

Senior Member
"I wouldn't start talking
about dismantling the United States just yet".

Rather than that, perhaps Mexico could become our 51st through the 81st states, as that country is made up of 31 major malfunctioning states. Although judging from the millions of Mexicans who wave their national flags in our streets at festivals and demonstrations, they may not want any part of this. They might not want to be lumped in with us any more than a New Yorker would like to be tossed in with a Texan! :cowboy:

But if we could persuade them, America could become a country of 400 million, Mexico would get 62 of the 162 Senate seats and 112 Electoral College votes out of 539.

Illegals are already helping themselves to a smorgasbord of Federal delicacies such as having their kids here for free; (thanks to Medicaid and county taxes because by law, pregnant women cannot be denied medical care based on immigration status), food stamps, welfare, instate tuition, and tax returns, (with an IRS issued tax ID # - no SS# required).

Hillary is dying for the Hispanic vote. I'd like to see how she'd clean up a violent and crime ridden country who begs us to accept more immigrants, where corruption has become an art form, drug cartels are pursued only when we're looking, whose resources have been abandoned, and who sports a $25 billion a year drug trafficking industry...

One big, happy family. What else are we to do?
I agree with your post, except for this part.

They might not want to be lumped in with us any more than a New Yorker would like to be tossed in with a Texan! :cowboy:

In my youth,(before I was married), several NY females had no problem getting tossed around with a TEXAN.


Well-Known Member
They might not want to be lumped in with us any more than a New Yorker would like to be tossed in with a Texan! :cowboy:[/font]

In my youth,(before I was married), several NY females had no problem getting tossed around with a TEXAN.


FYI... Loose Lips Sink Ships!! :blushing:


Well-Known Member
A friend talked to me about the parallel of a bird feeder to immigration.
I just recently noticed this similarity.

When I moved to Sedona I had to cut some trees down, so to get the birds back I added a bird feeder. The birds came back. Originally the food lasted about a week. Then it got down to 2 days. So to keep from filling it up so often I added another feeder. Same scenario...1 week down to 2 days.

In the past 2 years I have added 3 more feeders and a 25 lb block that sits on the ground. I went from a 10 lb bag of feed replacing once a month to a 50 lb bag every 3 weeks. We have 25 to fifty birds at any given time. I also added a bird bath. Along with the birds came the crap!!!!!

I finally had to stop feeding the birds, there were too many....and guess what - they all went away. None of them stayed!!!

Do you see where I am going with this?

It is real simple....stop the services - finger print the illegals and create a step ladder fine process that will equate to confinement for the illegals and thier employers. If we deport them...deport them to the furthest point from our country. They will stop coming. None of our other laws need to be changed and we probably won't have to add a fence. It won't be needed!

You hit on the head..take away the magnet and they go away. It is not our job to take all the poor people around the world and bring them here, it would bury us. I do believe in doing more business with Mexico and less with China, this would solve two problems.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I am enjoying my holiday in Sedona. When you listen to Arizona news there is always something about immigration.

This just happened on Friday. A mother and her 9 yr old son were on their way back from holiday when she had an accident north of Nogales. The mother was hurt badly and the son went to get help at night in freezing temps. He stumbled upon an illegal who had set up camp for the night. The illegal huddled with the boy to provide warmth. The next day they went out together to get help for the mother. She didn't make it. The illegal was deported and the boy is now in New York with his dad.

The illegal is being heralded as an "Angel" who came to the aid and protection of this little boy and sacrificed all to make sure the boy was safe.

It tugs at your heart strings.....

I feel strongly about this issue so it does not change my stance on immigration policy but it does help to put a face to the people that cross our borders illegally.


Well-Known Member
I was listening to Chris Matthews. Hillary came (after waffling) out in support of the Govenor of New York's proposal to give ILLEGAL aliens a driver license!! New York will now be the weakest link in our security system and we have the "front" runner of the Democratic Party giving her support for the initiative....How do you like them apples !!?!! Was she still hung over from her birthday party?

