

golden ticket member
..."all of you DENY listening to Rush , Hannity, Orielly,...." (TOS)

I have never listened to Rush......I don't do radio!!

it's been over a year on Hannity because TMZ comes on at 6PM here.....and Harvey beats Hannity!

Maybe once a week on O"'s opinion, not news

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Since we are speaking about the border, and this is BORDER related, why not discuss those Great American Patriots called THE MINUTEMEN! These find men and women of the GOP believe that protecting our borders from those pesky mexicans are the greatest threat to the security of the country and to our citizens! They diligently stand guard over the borders making sure NO CRIMINALS enter our country and harm our beloved men and women of the USA! These Patriots feel the need to protect us so much, they have given up their personal lives to make this happen!

What true PATRIOTS they are!

First, lets take a look at Shawna Forde, the main founder of the minutemen. She has the country's best interest at heart by standing watch over our borders with her minutemen. She's a republican and proud of it!

She gave speeches across the country talking about border security and protecting american since OBAMA clearly isnt doing the job! She's clearly a great Republican woman speaking to the country about whats best for the country! What a role model for republican women! She must be some kind of inspiration for GOP women! But wait? Oh oh... what went wrong?

Border Activist Shawna Forde Sentenced to Death for Fatal Home Invasion
Shawna Forde Update - HORIZONTE Eight, Arizona PBS - YouTube

Well, wait a minute? The other CO FOUNDER, CHRIS SIMCOX is another Great American PATRIOT! He has Great things to tell the country! He has great advice for all americans because he knows how to PROTECT americans!!

Lets listen to CO FOUNDER , Chris Simcox, a regular on FOX news when talking about the border and see what he has to offer the country!!! ( what a patriot !)
Chris Simcox announces participation in U.S. Senate race - YouTube

Now, since FORDE was now in prison for a murder and sentenced to death, that left Chris Simcox to run the minutemen! I am sure he has all the great qualities of a true american PATRIOT and could protect the american populace from harm!

Oh oh, wait a minute... this just in!

Chris Simcox, Co-Founder Of Minuteman Border Patrol Group, Arrested On Child Sex Charges

Unbelievably, these people who I called KOOKS way back, and YOU people defended, have now BOTH VALIDATED my position.

What Great Americans they turned out to be. Glad they kept us safe from the Cartels.



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
The Republican bill is in the House. The Senate bill was created by Council of 8 which is bipartisan, and the only Republicans involved are RINOs. Rubio was involved but backed away when the final bill was so bad. And the amnesty in past was when Reagan agreed to it under the condition of border security which the Democrats in Congress failed to deliver. I will agree that Senate bill is awful but don't blame the Republicans. And you must watch Fox news more than I do. You are so good at quoting it. I get my information from multiple sources to get a balanced perspective.

Great points but nothing you have to say matters to the folks on the other side. They are the final word. Just ask them!

The proof is in how well they have governed for the last 5 years. There is no disputing how well this country is doing since Barack took office!


Well-Known Member
Great points but nothing you have to say matters to the folks on the other side. They are the final word. Just ask them!

The proof is in how well they have governed for the last 5 years. There is no disputing how well this country is doing since Barack took office!

And none of this is because Pelosi was handed her @ss in November 2010.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Great points but nothing you have to say matters to the folks on the other side. They are the final word. Just ask them!

The proof is in how well they have governed for the last 5 years. There is no disputing how well this country is doing since Barack took office!


Lets see,

1) housing market- under bush COLLAPSED.. Under OBAMA- recovered.
2) WARS- under BUSH reckless spending no end in sight- under OBAMA- one ended, one about to end.
3) Stock market under BUSH, was at 14K plunged to 6800 - under OBAMA- broke every record in DOW history- over 15K
4) Gasoline under BUSH near 5 bucks a gallon and importing near 100% of oil, under OBAMA- most oil ever produced domestically and now exporting more than we import.
5) jobs under BUSH started at 4% and ended at near 8%(doubled) unemployment under OBAMA- now near 7.5% after reaching BUSHES 10.2% collapse of the economy.
6) Wall street under BUSH, reckless and without regard for americans, Under OBAMA, security in place, CEO's limited in pay, no rip offs of customers by banks or hedgefunds.
7) Manufacturing under BUSH, LARGEST exodus of companies to third world countries, under OBAMA, strong manufacturing growth in 10 years.
8) Under BUSH, USAMA BIN LADEN was alive and the big three were almost dead, Under OBAMA, Usama Bin laden is dead and the big three are now prosperous once again!

