
Harry Manback

Robot Extraordinaire

I like green cars too!

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Inordinately Right
20 % tax on all monies being sent out of the country .
Which could be applied towards the National Debt .
Social Security, Medicare, Military. Anything else is just rhetoric when it comes to the national debt.

You'd be better off suggesting to tax the remittances and use 100% of that tax revenue for border security, at least that would make sense.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Some on this board don't have thing ability to think about this issue logically because their thought process is inhibited by their overwhelming partisan urge to show their blind allegiance to a certain political party. So, they can't stop focusing on blaming "the other side" for what has, or has not, been done about the border. That is also why some of them can't, or refuse, to acknowledge that the lack of a secure border is the problem and that the flow of illegals, along with the many problems that are brought in as a result, are just symptoms of that problem.

While I do agree that illegal immigrants shouldn't be getting entitlements I don't think that tackling that issue will do a damn thing to solve the problem that is causing all of this mess. The best way to solve any problem is to attack the source. Well, the source is in Mexico. They have one of the most corrupt governments on Earth and are plagued by cartels. Those two factors are why the Indios (Mexico's "Native Americans") live in such poverty. They are desperate and even an America without entitlements is a haven and opportunity. Seeing how the U.S. isn't going to go for a regime change in Mexico ,and/or eliminate the cartels, the next logical step up from solving the problem at the source is our own border.

No, we don't need a big giant wall that spans every inch of the border. We need strong effective walls in specific areas and more border patrol and national guardsmen to patrol the areas not covered by the walls. I think it's a damn shame that we'll spend billions of dollars to send our military to deal with foreign powers and terrorists that are halfway around the world but will do the bare minimum to deal with them here on our own border. That makes no sense no matter how you look at it.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Some on this board don't have thing ability to think about this issue logically because their thought process is inhibited by their overwhelming partisan urge to show their blind allegiance to a certain political party. So, they can't stop focusing on blaming "the other side" for what has, or has not, been done about the border. That is also why some of them can't, or refuse, to acknowledge that the lack of a secure border is the problem and that the flow of illegals, along with the many problems that are brought in as a result, are just symptoms of that problem.

While I do agree that illegal immigrants shouldn't be getting entitlements I don't think that tackling that issue will do a damn thing to solve the problem that is causing all of this mess. The best way to solve any problem is to attack the source. Well, the source is in Mexico. They have one of the most corrupt governments on Earth and are plagued by cartels. Those two factors are why the Indios (Mexico's "Native Americans") live in such poverty. They are desperate and even an America without entitlements is a haven and opportunity. Seeing how the U.S. isn't going to go for a regime change in Mexico ,and/or eliminate the cartels, the next logical step up from solving the problem at the source is our own border.

No, we don't need a big giant wall that spans every inch of the border. We need strong effective walls in specific areas and more border patrol and national guardsmen to patrol the areas not covered by the walls. I think it's a damn shame that we'll spend billions of dollars to send our military to deal with foreign powers and terrorists that are halfway around the world but will do the bare minimum to deal with them here on our own border. That makes no sense no matter how you look at it.

Once again, three paragraphs of "i dont have a clue what I am talking about" and you still dont understand the problem.

If anyone is refusing to hear the "other side" of an issue, it is YOU and the morelucks and Oldgrays and the likes...

It is IMPORTANT to understand what was the motivator behind the influx of Unaccompanied children of central and south america to this country.

As has been posted on this thread, and ignored by YOU and the others of like minds, the INVITATION to come here, get to our border, give themselves up, and be placed into the care of the border patrol and homeland security at the expense of the tax payers, was signed by George w. Bush in a bill prepared, voted on, passed and sent to the senate where the republicans rubber stamped it and sent it to Bush to sign.

Once that deal was done, the flood gates were opened, and your tax dollars assigned to pay for it.

Now, in 2014, YOU and the other spokesholes for the right wing want to voice your outrage because this his happening during the Obama administration. However, during the bush years, over 92,000 illegal immigrant children were allowed to enter the country in the same fashion, yet, only now do you want to sound like the voice of reason.

YOU cant ignore the impetus for this problem and attempt to blame a president who has no responsibility for its creation.

On the other hand, our borders have been a problem for decades, and illegal entry has always been a problem, more so when reagan was in office as that was the largest increase in hiring of illegal alien workers in this country.

Cheap labor and the companies that hire them are the problem, but you refuse to address both of those issues, and simply want to band wagon your daily thoughts after recieving them from AM Radio.

The children coming to the border arent trying to "sneak" in, but rather, they already know the BUSH law on the books. There is no reason to "sneak". They simply turn themselves in and they know they will be taken care of.

The secondary issue is the republican REFUSAL to address immigration reform in the congress. The republicans dont EVER want to touch the subject, yet, they have the BIGGEST mouths when it comes to talking about it.

FACT: Obama went to congress and asked John Boehner to repeal the anti child traficking law that is causing this current problem and John Boehner REFUSED to do so, leaving the situation to get worse month over month.

Now, I know this information is not useful to you, because it destroys the "narrative" you have been sold, and are willing to repeat post after post, but they are facts.

Your knowledge of mexico is ridiculous at best as well.

President Felipe Calderon, along with BUSH, DECRIMINALIZED illegal entry into mexico and by doing so, created the FLOOD of central and south americans into mexico, only to be transported north to the USA border.

He knew, that housing and paying for illegals in his country would cost billions, so he changed the laws to allow it, so they could simply bypass mexico and get to the USA.

This has nothing to do with cartels or the drug trade. This was a "DEAL" made with BUSH to coincide with the child anti trafficking law passed by the republicans in 2002, reauthorized in 2004 and in 2008.

Yes, I get it, these are inconvenient facts for you to digest, and talking points sound way better than facts, but until you accept that YOUR political party is the reason for this immigration problem in the past, today and in the future, then you will truly continue to be uninformed on the subject.