One of the things that got Arnold elected was his adament support against giving illegals a driver license! I guess I really get excited when politicians circumvent and bend our laws for their political gain. I have a word for that and it ain't nice!

How do the rest of you feel about this turn of events from Hil!!!

WASHINGTON - New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer announced Wednesday he was abandoning a plan to issue driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, but said that the federal government had "lost control" of its borders and left states to deal with the consequences.

"I have concluded that New York state cannot successfully address this problem on its own," Spitzer said at a news conference after meeting with members of the state's congressional delegation.

Spitzer said overwhelming opposition led to his decision.

"It does not take a stethoscope to hear the pulse of New Yorkers on this topic," he said.

The Democratic governor introduced the plan two months ago with the goal of increased security, safer roads and an opportunity to bring immigrants "out of the shadows." Opponents charged the scheme would make it easier for would-be terrorists to get identification, and make the country less safe.

The decision is another example of the roadblocks that high-profile immigration reforms have faced this year. Less than five months ago, Congress failed to pass legislation that would legalize as many as 12 million unlawful immigrants and fortify the border with Mexico.

"The federal government has lost control of its borders, has allowed millions of undocumented immigrants to enter our country and now has no solution to deal with it," Spitzer said.

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff called Spitzer's reversal on the license issue "a good development" and said immigration is a federal issue for which his department has to "ramp up enforcement."

"What I want to make sure is that states aren't working at cross-purposes with us and enabling the kind of conduct we're enforcing against," Chertoff told The Associated Press by phone from London.

Last month, Spitzer sought to salvage the license effort by striking a deal with the Department of Homeland Security to create three distinct types of state driver's licenses: one "enhanced" card that would be as secure as a passport; a second-tier license good for boarding airplanes; and a third marked not valid for federal purposes that would be available to illegal immigrants and others.

The signed agreement with Washington may still be salvaged: Aides to Spitzer said he planned to go forward with the border-crossing card. The state took a wait-and-see approach to the second-tier license that would meet federal standards for what is known as Real ID — a national and secure identification that would make it much harder for terrorists to get licenses.

Chertoff said the signed agreement between his agency and the state would "absolutely" still go forward for the other two types of licenses.

The license issue has reverberated in the presidential campaign, particularly for New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, who was asked about Spitzer's plan during a debate.

Clinton has been criticized by her Democratic and Republican rivals for her noncommittal answers on the subject. She has said she sympathizes with governors like Spitzer who are forced to confront the issue of immigration because the federal government has not enacted immigration reform. She has not taken a position on the actual plan offered by Spitzer.

Clinton officials did not immediately respond to messages seeking comment Wednesday.

About 70 percent of New Yorkers opposed the plan, according to a Siena College poll of 625 registered voters released Tuesday. The poll, conducted Nov. 5-8, had a sampling error margin of 3.9 percentage points.

After meeting privately with the governor, New York Democrats who agreed with him said they understood he had to retreat — but insisted the need for immigration reform would only grow.

"This governor was not defeated by anything other than the hate in this country toward immigrants right now," said Rep. Jose Serrano, a Bronx Democrat.

Others saw it as further proof the political paralysis over immigration issues has spread from the federal to state governments.

"This is an issue that's vexed Washington for a while. Now it's spread it's plague to Albany and I think the governor learned the lesson that immigration has become the new third rail of politics," said Rep. Anthony Weiner, a New York City Democrat.

(This version CORRECTS Spitzer quote.)


Well-Known Member
I am enjoying my holiday in Sedona. When you listen to Arizona news there is always something about immigration.

This just happened on Friday. A mother and her 9 yr old son were on their way back from holiday when she had an accident north of Nogales. The mother was hurt badly and the son went to get help at night in freezing temps. He stumbled upon an illegal who had set up camp for the night. The illegal huddled with the boy to provide warmth. The next day they went out together to get help for the mother. She didn't make it. The illegal was deported and the boy is now in New York with his dad.

The illegal is being heralded as an "Angel" who came to the aid and protection of this little boy and sacrificed all to make sure the boy was safe.

It tugs at your heart strings.....

I feel strongly about this issue so it does not change my stance on immigration policy but it does help to put a face to the people that cross our borders illegally.

There is good and there is bad in people, and its a God dman shame this is the only thing we see here in NY

2 Men Charged With Rape May Be Illegal Immigrants
B, N.Y. (AP) ― Two men charged with rape for having sex with underage girls could face deportation as well as prison if they're convicted.

Pedro Sagastume, 21, and Jeremias Perez, 22, both of B, may be illegal immigrants, the Putnam County sheriff's office said Monday.

The men were arrested last week after the two girls, ages 13 and 15, were reported missing by their families. An investigation led state troopers and sheriff's deputies to the men's apartment, where the girls were found.

They had consensual sex after going to a nightclub in Danbury, Conn., Sheriff Donald Smith said, but girls that age cannot legally consent.

Capt. William McNamara of the sheriff's department said the girls showed poor judgment in going out with men that age, but "In the eyes of the law the culpability on the part of the two men is greater. Adults are supposed to look out for and protect young people, not to prey on them as these two men did."

Perez's lawyer, Francis O'Reilly, was on vacation Monday, his office said. A call to the county Legal Aid office, which represents Sagastume, was not immediately returned.

Perez was charged with third-degree rape, Sagastume with second-degree rape. Smith said that because they are "allegedly in the United States in violation of federal immigration laws," immigration officials and the Guatemalan consulate were told of the arrest. In addition, he said, the FBI was told about the interstate transportation of the girls "for possible prosecution of federal crimes."
(© 2007 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Here is a recent story on the population explosion of immigration
Immigrant Population Hits Record 38 Million

Wednesday, November 28, 2007 10:38 PM

By: Chris Gonsalves Article Font Size

A new study by the Center for Immigration Studies, based on the latest Census Bureau data, shows the number of immigrants in America, both legal and illegal, has swelled to a record 38 million this year – making one of every eight U.S. residents an immigrant.

The new numbers indicate the highest level in more than eight decades – with a third of those being illegal aliens.

One third of immigrants are on some form of welfare, costing states nearly $20 billion a year, the study claimed, adding that efforts to legalize the spiraling number of illegal aliens will only increase the amount of uneducated, uninsured legal immigrants burdening America’s welfare rolls.

Since 2000, more than 10 million immigrants have entered the U.S., more than half of them illegally, according to the CIS. With no change in U.S. immigration policy, another 15 million immigrants will likely arrive in the next 10 years.

“The last seven years have been the highest period of immigration in American History,” says the report’s lead author, Dr. Steven A. Camarota. “The roughly 1.5 million immigrants arriving each year have a very significant effect on American life.”

Mark Krikorian, executive director of the CIS, tells Newsmax that the deleterious effects of continued immigration, include “an increasing burden on taxpayers to subsidize a 19th century workforce imported into a 21st century society; further displacement and wage reductions for the low-skilled and teen-age American workers who are the chief competitors of illegal immigrants; and continued slowing of technological innovation in the fields where immigrants are concentrated due to the artificial flooding of the low-skilled labor market and consequent reduction of incentives for businesses to mechanize and use labor more efficiently.”

The impact is being felt most pointedly in a handful of states. California, Florida, Texas, New Jersey and Arizona are bearing the brunt of immigration increases both legal and illegal, the CIS study found. California’s 10 million immigrants alone make up 27 percent of the nation’s total immigrant population.

“Some 75 percent of immigrants settle in ten states,” Krikorian tells Newsmax. “But Americans in other states are not immune to the effects of mass immigration. The consequences for security, sovereignty, assimilation, and government spending are national problems. In other words, every state is now a border state, every town a border town.”

A third of all U.S. immigrants come from Mexico, making it the top country of origin followed by China, India, the Philippines and Vietnam. Almost 60 percent of the Illegal aliens entering the U.S. come from Mexico.

