

Inordinately Right
The number of illegal immigrants trying to enter this country is not a constant, there are a lot of variables to take into account. There was a significant decrease in immigration due to the economy during Obama's first term.

The number of deportations during any particular presidency is an arbitrary statistic by itself, and is really just a diversionary tactic to distract from discussing our twisted immigration policy.
"There was a significant decrease in immigration due to the economy during Obama's first term."......(dido)

But you guys all talked about the Summers of Recovery and how wonderful the economy was doing under Obama. You can't have it both ways.
Thanks for proving my point.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Using children as pawns for immigration reform is backfiring.

Via The Tennessean

As is his wont, President Obama is treating the border crisis — more than 50,000 unaccompanied children crossing illegally — as a public relations problem. Where to photo op and where not. He still hasn’t enunciated a policy. He may not even have one.

Will these immigrants be allowed to stay? Seven times was Obama’s homeland security secretary asked this on “Meet the Press.” Seven times he danced around the question.

Presidential press secretary Josh Earnest was more forthcoming: “It’s unlikely that most of those kids will qualify for humanitarian relief. … They will be sent back.” This was characterized in the media as a harder line. Not at all. Yes, those kids who go through the process probably will have no grounds to stay. But most will never go through the process.

These kids are being flown or bused to family members around the country and told to then show up for deportation hearings. Why show up? Why not just stay where they’ll get superior schooling, superior health care, superior everything? As a result, only 3 percent are being repatriated, to cite an internal Border Patrol memo.

Repatriate them? How stone-hearted, you say. After what they’ve been through? To those dismal conditions back home?

By that standard, with a sea of endemic suffering on every continent, we should have no immigration laws. Deny entry to no needy person.

But we do. We must. We choose. And immediate deportation is exactly what happens to illegal immigrants, children or otherwise, from Mexico and Canada. By what moral logic should there be a Central American exception?

There is no logic. Just a quirk of the law — a 2008 law intended to deter sex trafficking. It mandates that Central American kids receive temporary relocation, extensive assistance and elaborate immigration/deportation proceedings, which many simply evade.

Charles Krauthammer, a man who wasnt smart enough to jump into a pool with water, but rather, dives into an empty cement pool and makes himself a quadraplegic.

Now he wants to give the country advice?




Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Charles Krauthammer, a man who wasnt smart enough to jump into a pool with water, but rather, dives into an empty cement pool and makes himself a quadraplegic.

Now he wants to give the country advice?


This is why they put TROLL under your name. There was no need for your comments.
Another thing, why do you and you BC allies feel the need to lie so much? There was water in the pool, he'd already dove numerous times when the accident happened.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
This was a Reauthorization bill from 2000.
Why did you leave that out? Bush signed this bill that was passed by the Democrat controlled House and Senate.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This is why they put TROLL under your name. There was no need for your comments.
Another thing, why do you and you BC allies feel the need to lie so much? There was water in the pool, he'd already dove numerous times when the accident happened.

HAHAHAh... ok, now you want to tell us water makes people a quadriplegic?

Krauthammer is nothing more than a paid mouthpiece offering his personal opinions that conform to the right wing talking points of the day.

It could be pitch black outside, and if paid, Krauthammer would tell you its the middle of the day on FOX and you would believe it.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This was a Reauthorization bill from 2000.
Why did you leave that out? Bush signed this bill that was passed by the Democrat controlled House and Senate.

Do you do drugs before you post?

psst... here's a little homework for you. Look at the legislation passed by the house in 2001, and look down a couple of bills and you will find the dirty little secret about these immigrant children there, then look at the next one from the 107th congress (clinton 2000) and ask yourself.

"If what i posted was true, why does it show in the 108th congress and not in 2000 like i posted?"

Then say, ok, i dont know squat about legislation.

