

Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Youre the person asking for a border wall, that will prevent less than 9% of the immigration problem in the USA and will have virtually NO impact on mexicans coming into the USA and staying.

But then again, when do facts matter to you?

We need to do what Mexico does to prevent illegal immigration besides making their country a hell hole.


nowhere special
What If They Were Refugees?

They still should be turned away.

Why? Because they traveled more than 1,000 miles through a country where they should have claimed asylum, if they were genuinely seeking it.

The 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees includes this provision
Article 31 – Refugees unlawfully in the country of refuge

1. The Contracting States shall not impose penalties, on account of their illegal entry or presence, on refugees who, coming directly from a territory where their life or freedom was threatened in the sense of article 1, enter or are present in their territory without authorization, provided they present themselves without delay to the authorities and show good cause for their illegal entry or presence.


golden ticket member
Nothing you post upsets me, other than you wasting your life in front of your computer posting the lastest talking points and opinions from the idiots on fox.

I find pleasure in addressing your nonsense, just as I do BABA's threads, like his birth certificate to nowhere thread.

You dont upset me in the least.

Ironically, i find your posts filled with laughable ignorance.


"Nothing you post upsets me, other than you wasting your life in front of your computer..." (TOS)

Why should you be upset by me "wasting my life" ?? You don't even know me and my life is my own to do what I want.

My computer may be turned on all day, but I sure as hell am not sitting in front of it all day.

Just like my TV is turned on all day, but I'm not sitting in front of it all day.

Someone has to do laundry, clean house , cook and all the chores involved in keeping a house. I don't have a maid like all my neighbors do.


nowhere special
"Nothing you post upsets me, other than you wasting your life in front of your computer..." (TOS)

Why should you be upset by me "wasting my life" ?? You don't even know me and my life is my own to do what I want.

My computer may be turned on all day, but I sure as hell am not sitting in front of it all day.

Just like my TV is turned on all day, but I'm not sitting in front of it all day.

Someone has to do laundry, clean house , cook and all the chores involved in keeping a house. I don't have a maid like all my neighbors do.

You need to remember he lives in that gated community utopia so probably has illegal alien housemaids.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
So, according to TOS all MS13 members look like the guys in the pictures he posted (which they don't), and the many gaping holes in our border, along with all of the frightening things and people that are coming through them are just " talking points." And we should just "tell our kids to stop doing drugs and back our president's immigration reform." LOL

So you seek folks.....its that mentality and ignorance that have gotten us in this mess to begin with.

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NO what causes this mess is race baiting by people like you. You have no idea what an MS13 gangmember looks like.

You just run with whatever you hear.

Drugs are the problem. This country allows too many of its children to use drugs, and cocaine is widely used by our white middle class population. Maybe if we could curb drug use, we could end cartels, but america just cant ween itself off drugs.

Our presidents immigration reform means more than the talking points you want to make.

Reversing the BUSH law will stop the central and south american children from coming here. You on the other hand, dont seem to understand that this law has to be repealed. You of all people are consumed with political rhetoric instead of fact finding.

Something right wing radio does to people.

There may be GAPING holes in the border, but as I told you, those GAPING holes only allow a TOTAL of 9% of the immigration problem in the USA.

You still are not addressing the 91% of the problem that still exists.

You could put every marine arm in arm from texas to california and you wont make a DENT in the immigration problem, not that you would understand that concept.

You are misguided as well as uninformed. But what else is new.

Talk to your kids, start making a difference.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
We need to do what Mexico does to prevent illegal immigration besides making their country a hell hole.View attachment 14864

This is UNTRUE.

ASk yourself something BROWN. Mexico is a large country. How do children (on foot) enter southern mexico, and make it to the USA border? On foot, do you realize how many months that would take to get there?

Further, without money and food, how would they survive that journey? Do you think mexico doesnt have a border on its southern side facing central america?

Again, you dont understand the problem.

The BUSH administration working with mexican president Felipe Calderon addressed illegal immigration into mexico.

