Indiana-Is a great place to be a bigot....


Engorged Member

do you seriously believe in this concept?

He is absolutely right on the money.

The right wing has demonstrated that it is still the hate mongering group of white people it claims to be. This religious flap has all but sealed the deal for the democrats in 2016.

Unlike the Clinton emails, this "gay scandal" will last for years to come. As each red state comes forward to claim its discriminatory presence in our society, it will be clear to americans that the right wing of this country true intentions are to become more secular and intolerant.

People like you ..OUT... demonstrate through your defense that a nation of intolerance is your goal.

This is why the progressive movement is leaving people like you behind.


The world is changing, and they can't stand it, so they try and stand in the way of social progress by making a stand based on religion. That way the cycle of hate and bigotry can continue, all in the name of religious "freedom". Yes, they are that dumb.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member

do you seriously believe in this concept?

He is absolutely right on the money.

The right wing has demonstrated that it is still the hate mongering group of white people it claims to be. This religious flap has all but sealed the deal for the democrats in 2016.
Try to make sense bigot. The only "wing" that ever claimed to be hate mongering white people were (still are actually) democrats and it was evident through their sad but true history of bigoted legislation. Republicans don't have such a huge skeleton in their legislative closet.

Unlike the Clinton emails, this "gay scandal" will last for years to come. As each red state comes forward to claim its discriminatory presence in our society, it will be clear to americans that the right wing of this country true intentions are to become more secular and intolerant.

People like you ..OUT... demonstrate through your defense that a nation of intolerance is your goal.

The only intolerance in this country is dished out from the left. But you nut jobs are too clouded by your own emotions to notice your own hypocrisy. And the Clinton emails are irrelevant. Your leftist wackos in Washington courts have made sure of that.

This is why the progressive movement is leaving people like you behind.


Yeah that was so obvious in the last election cycle wasn't it?......Oh wait....nevermind. Looks like yet another false narrative by an uninformed liberal has just been shot down in flames.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
The world is changing, and they can't stand it, so they try and stand in the way of social progress by making a stand based on religion. That way the cycle of hate and bigotry can continue, all in the name of religious "freedom". Yes, they are that dumb.

The cycle of hate is coming from the :censored2:s that celebrate gay pride parades and drag queen parades and foam at the mouth and make threats over religious issues. And the word "progress" never pertains to anything a liberal has conjured in their child like, overly emotional, hate filled minds.


Engorged Member
The cycle of hate is coming from the :censored2:s that celebrate gay pride parades and drag queen parades and foam at the mouth and make threats over religious issues. And the word "progress" never pertains to anything a liberal has conjured in their child like, overly emotional, hate filled minds.

I can see you now, standing on the dock waving your Confederate flag and wearing your tinfoil TeaCon hat. Here's what you do when the gay pride and drag queen parades don't go, just like I don't go. You can have all the parades you want too, and the 'homos" probably won't attend.

"Progress" isn't in your vocabulary, but "regress" is, as in regressive, hate-filled, and afraid of meaningful change. You like your little white box full of people just like you, and you don't want to share.

Guess what? The world is changing whether you like it or not. I don't think the ship is coming back to port.


Engorged Member


Well-Known Member
The cycle of hate is coming from the :censored2:s that celebrate gay pride parades and drag queen parades and foam at the mouth and make threats over religious issues. And the word "progress" never pertains to anything a liberal has conjured in their child like, overly emotional, hate filled minds.

Wow, relax.

You're missing something here.

Being gay isn't a choice...being religious is.

My guess is that gay folk don't give a damn about which religion (if any) a person involves themselves in.

As soon as religion is used as a backdrop for discrimination, however, the situation changes.

I find it ironic that the supporters of this law are switching the narrative around to put the 'bigot' label on people who disavow this sort of discrimination.

There really isn't an assault on religion, no matter what your tv and radio masters tell you.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I can see you now, standing on the dock waving your Confederate flag and wearing your tinfoil TeaCon hat. Here's what you do when the gay pride and drag queen parades don't go, just like I don't go. You can have all the parades you want too, and the 'homos" probably won't attend.

"Progress" isn't in your vocabulary, but "regress" is, as in regressive, hate-filled, and afraid of meaningful change. You like your little white box full of people just like you, and you don't want to share.

Guess what? The world is changing whether you like it or not. I don't think the ship is coming back to port.
I don't operate that way. People who do have issues. Judging from your ranting, extremely angry rhetoric, you aren't capable of intelligent debate....only bile.

Since depending on circular reasoning, as well as lies, are your kind's specially I realized a long time ago that your kind aren't capable of intelligent debate. Only emotion outburst and rhetoric under the false narrative of "progress." Now piss of bigot. You are too hateful for your own good.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Wow, relax.

You're missing something here.

Being gay isn't a choice...being religious is.

My guess is that gay folk don't give a damn about which religion (if any) a person involves themselves in.

As soon as religion is used as a backdrop for discrimination, however, the situation changes.

I find it ironic that the supporters of this law are switching the narrative around to put the 'bigot' label on people who disavow this sort of discrimination.

There really isn't an assault on religion, no matter what your tv and radio masters tell you.

More circular reasoning. And there is definitely an assault on religion. Just look around dude. Christianity has never been under attack more than now. You have to be blind to not see it.