Major legislation
Main article: List of United States federal legislation
  • March 11, 2003: Do-Not-Call Implementation Act of 2003, Pub.L. 108–10
  • April 30, 2003: PROTECT (Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to end the Exploitation of Children Today) Act, including Illicit Drug Anti-Proliferation Act, Pub.L. 108–21
  • May 28, 2003: Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003, Pub.L. 108–27
  • September 4, 2003: Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003, Pub.L. 108–79
  • October 28, 2003: Check 21 Act, Pub.L. 108–100
  • November 5, 2003: Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, Pub.L. 108–105
  • November 25, 2003: Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act, Pub.L. 108–173
  • December 4, 2003: Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act, Pub.L. 108–159
  • December 12, 2003:Syria Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration Act, Pub.L. 108–175
  • December 16, 2003: CAN-SPAM Act, Pub.L. 108–187
  • March 25, 2004: Unborn Victims of Violence Act (Laci and Conner's Law), Pub.L. 108–212
  • June 30, 2004: Bunning-Bereuter-Blumenauer Flood Insurance Reform Act, Pub.L. 108–264
  • July 7, 2004: GAO Human Capital Reform Act of 2004, Pub.L. 108–271
  • July 21, 2004: Project BioShield Act of 2004, Pub.L. 108–276
  • October 16, 2004: Global Anti-Semitism Review Act, Pub.L. 108–332
  • October 18, 2004: North Korean Human Rights Act of 2004, Pub.L. 108–333
  • October 20, 2004: Belarus Democracy Act of 2004, Pub.L. 108–347
  • December 17, 2004: Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act, Pub.L. 108–458

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
107th congress 2000
Major legislation
  • June 7, 2001: Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act, Pub.L. 107–16, 115 Stat. 38
  • October 26, 2001: Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism ("USA PATRIOT") Act, Pub.L. 107–56, 115 Stat. 272
  • January 8, 2002: No Child Left Behind Act, Pub.L. 107–110, 115 Stat. 1425
  • January 11, 2002: Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act, Pub.L. 107–118, 115 Stat. 2356
  • March 9, 2002: Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act, Pub.L. 107–147, 116 Stat. 21
  • March 27, 2002: Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (McCain-Feingold), Pub.L. 107–155, 116 Stat. 81
  • May 13, 2002: Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002, Pub.L. 107–171, 116 Stat. 134
  • July 30, 2002: Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Pub.L. 107–204, 116 Stat. 745
  • August 6, 2002: Trade Act of 2002, Pub.L. 107–210, 116 Stat. 933
  • October 16, 2002: Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq, Pub.L. 107–243, 116 Stat. 1497
  • October 21, 2002: Sudan Peace Act, Pub.L. 107–245, 116 Stat. 1504
  • October 29, 2002: Help America Vote Act, Pub.L. 107–252, 116 Stat. 1666
  • November 25, 2002: Homeland Security Act, Pub.L. 107–296, 116 Stat. 2135
  • December 17, 2002: E-Government Act of 2002, Pub.L. 107–347, 116 Stat. 2899


golden ticket member
Even Paul Rodriguez said American are compassionate, but there are laws that must be enforced.


Mexican-born American comedian Paul Rodriguez seemed to catch CNN host Don Lemon by surprise when he took a stance this week against illegal immigration while debating the humanitarian crisis unfolding on the U.S.-Mexico border.

Pointing to the Statue of Liberty as he spoke of compassion for the thousands of Central American children illegally crossing into the U.S., Lemon suggested the country is divided on the issue.

“I don’t think we are divided,” Rodriguez said. “I think America has its heart in the right place. We need to be compassionate. We need to be strong and enforce our laws.”

America needs to make it clear to Central American countries that we have to set laws, Rodriquez said, adding that his heart goes out to the parents of these children.

“But at the same time, if we accept these children and we don’t repatriate them, it’s only going to send out a clear signal to everyone in Latin America that if you get to America, you will stay here,” he said.

Lemon tried to redirect the discussion by reminding Rodriguez that he is an immigrant, but the comedian responded by saying there “are legal ways” to come to America.

“What is this going to say to everybody else?” he asked. “Are we prepared to be overwhelmed? Because that’s exactly what’s going to happen.”

When Father Alberto Cutie, an Episcopal priest who advocated on behalf of the children, spoke of the poverty they experience, Rodriquez again spoke in favor of sending them back.

“We allow these 7,000 children to stay here and grow up American and go to our schools, what do we say to the 60,000 that are going to follow them and the 150,000?” he asked. “Can we house them all, Father? Do we have the whereabouts? We can’t even take care of our own kids here now.”

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Even Paul Rodriguez said American are compassionate, but there are laws that must be enforced.


