

All Trash No Trailer
I am very surprised the Christian Right isnt following many of Jesus' examples on this matter
Jesus commanded, "Love your neighbor." When asked to define "neighbor," Jesus expanded the traditional meaning of the word--defining our neighbor as anyone who is in need, including social outcasts: "But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed." (Luke 14:13)

In his portrayal of the day of judgment, Jesus pictured people from all nations gathered before him, separated into "sheep" and "goats." (Matthew 25:31-46) To the "sheep" he says, "Come you blessed of my Father, for I was hungry and you fed me..." In their astonishment they ask, "When did we do that?" And he answers, "When you did it to the lowliest of my brothers (and sisters)." Conversely, to the "goats" he says, "Out of my sight, you who are condemned, for I was hungry and you did not feed me..."

Jesus himself cared for those in need by feeding the hungry. Crowds of four thousand (Mark 8:1-13) and five thousand (Mark 6:30-44) had assembled to listen to Jesus. They soon became hungry. When his disciples suggested that Jesus send the people away to buy food, he responded by saying "I have compassion on these people..." and "you give them something to eat." He proceeded to perform miracles to feed these large crowds of hungry people.


All Trash No Trailer


Well-Known Member
i never claimed he was in favor of abortion , i was asking you to back up your point with quotes or scripture to claim he wasnt in favor of abortion per your original statement. Too many people feel since their religion or political party is against something Jesus must have been as well and I am always curious when those who rush to put words in Jesus' mouth which part of the Bible they are quoting

The Loaves and Fishes was used as a metaphor: Jesus was the leader(Shepard and flock) and re distributed food to the masses without benefit to himself as a leader should,and sets an an example of how government should work i.e noone is hungry,a;; are taken care of.
But you can't compare Jesus to the govt. Jesus was a man of moral character, very uncommon thing in DC these days.

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golden ticket member
Maybe Ms. Lee should take a trip there and see for herself. Since our border is under control, maybe she'd want to camp there. Bring the family!


All Trash No Trailer
Congress set the rules on dealing with child migrants under the Bush administration
The Obama administration doesn't have much leeway in dealing with unaccompanied child migrants. That's because Congress set a particular process here as a way of fighting human trafficking.

Most of this process was codified by Congress under the Homeland Security Act of 2002; Congress added some additional protections under the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act, in 2008.

Under current law, the Border Patrol is required to take child migrants who aren't from Mexico into custody, screen them, and transfer them to the Office of Refugee Resettlement (a part of the Department of Health and Human Services).

The law tasks HHS with either finding a suitable relative to whom the child can be released, or putting the child in long-term foster care. For more about how that process is supposed to work — and some of the problems with it being overloaded — see here.

The inflexibility here is one reason why the Obama administration and Congress are now talking about changes to the law.