

golden ticket member


Strength through joy
Coming soon with this bill , companies can now ask if one is a citizen or not when applying for a job . There is a good chance that only illegals will be hired because the company will not incur any penalties from obumacare by doing so .

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Coming soon with this bill , companies can now ask if one is a citizen or not when applying for a job . There is a good chance that only illegals will be hired because the company will not incur any penalties from obumacare by doing so .

Honestly, I will be surprised if this is not eliminated once the House and Senate bills get to conference.

​I am not going to waste any more energy on this until we see the final version. All I know is we gotta fix this.


Well-Known Member
Coming soon with this bill , companies can now ask if one is a citizen or not when applying for a job . There is a good chance that only illegals will be hired because the company will not incur any penalties from obumacare by doing so .

Honestly, I will be surprised if this is not eliminated once the House and Senate bills get to conference.

​I am not going to waste any more energy on this until we see the final version. All I know is we gotta fix this.

Wouldn't the requirement of a valid SS # negate the above?


Well-Known Member
[h=1]The Truth About Immigration Reform and the Economy[/h]By Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Blog
29 June 13

he battle over immigration reform is often about economic fear - fear that immigrants are hurting the economy for native born Americans. But that fear is based on several economic myths:
MYTH ONE: Immigration reform will strain already overburdened government safety net programs like Social Security and Medicare.
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office finds that immigration reform will actually reduce the budget deficit by hundreds of billions of dollars.
Why is that? Because while they seek citizenship, undocumented workers will be required to pay into Social Security and Medicare even though they won't be eligible for them.
They're also younger on average than the typical worker, so even when they're citizens they'll be paying into Social Security and Medicare far longer.
MYTH TWO: New immigrants take away jobs from native-born Americans.
Wrong again.
The economy doesn't contain a fixed number of jobs to be divided up among people who need them. As an economy grows, it creates more jobs. And what we've seen over the last 200 years is that new immigrants to America fuel that growth, and thereby create more jobs for everyone.
We've also learned that new immigrants are by definition ambitious. They wouldn't have borne all the risks and hardships of immigrating to the United States if they weren't. And that ambition and hard work help the economy grow even faster.
The Congressional Budget Office estimates that immigration reform will increase economic growth by more than 3 percent 10 years from now, 5 percent in 20 years.
Ambition also helps explain why the children of new immigrants earn more college degrees, on average, than the children of native-born.
And why their incomes are higher than their parent's incomes.
All of which also helps grow the economy and create more jobs.
MYTH THREE: We don't need new immigrants.
Wrong again.
The American population is aging rapidly. Forty years ago there were five workers for every retiree. Now there are three. If present trends continue, there will be only two workers for every retiree by the year 2030.
No economy can survive on a ratio of 2 workers per retiree.
But because new immigrants are on average younger than native-born Americans, they'll help bring that ratio back down. They're needed so we can continue to have a vibrant economy.
Get it? Three wrongs don't make a right. The right answer is immigration reform is not only good for undocumented workers. It's also good for the rest of us.


Well-Known Member
Seems pretty Amazing to me that people do not see this issue for what it is : POWER

The Republican's including Rubio believe that the Latin/Hispanic vote is necessary for the Presidency --the truth -even if Romney had received the vast majority of that vote --he still lost.

The Democrats see more people dependant on the GOVERNMENT--therefore the ranks of the takers will rise --after they become "legal status" --Schumer will immediately --not ten or 15 years --scream for their right to vote.

The politicians want us to believe American Companies need these people to fill job positions while millions of American's are out of work --collecting government benefits ---Remember they do not want "those"jobs.

Before Obamacare the cry from the Liberals was that people without Health Insurance --running to emergency rooms will bankrupt the system --the number they used was about 30 million.
Now The gang of eight tell us that the illegals and their families that will follow will not be entitled to Obamacare ---lets see that's about 30 million people headed for the emergency rooms.
The politicians tell us they will pay fines as penalties for breaking the law --They are poor and broke --no money for fines and penalties --it will be waived after law is passed.
The politicians tell us they will not be eligible for any welfare or entitlements !! No jobs --no welfare --They will turn to CRIME.

The politicians tell us they must learn English ---yet every product in the U.S. is in Spanish and our schools can't seem to teach anything to anybody --another pipe dream.:dissapointed:

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Former Mexican official: Immigrants will become Mexico’s burden if US doesn’t take more

Read more: Former Mexican official: Immigrants will become Mexico's burden if US doesn't take more | The Daily Caller

So Mexico wants the USA to take in their illegals , so that Mexico won't have to be burden by them .

The immigrants of the past are not the same as the present. A percentage of illegal immigrants of today are here to make money and send it to their family in their home country. Not all are here to assimilate and stay in the USA. They are here to take what they can and make their family's life better in their home country. So - they do not "contribute" to our economy in the way a normal immigrant does. They don't pay taxes and they do take advantage of all our resources.

We need to get them out of the shadows and identify those that are here to make a better AMERICAN life for themselves and their family and make it economically unfeasible for those who are here to suck the American teat and put a burden on our economy and resources.

The only real issue I have is to FIRST, secure the borders and improve the detection of those who have overstayed their VISAs and secondly bring the immigrants out of the shadows.


Well-Known Member
Senate immigration bill loaded with welfare but it's the kind the typical welfare ranters here never want to talk about. So is the bill really about immigration or just a mechanism for wealth redistribution? If it ultimately passes and 5 years later immigration is the same or worse, I'd suggest we'll have our answer not that it hasn't happen time and time again already. And yet where do the ranters rant?


nowhere special
I think this immigration bill should be scrapped and start over. Immigration reform is necessary but this plan is a waste of time and money.


Well-Known Member
PEAS in a POD, you and life. Oblivious to the realities of america. SOAKED in fresh rhetoric from your favorite programmers on tv or radio, you cry like little girls while your beloved party becomes the party of extintion.

You repeat only what you hear, know nothing of the facts. Still maintain barney frank was responsible for the housing crash, no matter how many times its proven to you BUSH created and blew up the housing market, and yet, YOU both think you are superior to the rest of the country.

In your twisted world --you see nirvana coming --when the Black and Hispanic are the Majority. Then again when the Hispanics are the Majority the Blacks will call them White ----people always need a boogey man to blame their failures on. After all good old George Zimmerman --half and half --called white --Obama --half and half --called Black . WhAT EVER WORKS FOR YOUR NIRVANA.

Just REMEMBER --THE White minority will now be eligible for all the rights and bennies of the minority --the congressional White caucus--White entertainment network--affirmative action etc etc etc :happy-very: