
UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
WOW! I went through the same thing with the Swallows in Alta Loma about 10 years ago. There was a swarm in our neighborhood and there was mud everywhere. I had to hose down the eves for a couple of days straight to get them to stop building their nests! I start looking for signs the second week of March every year!

A concerned US Citizen

Three problems exist:

Illegals crossing the Mexican border

Levies damaged in Louisiana

Alligator attacks in Florida

Simple solution:

Dig a moat the span the entire border

Send the dirt to Louisiana to sure up the levies

Go to Florida, capture the gators and fill up the moat

Problem solved

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Three problems exist:

Illegals crossing the Mexican border

Levies damaged in Louisiana

Alligator attacks in Florida

Simple solution:

Dig a moat the span the entire border

Send the dirt to Louisiana to sure up the levies

Go to Florida, capture the gators and fill up the moat

Problem solved

See there is always a simple solution! I say throw a few sharks in there for good measure!!!

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Three problems exist:

Illegals crossing the Mexican border

Levies damaged in Louisiana

Alligator attacks in Florida

Simple solution:

Dig a moat the span the entire border

Send the dirt to Louisiana to sure up the levies

Go to Florida, capture the gators and fill up the moat

Problem solved


Deport our welfare and umemployment scum to Mexico along with the illegals that are here commiting more crimes and not just working

Let Louisiana handle the levies since it is their responsibility in the first place

Then dig the moat and throw in the Gators...and Anti-War protestors. LOL

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
For those of you interested in statistics, there's some pretty
big numbers counting away on the following site because of
this country's immigrants...

I took a look at the site. Thanks for sharing.:thumbup1: This kind of ties into an email that was going around about the true cost of (farming) tomatoes. As we can see by the website you sent the link to, there are a lot of hidden costs associated with illegal immigration.

This is a very complex problem. Our state and federal legislatures need to address these problems by going upstream and seeking out the the root cause to stem the tide of illegals coming into this country. It is going to require more than a band aid solution.


Well-Known Member
14 Reasons to Deport Illegal Aliens...

1. $11 - $22 billion is spent on welfare for illegal aliens each year.

2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.

3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.

4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English!

5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.

6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens

7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens.

8. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare & Social Services by the American taxpayers.

9. $200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.

10. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the United States .

11. During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroine and marijuana, crossed into the U. S. from the Southern border. Homeland Security Report

12. The National Policy Institute, "estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period."

13. In 2006 illegal aliens sent $45 BILLION in remittances to their countries of origin.

14. "The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million Sex Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States "

So, using the LOWEST estimates, the annual cost of ILLEGAL ALIENS is $338.3 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR!

And if deporting them costs between $206 and $230 BILLION DOLLARS, Hell get rid of em'. We'll be ahead after the 1st year!!!


Active Member
If illegal immigration is not controlled, if illegal aliens are not removed, they will alter the political makeup of America. Pick any Hispanic country in the world and see if you want to be more like them. Not in any way. Anyone who supports them supports the decline and decay of America. Look at uncontrolled immigration in Europe, thats what we are headed for.


Well-Known Member
sammie said:
9. $200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.
Are caused by illegal aliens or by American Business knowingly hiring illeagles for cheap labor.


Well-Known Member
You and people of like thought are the knife in Americas back.

Little strong there Hillboy. Got the guts to step up to the plate and tell us the details to justify the statement seemed especially directed at Sammie? Or are you gonna be like an oversexed little rabbit and only hit the hole one time, spew what very little load you have and then run for the bushes to never appear again?


Active Member
Oversexed? Probably. Rabbit, not too likely. I'm 60, blooded and combat decorated, 34 years in delivery service and tired of the coward in the White House trying to give away my country. If you cannot see the with your own eyes what illegal immigration has and is doing to America, no amount of explaning will open your eyes.


Well-Known Member
If illegal immigration is not controlled, if illegal aliens are not removed, they will alter the political makeup of America.

Funny, I heard Bill O'say the same rhetric on the spin zone. My roofer has a question for you.
"Donode esta El Voting Polls para illeagle aliens?"

Pick any Hispanic country in the world and see if you want to be more like them. Not in any way. Anyone who supports them supports the decline and decay of America. Look at uncontrolled immigration in Europe, thats what we are headed for.

Somebody forgot America was established and built by immigrants, or maybe you have a hang up there not as white as you.

HillboyRe: Immigration
Sorry, I won't be in in time to my KKK meeting

big_arrow_upRe: Immigration

Let Louisiana handle the levies since it is their responsibility in the first place

Fedrally funded projects building Levees and Dams preventing flooding & creating electric was all handed to Tenn. on a silver platter by the Federal Gov't......Great floods in 1927 and 1937 The Gov't bailed out all states including yours affected and even created the TVA(Tenn Valley Authority) and invested tremendous amount of Federal resources protecting Tenn.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Somebody forgot America was established and built by immigrants, or maybe you have a hang up there not as white as you.

HillboyRe: Immigration
Sorry, I won't be in in time to my KKK meeting

big_arrow_upRe: Immigration

Let Louisiana handle the levies since it is their responsibility in the first place

Fedrally funded projects building Levees and Dams preventing flooding & creating electric was all handed to Tenn. on a silver platter by the Federal Gov't......Great floods in 1927 and 1937 The Gov't bailed out all states including yours affected and even created the TVA(Tenn Valley Authority) and invested tremendous amount of Federal resources protecting Tenn.

The TVA project was not an example of the federal government bailing out one state. It affected enough to be considered a national project. Your example is a bad one.


Well-Known Member
The immigrants who built America were legal.

I knew we'd get to this point. Lets start with German fugutive ancestors who broke the law of their German-speaking state by emigrating.
And here are your Puritan New England ancestors, who came here as criminals because of their defiance of the laws concerning religion in England. You might cry "freedom of religion".
But they broke the law. And look – here are your Scotch-Irish and German ancestors who settled in Pennsylvania and North Carolina without getting legal title to their lands. They were all law-breaking squatters, and they kept getting caught farming on other people's land and had to move on.
And look – here are your ancestors who crossed over the Appalachian Mountains like Daniel Boone, into areas that the federal government absolutely declared off-limits to white settlers. Then when the Indians attacked them for illegally trespassing, they demanded that the US Army come and kill Indians so your ancestors could keep their illegally occupied land.
Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and parts of several other states – they were all part of Mexico before America invaded and took that land.
In fact, through most of the territory of the US, the first settlers were illegal immigrants, weren't they? US treaties supersede all other laws except the Constitution. So what about it? Do you favor the expulsion of all these white illegal immigrants to restore the land to the legal titleholders by US treaty?"
We made up these laws. It's not like murder or theft or rape, where one person is infringing the rights of another. We just decided, arbitrarily, which people could come into our country and which could not. Our rules now favored the rich; the poor in other countries are no longer welcome. Yes I recognized something has to be done on securing the southern border but to think we can round up 10-12 million people and throw them back to Mexico would be:
A)-Impossible to find them all and then proccess each individual by law with hearings would flood the judical would take years and Billons of $,and many broken families.
B)-Create more poverty and unemployment to Mexico and and watch sects of the population reach famish purportions.
C)-Adversley devestate portions of our own econmy by banning cheap labor by hard working people.

Hillboy said:
Anyone who supports them supports the decline and decay of America.

Our culture has always tolerated thousands and millions of people who spoke other languages and clung together in memory of the old country. And then, a few generations later, we were all Americans together. Your fear of these immigrants(legal or illegal) merely shows your complete ignorance of American history.
We're all Americans. We changed each other – the Irish, the Italians, the Spanish, the Germans, the Black slaves, the Russian Jews, the Chinese, the Japanese, they all came here and changed the way we talk and think and dress and sing and dance and read and write and it was always still America. Until now. It seems like some of you want to dismantle The Statue of Liberty and send it back to France in a wooden box.


Well-Known Member
It seems like some of you want to dismantle The Statue of Liberty and send it back to France in a wooden box.

Of course we wouldn't. But there are so many complications with the millions of people who chose not to stay in their country of origin. And admittedly, like I mentioned before, the U.S. has so many restrictions and waiting periods in place that it's easier for foreigners to enter this country illegally than legally. Lets face it. Not many of us are jumping up and down about illegal immigration, but that’s what's happening when legal immigration remains so difficult. (20-30 year waiting lists, etc.)

This needs to be changed and Congress needs to allow more legal immigration because the flow is not going to stop and we need to put a better system in place for getting them here and assimilating them...

In Jamaica, for example (we were there on our honeymoon), we talked to the workers there and in order to start life in the U.S., they must pass a health and security test and have a sponsor waiting for them in America, who pay a fee to get them here.

Perhaps those crossing our southern border could be offered the opportunity to "buy" their citizenship and/or a green card. Then we cut out the 76 layers of red tape and concentrate on background checks and MANDATORY English speaking classes. Because I feel that many of these immigrants want what America has to offer but they don’t really want to become Americans.

Canadians pay a fee every six months for their visa's to stay here until they become permanent citizens....

Or, we could offer Mexico a "Swap". We bring X amount of Mexicans into this country and in return, we get to lease land in Mexico and start developing their natural resources (which they should have been doing all along...):confused:1

Just some thoughts.

BECAUSE!!! our service, retail, restaurant, meat packing, farming and construction industries rely so heavily on them.

But at the moment, there are major problems with illegals in this country:

1).The U.S. is spending a fortune on those who are here for a free ride.

2).There are millions of illegals here using suspicious Social Security numbers.

3).And yes, Diesel, America is what it is today because of all the different cultures who came here. But I don't see a "melting pot"
these days. I see a clash of cultures. I see an invasion of the American culture which isn't changing; it's being taken over by another culture. I see Spanish only phone books, billboards, newspapers, and advertisements of every kind. I see the Mexican
flag being flown.

5.) I'm concerned about the criminals who enter illegally and the crime rate that skyrockets once they're here.

6.) We need to get our smile* together and have firm ground rules in place regarding who gets deported and why. One example (article below) - a 15 year old boy in my area sneaks the family vehicle out and runs over two girls, 8 & 9 years old. Kills one of them, dragging her and her bicycle under his truck. Flees the scene.

We find out later that the 15 year old and his family are illegals. Now the
argument is, IF this kid does time, (IF....) when he gets out, should he and/or his family be deported?? :sad:

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