The numbers portend a major shift in American demographics. More than 72 percent of native U.S. residents are white, 13 percent are black, 10 percent are Hispanic and 2 percent are Asian. But among the burgeoning immigrant population, over 48 percent are Hispanic, 23 percent are Asian, 21 percent are white and 7 percent are black.

Camarota, research director at the CIS, a Washington think tank that favors immigration restrictions along with improved services for legal immigrants, says immigrants now make up one in every five school-age children in America. Immigration accounts for all of the increases in public school enrollment nationwide over the past 20 years, the CIS reports.

In places such as Los Angeles County and New York City, the children of immigrant fathers make up nearly 60 percent of the school-age population.

On top of that, a quarter of these immigrant children live in poverty and a third lack health insurance, something Camarota says “creates enormous challenges for the nation’s schools, healthcare system and physical infrastructure.”

In fact, the study found that 17 percent of immigrants and their children live below the poverty line – with income of less than $20,000 per year for a family of four - some 50 percent higher than the poverty rate for native U.S. residents.

Many immigrants do ultimately find a better life here. But the study reveals that even those who have been in the U.S. for more than two decades are more likely than native residents to live in poverty, lack health insurance and use the welfare system.

Camarota points out that the numbers indicate the reason for the high rates of poverty and welfare among immigrants is a lack of education, “not their legal status or unwillingness to work.”

More than 31 percent of adult immigrants have not completed high school, compared to just 8 percent of U.S. natives. Since 2000, immigrants have boosted the overall number of workers who lack a high school diploma to 14 percent.

Camarota’s findings on the quality of life for uneducated immigrants shows that attempts at so-called amnesty for the current population of 12 million illegal aliens would prove costly and provide little benefit.

“Immigrants who have legal status, but little education, generally have low incomes and make heavy use of welfare programs,” the CIS report states. “If we decide to legalize illegal immigrants, we should at least understand that it will not result in dramatically lower welfare use or poverty.

“Those who advocate such a policy need to acknowledge this problem and not argue that legalization will save taxpayers money or result in a vast improvement in the income of illegal aliens,” the report continues. “Legalized illegals will still be overwhelmingly uneducated and this fact has enormous implications for their income, welfare use, health insurance coverage, and the effect on American taxpayers.”

Of the estimated 12 million illegal aliens in the U.S., nearly 7 million have jobs. Illegal immigrants earn an average of $46,000 per household annually compared with $67,000 for native families, the CIS study shows.

“A central question for immigration policy is whether we should allow in so many people with little education — increasing job competition for the poorest American workers and the population needing government assistance,” says Camarota. “Setting aside the lower socio economic status of immigrants, no nation has ever attempted to incorporate nearly 38 million newcomers into its society.”

America has, of course, traditionally been a nation of immigrants. But the CIS report points out that the immigrant population now accounts for a large share of the increase in the overall U.S. population. During the first decade of the last century, the 3.2 million additional immigrants accounted for just 20 percent of the total increase in the U.S. population. The 6.8 million immigrant increase in the last seven years equals 34 percent of U.S. population’s rise in that same period.

“Whatever one thinks of contemporary immigration, it is critically important to understand that its effect on America represents a choice,” Camarota says. “Selection criteria can be altered, as can the total number of people allowed into the country legally. With illegal aliens accounting for nearly one in three immigrants, their effect on the nation by themselves is now very large.”

True to the CIS charter, Krikorian stresses that there “ is no excuse whatever for intolerant attitudes toward legal immigrants -- we admitted them according to the rules established by our elected representatives, and we must, and will, continue to embrace them as Americans in training.

“Even illegal immigrants must be treated humanely as they are detained and returned to their homes,” Krikorian says. “But future legal immigration is a different question -- mass immigration is simply not compatible with the goals of a modern society and should be minimized to the extent possible.”


