Inordinately Right
I'm not. I think that's a fundamentally un-American viewpoint.I'm fine with it being difficult to gain legal entry to work here. It's a privilege.
Just my opinion.
I'm not. I think that's a fundamentally un-American viewpoint.I'm fine with it being difficult to gain legal entry to work here. It's a privilege.
i didnt miss it.I never understood how liberals / Democrats /progressives just skip over the "illegal" part of Illegal immigrants.
i dunno.Anyone who jumps the border is a criminal and has no respect for their new country's laws .
To reward them with anything except jail time is counter productive .
Not immigrants....ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS Pay attention!!i didnt miss it.
i find it amazing how your kind thinks immigrants are big fish criminals.
go after wall st or the war industry / government!
i called them criminals in my post einsteinNot immigrants....ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS Pay attention!!
i called them criminals in my post einstein
get thicker glassesNo you didn't.
You said "your kind" thinks they are criminals.
Pardon Me stooge?i called them criminals in my post einstein
since your detective work is so sloppy, go to the original post, click the find button in the search bar, and type "criminal" and let me know what you getPardon Me stooge?
"i find it amazing how your kind thinks immigrants are big fish criminals." (ricky)#2982
Your Photo ?since your detective work is so sloppy, go to the original post, click the find button in the search bar, and type "criminal" and let me know what you get
fat chance,Arbuckle!since your detective work is so sloppy, go to the original post, click the find button in the search bar, and type "criminal" and let me know what you get
milo is a pedophile. and a fascistthe funny thing is at this point no immigrant has been taken in by Hawaii from those six countries.
Guess How Many Refugees Hawaii Accepts Annually From The Countries Trump Banned - MILO NEWS
Must work so well because of their giant wall.Canada Lectures U.S. On Closing Border – Then Turns More Mexicans Away Than It Has In Years
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has made a point of setting himself and his country in opposition to Donald Trump's calls for tightening border security and clamping down on illegal immigration. So is Canada standing by Trudeau's virtue-signaling, "pro-immigrant" pronouncements? Not like Trudeau and his Liberal Party would have you believe. In 2016, Canada turned back more Mexican immigrants than it had in several years combined. Those Mexicans who are allowed to enter the country, as Reuters notes, often end up deeply "disappointed" when they find that "tough border checks, hard-to-find jobs and fine-tuned enforcement policies mean it can be hard to enter and harder to stay."
trudeau is a fraud something like obama who deported the most immigrants of any president. these guys are all talk.Canada Lectures U.S. On Closing Border – Then Turns More Mexicans Away Than It Has In Years
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has made a point of setting himself and his country in opposition to Donald Trump's calls for tightening border security and clamping down on illegal immigration. So is Canada standing by Trudeau's virtue-signaling, "pro-immigrant" pronouncements? Not like Trudeau and his Liberal Party would have you believe. In 2016, Canada turned back more Mexican immigrants than it had in several years combined. Those Mexicans who are allowed to enter the country, as Reuters notes, often end up deeply "disappointed" when they find that "tough border checks, hard-to-find jobs and fine-tuned enforcement policies mean it can be hard to enter and harder to stay."