Immigration reform[edit]
Felipe Calderón made immigration reform one of his main priorities, and in 2008 he and the Mexican Congress passed a bill decriminalizing undocumented immigration into Mexico.[27] He expressed his hopes that something be done to clear up the status of undocumented Mexican immigrants in the US.

Before meeting with President Bush in March 2007, Calderón openly expressed his disapproval of building a wall between the two nations.[28] After the U.S. Senate rejected the Comprehensive Immigration bill, President Calderón called the decision a "grave error."

Of course, you only know the right wing MEME's that you can find and accept that as truth. You and moreluck live in a world of cartoons that suffice for facts.

You think its a coincendence that the president of mexico changes the immigration laws in mexico and BUSH signs a republican law doing the same for central and south american children at the same time just before BUSH leaves office???

Lets revisit the children walking part again.

Central and South american children and mothers enter mexico in the south. Mexican border agents catch them and put them on freight trains. Those trains take 2 days to reach the northern part of the country. Once there, the mexican government ALLOWS these people to reach our southern border.

Once at the border (considered the finish line because of the donnelly act), all they have to do is get caught, identify themselves and presto, they become americans because of this law.

YOU on the other hand, seem to think they walk across the mexican landscape, feeding themselves, stopping at hotels along the way, freshening up and then covertly looking for "GAPING HOLES" in our border.

Please, try being informed.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
"Nothing you post upsets me, other than you wasting your life in front of your computer..." (TOS)

Why should you be upset by me "wasting my life" ?? You don't even know me and my life is my own to do what I want.

My computer may be turned on all day, but I sure as hell am not sitting in front of it all day.

Just like my TV is turned on all day, but I'm not sitting in front of it all day.

Someone has to do laundry, clean house , cook and all the chores involved in keeping a house. I don't have a maid like all my neighbors do.

Keep telling yourself this.



golden ticket member
Bottom line is.....

everyone but you is uninformed
everyone but you is misguided
everyone but you is ignorant
everyone but you is old
everyone but you is stupid

"Keep telling yourself this" and the rest of us will live in the real world.


golden ticket member
Mike Huckabee

I’ve been asked several times what is the Christian thing to do about the tens of thousands of unaccompanied children who have fled to the United States illegally. Let’s be clear—there is a Christian thing and there’s a government thing. I find it interesting that the same people who scream for separation of church and state now want the government to act like a church and provide assistance and benevolence. Helping the poor and aiding the homeless and the helpless is indeed the duty of the church. But the duty of the government is to protect us—not provide for us. If the border agents are playing wet nurse and changing diapers and beds, then we aren’t protected very well. Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s. If Christians would give a dime of each dollar in tithes to fund assistance to the needy, the government wouldn’t need to be a big charity.

Government isn’t supposed to rearrange people’s social standing and redistribute income. Instead of straining social service budgets and education budgets and court budgets in the US, it would be better if our government acted competently and did its Constitutional job to secure our borders. The churches, charities and relief organizations could deliver supplies to those in need around the world. We should be interested in helping the people of other nations experience the fruits of freedom and free enterprise. If they wish to come to America, we should welcome them when they come through the same legal process that we would have to go through to go to their countries. But to not have a border is to not have a brain. We can love people and love security at the same time. But if you give up security, you really don’t love the people very much either.


All Trash No Trailer
You are mixing up private citizens with the government.
Jesus was a private citizen who could give as much as he wanted to help feed the poor.
What Republicans object to is forcing people, through taxation, to give to others.
Jesus would be feeding and healing the children crossing the border mate.
Republicans claim to be Christian only when its convienient or when they try to convince us heathens they have a "God Given Right" to guns


golden ticket member
Pelosi says to treat the children all like Baby Jesus. What? Give them all gold, frankinsense and myrrh and send them home with those parting gifts ?


All Trash No Trailer
Child Migrants Have Been Coming to America Alone Since Ellis Island
July 18, 2014

This post originally appeared at Mother Jones.


