Invasion??? You are now using the word Invasion??
If you are talking about immigrants, now you are labeling them as INVADERS??
This shows how truly clueless you are on the situation. Somehow you try to twist the constitution to fix your arguments?
Look, regardless of what any previous law says, the BUSH law passed in 2002 and re authorized in 2004 and 2008 over rides any previous laws and allows central american and south american children to come here and STAY at your expense.
Of course, by "your expense" i mean, your paid tax dollars.
Why do you attempt to cling to some lame argument over this influx of unacccompanied children, when the current law on the books , created by the republicans in congress and senate and signed by George W. Bush authorizing it, has to be enforced by this administration?
Those of you ignorant to the current law try to simply repeat the latest talking points from FOX and AM right wing radio and then convince yourselves that you are informed.
Simply amazing.