
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

SCOTUS overturns Arizona voter registration law | Human Events

How many DEFEATS is this for the Republicans in the supreme court?

All the tough talk and the republicans can win a single case in front of a conservative supreme court. What does that say about the mentality of the republican party?




Strength through joy
This bill weighs in at 24lbs , more than obumacare .
Talk about wasting trees to make paper .
All the printed copies could be used to build the Canadian - S Dakota fence .

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
For the EELLs out there.... Karma is a bitchhh.... especially for that one Hater. When he/she is old, wrinkled and gray, he/she will be watching their kids suffer with poor health care, no chance for a better life, all because of wishing hateful, hateful things on folks who are on the other side of the isle. It is all about the destruction of the other side. It is not about building America and bringing people together. It is the same mantra as the current occupant of the White House has ... destroy the Republicans, destroy the Tea Party, destroy descendants of the white suppressor (reverse racism).

I am a strong believer that good will triumph over evil and we will bring America back despite those folks on the other side who are more concerned with destruction of a political philosophy rather than rebuilding after the 2nd great depression.

Think back to the legacy of America around the civil war, is our country more like that that right now or more like Truman's / Eisenhower's Presidency?

All the country wanted was hope and change...

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
For the EELLs out there.... Karma is a bitchhh.... especially for that one Hater. When he/she is old, wrinkled and gray, he/she will be watching their kids suffer with poor health care, no chance for a better life, all because of wishing hateful, hateful things on folks who are on the other side of the isle. It is all about the destruction of the other side. It is not about building America and bringing people together. It is the same mantra as the current occupant of the White House has ... destroy the Republicans, destroy the Tea Party, destroy descendants of the white suppressor (reverse racism).

I am a strong believer that good will triumph over evil and we will bring America back despite those folks on the other side who are more concerned with destruction of a political philosophy rather than rebuilding after the 2nd great depression.

Think back to the legacy of America around the civil war, is our country more like that that right now or more like Truman's / Eisenhower's Presidency?

All the country wanted was hope and change...

The country is changing, and that change is already here. WHITE people dont rule the country any longer. No longer will the old white man dictate the direction of the country. ALL people will direct this country.

The party of old white men is dead and all the talking heads and FOX news will be unable to resusitate the GOP into a viable political party.

Thats CHANGE you can believe in.



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Hey Bsbam,
Where are your passive aggressive racist comments when your leader makes them?

​...the crickets are chirping!
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UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Those folks who are on the other side are very ignorant to the fact that only racists look at skin color to determine who they vote for.

Most voters vote for who is ...
1. Going to take care of them (the entitlement culture)
2. Going to do the best job for everyone
3. Least likely to really screw things up
4. Perceived to be more concerned about fixing the voter's top issues
5. A better sales person or campaigner than the other guy
6. The lesser of two evils


Staff member
Hey Bsbam,
Where are your passive aggressive racist comments when your leader makes them?

​...the crickets are chirping!

You seem to have a problem with me asking questions. You call it "passive aggressive". What then is the Socratic Method? Or does that too constitute passive aggressive behavior? If you don't have an answer feel free to share that fact as well.


Staff member
And what racist comments have I made? It isn't passive aggressive to challenge your ridiculous assertions, is it? You should be able to defend your bellicose statements, no?


Strength through joy
[h=1]MADD Okay with Illegals with DUIs Staying on America's Roads[/h]
As Watchdogwire’s Marinka Peschmann detailed in an early June article, there are provisions in the Gang of Eight bill that allow drunk driver illegal aliens to get amnesty.
“On page 608 drunk drivers are welcome too if they have only been busted three times before the Gang of Eight’s bill is enacted,” Peschmann wrote, before citing the specific section of the bill text.
“‘(J) HABITUAL DRUNK DRIVERS.—An alien convicted of 3 or more offenses on separate dates, at least 1 of which occurred after the date of the enactment of the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act, related to driving under the influence or driving while intoxicated is inadmissible.’’
A GOP senate aide told Breitbart News, too, that this provision has the potential to be even more deadly to Americans as more examples like this will likely continue happening. “One of the more astonishing features of this bill is that it provides citizenship (and immediate legal status) to illegal alien drunk drivers with criminal records – these are individuals who illegally entered the country, illegally operated motor vehicles, illegally drove that vehicle while intoxicated, and then illegally remained in the country hoping for passage of the Senate amnesty bill,” the aide said in an email. “This will almost certainly lead to avoidable loss of life.

When Judicial Watch asked a MADD spokesperson if they would stand up against provisions in the bill that allow illegal aliens convicted of drunk driving to get amnesty, and therefore keep driving on America’s roads, that spokesperson simply responded that MADD “doesn’t get involved in immigration matters.”


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll


AS I already pointed out to you all, securing the border will have a next to nothing effect on illegal immigration. As the republicans attempt to "charm up" to hispanics with this bill, what they dont tell you is the provision for MORE "GUEST WORKERS" who will come here and overstay their work visas and then become illegal aliens.

The BILL does nothing for tourist visas that are violated and overstayed which make up the majority of our illegal alien problems. Student visas are also going to continue to be unchecked and that segment represents the second largest area where the illegal alien problem grows.

This bill has a "nothing" effect on the totality of immigration and everything to do with GOP politics.

The GOP will gain nothing by passing this bill.




nowhere special
Visa over stays are estimated to be about 40% of illegal immigrants (tourist, student, and work visas). Visas ARE a problem but still less than 1/2 of the illegals, so securing the borders would without a doubt have an impact (NOT the nothing you claim) whether you want to admit it or not.


