Old Man Jingles
Rat out of a cage
I've never considered it.I’m seriously asking you. Does he fit your definition or not?
Probably not a racist ... but he may pick a minority for political reasons.
I've never considered it.I’m seriously asking you. Does he fit your definition or not?
I think Trump should be convicted personally.It's neither listed in the U.S. criminal code nor in the articles of impeachment. So tell me again what crime he's on trial for? By the way the GAO found seven instances that the Obama administration broke the law. Should Obama have been impeached?
WrongHe used taxpayer money to pressure a foreign government to interfere in our election. I don’t care if that’s specifically listed anywhere in US criminal code, it’s a crime.
Good luck with thatI want to see it decentralized and the unconstitutional police state apparatus dismantled. I want someone who says I don’t have the answer to your life’s problems, I’m just here to guarantee you got the freedoms to pursue those yourself.
I should probably just go back to not caring about politics. I thought the republicans were serious about federalism and the constitution.Good luck with that
So you're saying the house Democrats did not have enough evidence and are engaged in a cover upIf the senate wants to judge the truth they should gather all available facts and evidence. To do otherwise is to facilitate a cover up regardless of this flimsy excuse.
Lol.I should probably just go back to not caring about politics. I thought the republicans were serious about federalism and the constitution.
Hmmm fascists or commies.Lol.
They're not.
A vote for Republicans is a vote against Democrats..
Facsists, really?Hmmm fascists or commies.
I think I’ll just start voting for myself for now on.
They are big government self described nationalists, constant war, police state surveillance and overreach, no real respect for the constitution, “America First”, continuing handing the executive branch the legislative branch duties..Facsists, really?
Lol, mkay then.
Your opinion is not fact.You seem confused about facts, carry on.
I don't see Republicans any differently than 20 years ago.They are big government self described nationalists, constant war, police state surveillance and overreach, no real respect for the constitution, “America First”, continuing handing the executive branch the legislative branch duties..
I mean both sides are bad, Democrats are far worse and further down the authoritarian rabbit hole. But you honestly don’t see any signs of fascism emerging from the Republican Party?
Sure they aren’t full blown yet, but the structure is there.
No, the electorate sees this for what it is, a sham impeachment.That is a very weak argument. It’s lawyer talk and if republicans use it on the campaign trail, they’ll get slaughtered for it.
Apparently you think it's possible to put in a leader who'll make us all wealthy and if he doesn't he's a failure. About all any leader can do is push regulations that hamper business, or pull expensive regulations to create opportunities. Because people who have money aren't going to risk their capital to have their profits eaten up by the government. So we could have gone on as is with little opportunity and the government an ever increasing burden in our lives or we can have what we have now. Those that work can still benefit with better 401k's. Those who take risks and are diligent can see even better payoffs. About all we can hope for. And a damn sight better than it was.I think Trump should be convicted personally.
He is a jackass and McConnell is aI’d like to see out of office.
The old guard doesn’t have any realistic goals for long term stability. They gave you a mascot to rally behind while they rob us blind running up the debt to enrich their donors and friends. You think Biden is corrupt? I agree. You don’t think Trump’s son has profited from his father’s connection and name since the presidency? I disagree.
Their deregulation efforts are being overseen by people with bad intentions, not good ones. People with vested interests ining over Americans and leaving them with no legal recourse. People with vested interests in setting up avenues to the government teat.
Donald Trump has been a terrible President and will be looked back on as such. Right wing Populists are absolute garbage and you should keep an open mind to democrats if you really care about a populist appeal that will put money in your pocket from the government.
Nixon wasn't impeached, and Trump will leave office in either a year or in 5.I mean think about it.
America was pretty divided following the impeachment’s of Nixon and Clinton, we went through an economic hardship giving a soapbox to the big government socialists, we also went through the worst terrorist attack maybe in history giving rise to nationalist military spirit and freedoms for safety guaranteed by the government exchange.
The divided population on both sides of the impeachments have slowly started embracing the fringes of their political wings moving in an authoritarian direction. They relish in having a strong man in office, executive orders are becoming common place and widely accepted as good things. The legislature is nothing more than opposition or complete obedience to the strong man in charge.
It really looks like we have all the makings of a fascist/commie authoritarianhole on our hands.
I don’t want to vote for someone promising to make me wealthy. I don’t even vote for the people promising they’ll make the Christians treat me like they would anyone else or give lip service to my union job.Apparently you think it's possible to put in a leader who'll make us all wealthy and if he doesn't he's a failure. About all any leader can do is push regulations that hamper business, or pull expensive regulations to create opportunities. Because people who have money aren't going to risk their capital to have their profits eaten up by the government. So we could have gone on as is with little opportunity and the government an ever increasing burden in our lives or we can have what we have now. Those that work can still benefit with better 401k's. Those who take risks and are diligent can see even better payoffs. About all we can hope for. And a damn sight better than it was.