Well-Known Member
Sometimes getting through the muck and mire of campaign spin can be tough for any of us but I stumbled across this website which had gone over the republican candidates record on illegal immigration and gave it a grade. Now how true and accurate, you'll have to be the ultimate judge and I also make no claim that this website is accurate as well. It's just a source among many. Hope it serves as some aid in getting to the truth.

I only looked at the republicans because best as I can tell (my POV only), it only seems a top level issues among republicans. Others may view differently about the democrats and that too is a fair observation and they are more than encouraged to add the democrat view to the mix.


golden ticket member
I would love to know how many illegal aliens will be getting a stimulus check from the government.

It may be just enough to make me blow my top! I'm probably not getting a check.

We pay tons of taxes, but won't be getting anything to spend to spur the economy on. I wouldn't be upset except I know there will be a lot of these checks going to illegal aliens. I just know it and that ticks me off.

No, I have no proof. I just know it in my gut. :angry:

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
You are so right about the checks - there will be folks that should not get one. WOW! Doesn't this just fry you!

I was listening to the news tonight and was shocked to hear the President of Mexico say something in support of immigration. He said that both countries have to do their part. Mexico has got to improve the job market to keep Mexicans from wanting to go to the US!!! I was flabbergasted. :surprise:

Then they interviewed some Mexicans in the US and they were upset by his comments. What does that say about how bad things are!!!!!! :grrr:


Well-Known Member
I would love to know how many illegal aliens will be getting a stimulus check from the government.

It may be just enough to make me blow my top! I'm probably not getting a check.

We pay tons of taxes, but won't be getting anything to spend to spur the economy on. I wouldn't be upset except I know there will be a lot of these checks going to illegal aliens. I just know it and that ticks me off.

No, I have no proof. I just know it in my gut. :angry:

Yes Moreluck, it's right there in the legislation. All illegal aliens signed up on the illegal alien list will get a check!

I saw an article the other day about the concern that Lake Mead could dry up by 2021' because of overbuild in the Vegas area. In other words, the local infa-structure will not support the numbers of people moving into the area. When across the nation, this same scenario starts to play out as more and more local infa-structures are taxed beyond their means, then immigration will accelerate up the top 10 charts. Sad part is, you had a guy runnig for President who wanted to bring the troops home from Euorpe, Japan and Korea as the cold war model was outdated and make those coutries pay for their own defense and then use those troops and equipment to man our borders and stop the inflow but you guys called him a idiot, maroon and other priceless terms.

What will he be called in the years ahead when the floods across the borders reach critical mass and go nuclear in your backyard while the globalist have moved off shore along with their businesses and wealth leaving us an empty shell of what was once America?

Sorry, but IMHO you guys are not serious about stopping this problem and only use the topic as hyperbole for other politcial agendas!


Where next? Venice
Here is an article that I found in the newspaper "Egyptian Mail" while in Cairo last week. An interesting way to control ones border with another country!

CAIRO (AFP) - Egypt said on Thursday it would no longer tolerate Palestinians infiltrating the country from the Gaza Strip, and threatened to break the legs of anyone crossing the Rafah border illegally.

"Anyone who breaches the border will have their legs broken," Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit was quoted as saying by the official MENA news agency on public television overnight.
Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians living in the impoverished Gaza Strip, subjected to a punishing Israeli blockade, crossed freely into Egypt after Islamist militants from Hamas blew apart border barriers late last month.
Abul Gheit said Egypt had allowed the Palestinians to flood across the border for humanitarian reasons only.
He blamed Israel for the situation in the Gaza Strip, accusing the Jewish state of imposing collective punishment on a territory that is home to 1.5 million Palestinians in response to rocket attacks by militants.
Abul Gheit also reproached Hamas for firing rockets into Israel, describing the standoff as a "laughable caricature."
The minister said some rockets misfire and hit the Gaza Strip itself, wounding Palestinians and merely providing Israel with a pretext to attack.
Egyptian and Hamas forces, which seized armed control of the Gaza Strip in mid-June, resealed the Rafah border last week.