Mexican-born American comedian Paul Rodriguez seemed to catch CNN host Don Lemon by surprise when he took a stance this week against illegal immigration while debating the humanitarian crisis unfolding on the U.S.-Mexico border.

Pointing to the Statue of Liberty as he spoke of compassion for the thousands of Central American children illegally crossing into the U.S., Lemon suggested the country is divided on the issue.

“I don’t think we are divided,” Rodriguez said. “I think America has its heart in the right place. We need to be compassionate. We need to be strong and enforce our laws.”

America needs to make it clear to Central American countries that we have to set laws, Rodriquez said, adding that his heart goes out to the parents of these children.

“But at the same time, if we accept these children and we don’t repatriate them, it’s only going to send out a clear signal to everyone in Latin America that if you get to America, you will stay here,” he said.

Lemon tried to redirect the discussion by reminding Rodriguez that he is an immigrant, but the comedian responded by saying there “are legal ways” to come to America.

“What is this going to say to everybody else?” he asked. “Are we prepared to be overwhelmed? Because that’s exactly what’s going to happen.”

When Father Alberto Cutie, an Episcopal priest who advocated on behalf of the children, spoke of the poverty they experience, Rodriquez again spoke in favor of sending them back.

“We allow these 7,000 children to stay here and grow up American and go to our schools, what do we say to the 60,000 that are going to follow them and the 150,000?” he asked. “Can we house them all, Father? Do we have the whereabouts? We can’t even take care of our own kids here now.”

Paul Rodriguez hasnt been relevant for over a decade now. How many times does it have to be said, the government is ENFORCING the law, the law that BUSH signed allowing central and south american children to remain in the US.

You can talk until you are blue in the face, but until the 2008 law is reversed by congress, this will continue for years to come.

You can cry and cry and cry, but as long as this BUSH law stays on the books, thousands more will come and will be legally processed into the USA.

Dont like it??

Call your local congressman.



Strength through joy
The USA has many islands around Alaska that would be ideal locations for resettlement camps .
According to TOS we have to let them in , but we should have to right to where they settle .
Ship a few thousand way up north , after a few weeks most will willingly ask to be sent back home. Thus we could activate the National Defense Reserve Fleet ( One location in Suisun Bay, California has over 70 ships ) for a slow cruise back south with them .
Before TOS goes into a rant about how cruel this idea is , it would be nice for him/her to recall our own history of WW II . More than 120,000 Japanese Americans were interned behind barbed wire during World War II... ...over half were children.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The USA has many islands around Alaska that would be ideal locations for resettlement camps .
According to TOS we have to let them in , but we should have to right to where they settle .
Ship a few thousand way up north , after a few weeks most will willingly ask to be sent back home. Thus we could activate the National Defense Reserve Fleet ( One location in Suisun Bay, California has over 70 ships ) for a slow cruise back south with them .
Before TOS goes into a rant about how cruel this idea is , it would be nice for him/her to recall our own history of WW II . More than 120,000 Japanese Americans were interned behind barbed wire during World War II... ...over half were children.

Wow, does nazi germany come to mind? Is this where you got your "IDEAL" plan from?

Look, it ISNT according to me, its ACCORDING TO THE LAW THAT BUSH SIGNED.

Its been posted, how about reading it? How about learning what BUSH guaranteed these children and families?

How about actually learning for a change?

How about dealing with reality, instead of the racist hate baiting by the right?

Why do people on the right wing want to IGNORE the current law and make crap up? Is it easier to be a racist that way?

The anti child trafficking bill BUSH signed, guarantees that these children are FED, HOUSED, MEDICALLY TREATED, PROCESSED, PLACED WITH FAMILY IN THE US, or Assisted in INTEGRATING into the good ole' USA!


You cant complain now, YOUR PARTY GUARANTEED it!

Dont like it? Cry to your congressman and demand they take up immigration reform and UNDUE this law, cause if you DONT, thousands more will come and YOU and moreluck will have to PAY FOR IT!

To that end, I laugh in your faces.



Strength through joy
By the way , it's not racist to demand that all immigrants be placed into detainment camps .
We as a people have the right to be sure to protect ourselves from others that are carrying dangerous illnesses .
Much like the reason Ellis Island existed.