Well-Known Member
Visa over stays are estimated to be about 40% of illegal immigrants (tourist, student, and work visas). Visas ARE a problem but still less than 1/2 of the illegals, so securing the borders would without a doubt have an impact (NOT the nothing you claim) whether you want to admit it or not.

One thing is for sure.

One can not get away with this in Israel, Switzerland, China, and many other countries.

Getting back in, after getting caught will not be easy.

Also getting caught will not be without a lot of hassel, and money / fines.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Visa over stays are estimated to be about 40% of illegal immigrants (tourist, student, and work visas). Visas ARE a problem but still less than 1/2 of the illegals, so securing the borders would without a doubt have an impact (NOT the nothing you claim) whether you want to admit it or not.

Change the channel bro. Look for better sources of information.

CBO: 75% of Illegal Immigration Would Continue Under Senate Immigration Bill | CNS News

This story validates my earlier post showing the numbers of immigration. They say 75% would be unaffected and I posted 77%.

YOU fall for the crap that is being sold by Marco Rubio, that closing the border will somehow, in someway effect illegal immigration to the point where we wont have to revisit this issue in the future, and thats just plain stupid.

Read up and learn, my friend.




nowhere special
Change the channel bro. Look for better sources of information.

CBO: 75% of Illegal Immigration Would Continue Under Senate Immigration Bill | CNS News

This story validates my earlier post showing the numbers of immigration. They say 75% would be unaffected and I posted 77%.

YOU fall for the crap that is being sold by Marco Rubio, that closing the border will somehow, in someway effect illegal immigration to the point where we wont have to revisit this issue in the future, and thats just plain stupid.

Read up and learn, my friend.



That 75% is a 25% reduction in all illegal immigration. That number is debatable but has nothing to do with the % which are from visas over stays. My number is still correct for now and will still continue to be correct even if the Senate bill passes ( which it won't ). And that Senate bill is a Democratic idea which does little to fix immigration problems.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
That 75% is a 25% reduction in all illegal immigration. That number is debatable but has nothing to do with the % which are from visas over stays. My number is still correct for now and will still continue to be correct even if the Senate bill passes ( which it won't ). And that Senate bill is a Democratic idea which does little to fix immigration problems.

What are YOU smokin? The Senate Bill is being spearheaded by REPUBLICANS, and this bill includes the bringing in of thousands of "guest workers", you know the kind, the ones that NEVER go back to their countries.

This has been the greatest BACKDOOR influx for illegal aliens in this country, and this goes ALL THE WAY back to NIXON. Every republican president has called for MORE GUEST workers, and guess what?

Now you got them, only now they have wives and children and the drive on our roads without licenses or insurance. Some of them crash and cause major damage, but what they heck, all the republicans who campaigned for their presence, is now complaining about having to PAY for them.

You best do your research bro.

What do you think? Guest workers, simply come to america, live at the job site, dont travel, dont meet women, dont drink, dont drive??

17% of the immigration problem ALONE is from guest workers.

As i told you before. Change the channel. FOX news isnt teaching you a single thing.




Strength through joy
Forget about making any new laws , let's just go back to the old method ( pre-1960's ) .
Where every immigrant needed a sponsor , some one who would declare in writing that this new arrival would be self supporting and not be a burden upon the rest of society .
Also they would be required to monthly report to their local police dept in person .


nowhere special
The Republican bill is in the House. The Senate bill was created by Council of 8 which is bipartisan, and the only Republicans involved are RINOs. Rubio was involved but backed away when the final bill was so bad. And the amnesty in past was when Reagan agreed to it under the condition of border security which the Democrats in Congress failed to deliver. I will agree that Senate bill is awful but don't blame the Republicans. And you must watch Fox news more than I do. You are so good at quoting it. I get my information from multiple sources to get a balanced perspective.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The Republican bill is in the House. The Senate bill was created by Council of 8 which is bipartisan, and the only Republicans involved are RINOs. Rubio was involved but backed away when the final bill was so bad. And the amnesty in past was when Reagan agreed to it under the condition of border security which the Democrats in Congress failed to deliver. I will agree that Senate bill is awful but don't blame the Republicans. And you must watch Fox news more than I do. You are so good at quoting it. I get my information from multiple sources to get a balanced perspective.

What I love, is how all of you DENY listening to Rush , Hannity, Orielly, or FOX, yet, everyday, post the VERY TALKING POINTS said on those shows daily. What a coincedence!

Listen, this cheap attempt by the GOP to "cuddle up" to hispanics is a joke.

No matter what the GOP does, HISPANICS will NEVER back the GOP. Neither will BLACKS or ASIANS.

Hispanics and Asians make up the two fastest growing races in the country, and the GOP knows that if they cant build a bridge with each, they stand to lose EVERY election from this point on.

Border security ( as jeb bush said) is merely a rouse. Our southern border only sees less than 4.5% of the total immigration problem, yet, Marco Rubio wants to spend BILLIONS of dollars on it just to get guys like you to support it.

If you didnt know, we have three borders that need securing. Our canadian border is just as porous as our southern border. Thousands of chinese are coming from canada on tourists visas and simply driving across it.

Canada is being inundated with chinese. Our east coast is being flooded by the carribean islands.

YOU want to only address our southern border which when taken in perspective can be compared to "pi$$ing on a skyscraper fire" and that is just foolish.

YOU have no idea what the republicans want in this bill.

DO you agree that thousands of increased "guest workers" should be allowed to enter this country on worker visas?

Do you agree that these workers will be taking american jobs in all industries?

If you dont, then you are against your own partys plans and dont even know it. I doubt you truly understand the immigration problem beyond what you are told by RUSH and FOX news.

