.


Strength through joy
Petition Calls for J.K. Rowling to House Refugees at Her Estates

As of now, the petition has garnered 33,535 signatures, far surpassing the 35,000 requested by the creator of the petition to warrant sending it to Rowling.

The petition opens by saying,

She [J.K. Rowling] is well-known advocate of open borders and often stated, that Europe has the duty to give every single one of these refugees from all over the middle east, rarely warzones, asylum and welfare. Everyone who represented a different opinion was viciously attacked by her, and she is not alone. Many other multi-millionaires and billionaires seem to be fond of virtue-signaling about refugees. Since she is a sheltered member of the rich elite, who is very much disconnected from the ugly reality of rape, murder and destruction which many of these refugees bring with them, we think that it is time for her to show some true solidarity.
We demand that J.K. Rowling grants no less than 18 refugees shelter in her mansions for at least 8 years. She rejects safe immigration, which is why we also demand, that there will be no additional vetting process for these refugees. Her virtue-signaling stems from ignorance, and the 100% effective cure of it will be this drastic change of perspective. To make this group of refugees representative of the situation Europe, we also demand that the group consists of 14 men and 4 women, since over 75% of the millions of refugees are male.


Inordinately Right
Congressman Uses the Old Nukes-Hidden-in-Marijuana Excuse for Stricter Borders
Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) hails from Arizona, a state known for having the lowest college graduation rates and the highest student loan default rates in the nation. Today, he stopped by CNN to explain why he supports building a wall on the border despite his claim to be a fiscal conservative and the fact that the wall is estimated to carry a $25 billion dollar price tag.

"Ya know, we sometimes used to make the point that if someone wanted to smuggle in a dangerous weapon, even a nuclear weapon, into America, how would they do it? And the suggestion was made, ‘Well, we’ll simply hide it in a bale of marijuana."

Franks’ state pays teachers the lowest salaries in the country, and $25 billion dollars could certainly do some good in our nation’s schools. But unfortunately people like Franks are too busy fighting phantoms in their minds to address any legitimate problems.


Strength through joy
at that point you're here illegally hoping to be made legal
you're a convicted felon which negates any hope of being legal
so why stay? why not find some other country and move your family there.

Because those other countries have immigration laws, too.
That do not allow for anchor babies .
And some require you to invest your money within that country, which could be in the $250,000 range, in order to get in .
Where is a EBT card holder going to get that kind of money ?


Strength through joy
Actually one has to thank the leftists media for running all those fake stories about what Trump is planning on doing about immigration .
The more fear they can put out there the quicker the illegals will move away .


Well-Known Member
Because those other countries have immigration laws, too.
That do not allow for anchor babies .
And some require you to invest your money within that country, which could be in the $250,000 range, in order to get in .
Where is a EBT card holder going to get that kind of money ?

WHAT! you mean to say that other countries put up walls or restrict immigration to them?