Europeans immigrants reached America's shores about 15000 years back according to the DNA evidence. The cultural native paradise is a rewriting of history by anglo haters. Using your logic the Spaniards were dirty (disease carrying) resource draining, society killing, unwelcome quests.
To unpack any historical record you must morally distinguish every action in their cultural epoch. Yes the new wave of euros that came 500 years ago would have technically been unwelcome invaders to certain tribe's.
Just as every migration in history could have been. Although genetically they were invading there distant relatives.
Good people don't hate Mexicans or middle eastern or Africans. But it's up to the new immigrants to live within the moral context of the host society and not recreate the

society they just left. Sharia law is a no-go. Welfare state a non- starter.
When the radicals finally put down their swords and suicide bombs, maybe making the desert bloom like Israel would be a better solution. Hell we have spent 1 trillion with nothing to show for it.