And we are giving illegals checks. What a terrible place America is for those illegal immigrants.


UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Well...breaking one's legs would definitely do it! But this is nothing new.... they were doing this in Chicago back in the 1920's.... OK! It might have been for different reasons.


UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Egypt is another trip I want to go on. My wife is a little worried about the risk though. When you get a chance, please give us some pointers on the best way to see the ruins.
We are not seasoned world travelers. I am planning this trip for 2009 or 10. We are looking to do S America & New Zealand also. So it depends on what we do first. We may take our boys with us to Egypt. This is a trip they also want to do.


Where next? Venice
Egypt is another trip I want to go on. My wife is a little worried about the risk though. When you get a chance, please give us some pointers on the best way to see the ruins.
We are not seasoned world travelers. I am planning this trip for 2009 or 10. We are looking to do S America & New Zealand also. So it depends on what we do first. We may take our boys with us to Egypt. This is a trip they also want to do.

I will be posting some of our travel logs on the thread that DS started for me on the "Life after Brown" BB. I do still have some work and jet lag to catch up on first though.


golden ticket member
Subject: Immigration

It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from his government"
-- Thomas Paine

Let me see if I understand all this....








I guess I still don't understand....maybe we need to VOTE OUR LAWMAKERS OUT.

GO GREEN!! RECYCLE CONGRESS !!![FONT=Verdana, Helvetica, Arial] [/FONT]

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
You are so right.... and in Phoenix we have a sheriff who has lost his federal certification to aid ICE because of the local liberal and very biased Mexican organizations and politicians. He is accused of racial profiling but statistics in Phoenix prove out his theory that most of the major crime is from illegal aliens generally Mexican gang bangers.

He is a crotchety old guy and doesn't care who's toes he steps on while fighting crime. Every major metropolitan area needs someone like him.

Go Sheriff Joe - round em up - lock em up and throw away the key. Do whatever you have to to keep the streets safe for American citizens.


Staff member
You are so right.... and in Phoenix we have a sheriff who has lost his federal certification to aid ICE because of the local liberal and very biased Mexican organizations and politicians. He is accused of racial profiling but statistics in Phoenix prove out his theory that most of the major crime is from illegal aliens generally Mexican gang bangers.

He is a crotchety old guy and doesn't care who's toes he steps on while fighting crime. Every major metropolitan area needs someone like him.

Go Sheriff Joe - round em up - lock em up and throw away the key. Do whatever you have to to keep the streets safe for American citizens.

I love Sheriff Joe and all he stands for !!!!!

Halla freakin lujah!!! Sheriff Joe is the best. (So of course every Liberal weirdo is out to bring him down).


Well-Known Member
You are so right.... and in Phoenix we have a sheriff who has lost his federal certification to aid ICE because of the local liberal and very biased Mexican organizations and politicians. He is accused of racial profiling but statistics in Phoenix prove out his theory that most of the major crime is from illegal aliens generally Mexican gang bangers.

He is a crotchety old guy and doesn't care who's toes he steps on while fighting crime. Every major metropolitan area needs someone like him.

Go Sheriff Joe - round em up - lock em up and throw away the key. Do whatever you have to to keep the streets safe for American citizens.

I love Sheriff Joe and all he stands for !!!!!

Halla freakin lujah!!! Sheriff Joe is the best. (So of course every Liberal weirdo is out to bring him down).

Yeah, in Maricopa Co. they flat know how to treat their convicts. Even in the courtroom itself, there's no mercy, they get no chance to manipulate the system to wiggle out and then go about threating society. This video of a Maricopa County Courtroom shows firsthand how the sheriff's office and the judge work together to make America safer.

Makes me so proud I wanna say the pledge of allegience. Stand and join me.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Man, those words hit ya where you live don't it? Big thanks to Lifer, More and Over for bringing up Maricopa County and Sheriff Joe so we can recognize and celebrate this bastion of American idealism.
