

Well-Known Member
Actually I do, it's easy to find on Google. There's also a labor shortage and farmers looking to get automated. And for the entire agricultural industry in California the profits are a little over $10 Billion annually. That's everyone from laborers to putting out finished products. And employs a hell of a lot of people. And because of the labor shortage wages have risen but Americans still won't work in the fields. Expect automated pickers at some point.
The tech has not caught up with the work yet. California is a 60+ $ billion ag industry not including Marijuana.


Inordinately Right
The vast majority of farms are family owned. With all the middle men involved to get produce into stores they'd have to charge considerably more to pay better. In spite of all the angry rhetoric out there the only illegals I want to see go are the criminals. No matter how we frame it illegals are everywhere doing jobs most Americans either won't do or in some cases would have to be paid more to do. I want a wall to slow the tide down, we're getting overwhelmed. But once it's up, and doubtful it'll ever be, we should whisk the criminal element out and make it clear to the rest if they break any law they're gone. People who are adamant about getting rid of all 11 million just haven't thought through the unintended consequences. Amnesty, but no citizenship. And as their children are born here and move on to better jobs and the rest age we can look at a guest worker program that would fill actual, proven needs. Everything we're doing now that taxes our resources, risks people's lives in the desert, and coddles criminals while flaunting Federal law, is ridiculous.
You don't even live here bro.
Shove it.