Immigrant children at Ellis Island, New York, circa 1908 (National Archives)
An unaccompanied child migrant was the first person in line on opening day of the new immigration station at Ellis Island. Her name was Annie Moore, and that day, January 1, 1892, happened to be her 15th birthday. She had traveled with her two little brothers from Cork County, Ireland, and when they walked off the gangplank, she was awarded a certificate and a $10 gold coin for being the first to register. Today, a statue of Annie stands on the island, a testament to the courage of millions of children who passed through those same doors, often traveling without an older family member to help them along.

Alarmists painted immigrants — children included — as disease-ridden job stealers bent on destroying the American way of life. And they’re still at it.
Of course, not everyone was lining up to give Annie and her fellow passengers a warm welcome. Alarmists painted immigrants — children included — as disease-ridden job stealers bent on destroying the American way of life. And they’re still at it. On a CNN segment about the current crisis of child migrants from Central and South America, Michele Bachmann used the word “invaders” and warned of rape and other dangers posed to Americans by the influx. And last week, National Review scoffed at appeals to American ideals of compassion and charity, claiming Ellis Island officials had a strict send-’em-back policy when it came to children showing up alone.

That’s not true, according to Barry M, a librarian at the Ellis Island Immigration Museum and author of the book Children of Ellis Island. The Immigration Act of 1907 did indeed declare that unaccompanied children under 16 were not permitted to enter in the normal fashion. But it didn’t send them packing, either. Instead, the act set up a system in which unaccompanied children — many of whom were orphans — were kept in detention awaiting a special inquiry with immigration inspectors to determine their fate. At these hearings, local missionaries, synagogues, immigrant aid societies and private citizens would often step in and offer to take guardianship of the child, says M.


A German refugee reads a Superman comic book at the New York Children's Colony, a Viennese-run school for refugee children. (Library of Congress/Marjory Collins)

In Annie’s case, her parents were waiting to receive her; they’d taken the same journey to New York three years before, looking for work. But according to M, thousands of unaccompanied children came over without friends or family on the other side of the crossing, many of them stowaways. M doesn’t know of an official count of how many children were naturalized this way, but he says it was fairly common. And he can point to at least one great success story, that of Henry Armetta, a 15-year-old stowaway from Palermo, Italy, who was sponsored by a local Italian man and went on to be an actor in films with Judy Garland and the Marx Brothers. “He’s one of the best known of the Ellis Island stowaways,” M says.

Ellis Island Foundation" style="color: rgb(25, 130, 209); text-decoration: none;">

Eight orphan children whose mothers were killed in a Russian pogrom. They were brought to Ellis Island in 1908. Augustus Sherman/Ellis Island Foundation" style="color: rgb(25, 130, 209); text-decoration: none;">Ellis Island Foundation

Other children journeyed to Ellis Island alone because they had lost their parents, often to war or famine and had been sponsored by immigrant aid societies and other charities in America. The picture above shows eight Jewish children whose mothers had been killed in a Russian pogrom in 1905. The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society had obtained “bonds” to sponsor their immigration, and they arrived at Ellis Island in 1908. As M notes in his book, thousands of orphans came over thanks to such bonds, and after landing, many would travel on “orphan trains” to farms and small towns where their patrons had arranged their stay.

Ellis Island officials made several efforts to care for children detained on the island — those with parents and those without — who could be there for weeks at a time.
Ellis Island officials made several efforts to care for children detained on the island — those with parents and those without — who could be there for weeks at a time. Around 1900 a playground was constructed there with a sandbox, swings and slides. A group of about a dozen women known as “matrons” played games and sang songs with the children, many of whom they couldn’t easily communicate with due to language barriers. Later, a school room was created for them, and the Red Cross supplied a radio for the children to listen to.

And of course, many of those kids grew up to work tough jobs, start new businesses and create new jobs and pass significant amounts of wealth down to some of the very folks clamoring to “send ‘em back” today.