Ya, you got it all right LIFER. Life is HORRIBLE for america under OBAMA!

You can always leave the country and go with Rush Limpbaugh to Costa Rica.



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I was thinking that maybe you and your alter-ego would leave and go to China with Snowden! What a kick in the pants that would be!!


Well-Known Member
Ugh....why waste your time with them likes of POS there lifer? On one hand "this congress won't let BO get a thing passed!" Yet "things are so wonderful as a result!"

Under W's watch the right bitched and moaned about Pelosi and Reid and Bawney Fwank's undoing of the housing market.

POS as well as his or her ilk clearly see only what they choose to. Sheesh.....

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
As much as I agree with you about wasting time...

How do these Ostriches "see" when they bury their heads in the sand and drink from the tainted Kool-Aid?

What do you think.... Should I put them on ignore or just laugh at their astonishing posts? I do get a kick out of some of the posts when I am having a cup of coffee in the morning? I am torn.


Well-Known Member
You could always do a texan and stop commenting.
I admit I am a poster / man of contradictions.

I feel most times it is best to say nothing in a lot of areas with comment.

But when one reads post after post in an area that screams crazy and not true, I slip.

Forgive me for being flesh and blood and fallible.

But one area that is Infallible is the Torah and New Testament to me.

I DO NOT Understand it all, but the whole Theme of it, is a no brainer to me.

Thank you Most High for the Light Shined in my heart.

Shalom Texan.



Well-Known Member
As much as I agree with you about wasting time...

How do these Ostriches "see" when they bury their heads in the sand and drink from the tainted Kool-Aid?

What do you think.... Should I put them on ignore or just laugh at their astonishing posts? I do get a kick out of some of the posts when I am having a cup of coffee in the morning? I am torn.

Do what you think is best for your own personal sanity....I ignore them mostly, as it's been more than obvious right away that they have closed minds and no ability to put themselves in someone else's shoes. It's BO's way or the highway. Worship at the feet of all mighty government liberals and all will be fine. Most Americans are willing to admit Both sides are broken. Not these type. Not worth half my energy personally.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Ugh....why waste your time with them likes of POS there lifer? On one hand "this congress won't let BO get a thing passed!" Yet "things are so wonderful as a result!"

Under W's watch the right bitched and moaned about Pelosi and Reid and Bawney Fwank's undoing of the housing market.

POS as well as his or her ilk clearly see only what they choose to. Sheesh.....

PEAS in a POD, you and life. Oblivious to the realities of america. SOAKED in fresh rhetoric from your favorite programmers on tv or radio, you cry like little girls while your beloved party becomes the party of extintion.

You repeat only what you hear, know nothing of the facts. Still maintain barney frank was responsible for the housing crash, no matter how many times its proven to you BUSH created and blew up the housing market, and yet, YOU both think you are superior to the rest of the country.

The problem is, you are in the MINORITY of mindsets.

You lost the election HUGE with those same beliefs. You are watching as your republican ideals are crushed and stomped on by a progressive nation. You are both OLD and withering away ( politically speaking) while a younger, smarter and flexible populous changes this country.

As I told Both of you before...

BLACKS outvoted WHITES for the first time in electoral history, and Hispanics and Asians are right behind them and that will change the outcome of our presidential elections for decades to come.

NOW THATS CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN and NO political rhetoric from the party of old white men will be able to reverse that change.




Well-Known Member
hardly. I just like to poke fun at folks who come and make a show of not posting or make a show of "leaving BC for good".
You are correct in this Bbsam.

I just hope your new spirit from the dark side (moroni) that you are seeking and fires you up,
does not lead you further into a dark deep, very discomforting hole, there is no escape from.

May He, The G_D of the Jews, deliver you from this darkness.
