

Inordinately Right
This is how that monster Joe Biden treats refugees seeking asylum:


Can't wait for AOC's tear filled photoshoot...


Strength through joy

ICE asks for volunteers to send to the border as soon as this weekend and south Texas migrant complex is SEVEN times over capacity: Biden downplays influx and claims it's not a crisis​

  • More than 3,500 unaccompanied teens and children have been held in Customs Border Patrol (CBP) detention centers designed for adults in recent days
  • Most children are spending on average 108 hours in the cramped CBP facilities, DHS data shows, dwarfing the 72-hour limit
  • The official line from the Biden administration continues to be there is no crisis
  • Yet anonymous Biden officials warned Friday they do not have the capacity to increase beds to meet demand from the record number of migrants
  • The CBP detained or processed a staggering 100,441 migrants in February including nearly 10,000 unaccompanied children - levels not seen since 2019
  • ICE's Michael Meade called for 'immediate' deployment of available personnel to the border this week as he warned the influx will 'grow over the coming months'
  • Children at one facility in south Texas are going hungry and are only able to shower once every seven days as the center is at 729% of its legal capacity


Strength through joy
That old crow Pelosi said that the issues at the border were Trump's fault.
What issues are she talking about because Biden's crew claims there are no issues.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Cartels Give Biden Another 'Human Trafficker Of The Month' Award

WASHINGTON, D.C.—A group of cartel members presented Joe Biden with its prestigious "Human Trafficker of the Month" award today, marking the third month in a row the new president has received the award.

Democrat presidents are constant recipients of the honor, usually winning the award many dozens of times throughout their time in office, and Biden appears to be no exception so far. The award honors an individual who does a great job at ensuring that thousands more children and vulnerable Central American and Mexican residents will be smuggled across the border each and every day. The cartel cited Biden's immigration policies and disastrous handling of the border crisis as key factors in their decision to give the award to him once again.



Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member

73% of Voters Concerned About Border Crisis, Majority Oppose Amnesty

A majority of voters are concerned about the current surge of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border, and oppose plans reportedly being considered by Congress this week to offer amnesty to undocumented immigrants.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 73% of Likely U.S. Voters are concerned about the government’s ability to handle the growing number of migrants at the border while meeting COVID-19 protocols. That includes 48% who say they are Very Concerned. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Border crossings have surged since President Joe Biden was elected, and officials in Texas last week expressed alarm at the number of migrants who test positive for the coronavirus and are being released into the United States.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American

ICE asks for volunteers to send to the border as soon as this weekend and south Texas migrant complex is SEVEN times over capacity: Biden downplays influx and claims it's not a crisis​

  • More than 3,500 unaccompanied teens and children have been held in Customs Border Patrol (CBP) detention centers designed for adults in recent days
  • Most children are spending on average 108 hours in the cramped CBP facilities, DHS data shows, dwarfing the 72-hour limit
  • The official line from the Biden administration continues to be there is no crisis
  • Yet anonymous Biden officials warned Friday they do not have the capacity to increase beds to meet demand from the record number of migrants
  • The CBP detained or processed a staggering 100,441 migrants in February including nearly 10,000 unaccompanied children - levels not seen since 2019
  • ICE's Michael Meade called for 'immediate' deployment of available personnel to the border this week as he warned the influx will 'grow over the coming months'
  • Children at one facility in south Texas are going hungry and are only able to shower once every seven days as the center is at 729% of its legal capacity
Why aren’t we bussing them to D.C.?


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
No Self made crisis here...

Rep. John Katko: People on the Terror Watch List Caught Coming Across the Border in Last Few Days

A delegation of Republican lawmakers toured an immigration detention facility in El Paso, Texas, on Monday, and they found that people who were on the terrorist watch list were being housed at the facility.

“People they've caught in the last few days over there in sector three or monument three have been on the terror watch list. Individuals that they have on the watch list for terrorism are now starting to exploit the southern border," said Rep. John Katko (R-N.Y.), who serves on the Homeland Security Committee.

Why were they coming now? You asked the Border agents,” McCarthy said.

“They were shocked themselves, because they’re being released into the country. When I talk to the doctor to see when they’re being tested for COVID - when they get out. More than 10% are testing positive, but you’re being stored together. At a time when the president will keep our country closed when maybe we have hope for the 4th of July to get together just with our family, how much spread of COVID is he creating every single day by his policies along this border,” he said.



Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member

FEMA sent to US-Mexico border to help shelter droves of unaccompanied migrant children

The Federal Emergency Management Agency will be deployed to the U.S.-Mexico border for the next 90 days to help manage the surge in unaccompanied migrant children being detained there.

The Department of Homeland Security announced the move on Saturday, with the stated goal of safely sheltering the children before transferring them to be with a family member or sponsor until the completion of their immigration case in court.

CBS News reported that the 9,500 unaccompanied children taken into U.S. border custody in February is a 21-month high.

FEMA... No Emergency here... Next they'll be calling in the Secret Service....Oh,wait...


Inordinately Right
We have a crisis on the border People! Oh wait. Scratch that. We have “challenges at the border”. Lol.

It's not an emergency, that's why they sent FEMA to help. Makes perfect sense!


nowhere special


Strength through joy
On Thursday, the DHS said the Federal Emergency Management Agency would provide $110 million in funding to nonprofit groups and government agencies to help care for families and children crossing the southern border. The funds will come from $510 million in supplemental funding through the American Rescue Plan Act to “assist organizations in communities across the country dedicated to providing food, shelter and supportive services to people with economic emergencies, including our nation’s hungry and homeless populations,” FEMA said.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
On Thursday, the DHS said the Federal Emergency Management Agency would provide $110 million in funding to nonprofit groups and government agencies to help care for families and children crossing the southern border. The funds will come from $510 million in supplemental funding through the American Rescue Plan Act to “assist organizations in communities across the country dedicated to providing food, shelter and supportive services to people with economic emergencies, including our nation’s hungry and homeless populations,” FEMA said.
Soooo, they’re taking money from Americans who are hungry and homeless to use to help illegal immigrants. SMH.