Strength through joy
LGBT student activists force pro-sexual integrity student group's event off campus
  • The Stanford Anscombe Society has been forced to take its upcoming “Facing History” conference off campus due to threats and a petition by LGBT student activists.
  • Petitioners claim the conference, which will address the legacy of the Sexual Revolution, will make “LGBT students feel threatened on their own campus.”
LGBT activists and faculty at Stanford University succeeded Wednesday in forcing a nonpartisan, pro-sexual integrity student group to move a previously approved conference off Stanford’s Medical School campus.

Members of a student-led LGBT advocacy group within the medical school circulated a petition Monday demanding that Stanford administrators “reconsider making space available” on the university’s Medical School campus to the school’s chapter of the Stanford Anscombe Society (SAS), which is scheduled to host its second annual “Facing History” conference—a scholarly event focused on the history, sociology, psychology, economics, and legacy of the sexual revolution—on April 11.
SAS, which describes itself as “neither religiously nor politically affiliated,” frequently holds events on campus intended to encourage discussion about the importance of traditional marriage, sexual integrity, and the family unit. Its upcoming conference plans to address the “decreasing rates of marriage and childbirth, increasing rates of premarital cohabitation and divorce, and the emergence of the pro-choice movement” as intensified by the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s, according to a statement issued by the organization.


Inordinately Right
More circular reasoning. And there is definitely an assault on religion. Just look around dude. Christianity has never been under attack more than now. You have to be blind to not see it.
I can understand how you could think Christianity is under attack. However, the truth is, Christianity as a whole isn't under attack, just your version of it.
Millenials and Gen Xers just don't buy into the ultra-conservative viewpoints, and that's why the number of religiously affiliated people in this country is in decline.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
LGBT student activists force pro-sexual integrity student group's event off campus

    • The Stanford Anscombe Society has been forced to take its upcoming “Facing History” conference off campus due to threats and a petition by LGBT student activists.

    • Petitioners claim the conference, which will address the legacy of the Sexual Revolution, will make “LGBT students feel threatened on their own campus.”
LGBT activists and faculty at Stanford University succeeded Wednesday in forcing a nonpartisan, pro-sexual integrity student group to move a previously approved conference off Stanford’s Medical School campus.

Members of a student-led LGBT advocacy group within the medical school circulated a petition Monday demanding that Stanford administrators “reconsider making space available” on the university’s Medical School campus to the school’s chapter of the Stanford Anscombe Society (SAS), which is scheduled to host its second annual “Facing History” conference—a scholarly event focused on the history, sociology, psychology, economics, and legacy of the sexual revolution—on April 11.
SAS, which describes itself as “neither religiously nor politically affiliated,” frequently holds events on campus intended to encourage discussion about the importance of traditional marriage, sexual integrity, and the family unit. Its upcoming conference plans to address the “decreasing rates of marriage and childbirth, increasing rates of premarital cohabitation and divorce, and the emergence of the pro-choice movement” as intensified by the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s, according to a statement issued by the organization.

What are they so scared of? And when the "LGBT" nuts do that it's just fighting "discrimination" and "bigotry??" LOL! Those that support that nonsense must believe that the threats are of a...uh....sexual nature?


Staff member
Wow, relax.

You're missing something here.

Being gay isn't a choice...being religious is.

My guess is that gay folk don't give a damn about which religion (if any) a person involves themselves in.

As soon as religion is used as a backdrop for discrimination, however, the situation changes.

I find it ironic that the supporters of this law are switching the narrative around to put the 'bigot' label on people who disavow this sort of discrimination.

There really isn't an assault on religion, no matter what your tv and radio masters tell you.
Truth right there.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I can understand how you could think Christianity is under attack. However, the truth is, Christianity as a whole isn't under attack, just your version of it.
Millenials and Gen Xers just don't buy into the ultra-conservative viewpoints, and that's why the number of religiously affiliated people in this country is in decline.
Thanks for strengthening my already solid point even more. Young people tend to be more liberal due to their emotions and inexperience at life. They are easily swayed by those (liberals) of the older crowd who still have the same mental dynamic long after they've "grown up."


Engorged Member
Since depending on circular reasoning, as well as lies, are your kind's specially I realized a long time ago that your kind aren't capable of intelligent debate. Only emotion outburst and rhetoric under the false narrative of "progress." Now piss of bigot. You are too hateful for your own good.

Wow, you told me Mr. Big. I'm sure Jesus would have handled it the same way. Hey, if He didn't want any homosexuals in His Kingdom, why did God create so many of them, and why would God exclude them from worshipping Him?

Logic dictates that He wouldn't (exclude them).

Plus, the so-called "War on Christianity" doesn't exist, except for a few Muslim extremists that hate everyone but Muslims. Nobody is telling you that you can't worship however you wish, but they are saying they don't want your values imposed on them.

Freedom of religion is also freedom from religion.

Please, another round of hateful Jesus-inspired rants...I can handle it.


Engorged Member
Not really. But even it was it is irrelevant to the topic. The only choice should be that the gays find another venue that offers the services they require. Somewhere where there lifestyle CHOICE doesn't trump others' religious beliefs.

Not a choice. DNA. And God "created" them, just like he created morons like you.


Inordinately Right
Thanks for strengthening my already solid point even more. Young people tend to be more liberal due to their emotions and inexperience at life. They are easily swayed by those (liberals) of the older crowd who still have the same mental dynamic long after they've "grown up."
Ya, young people are liberal because of their inexperience at life, and that's the reason they are less religiously affiliated LULZ.
I'm sure you walked 10 miles to school in the snow uphill both ways when you were young grandpa, but the world has changed. Religion will fall in line with societal beliefs over time, as it always has. Trying to play the victim won't change that.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Wow, you told me Mr. Big. I'm sure Jesus would have handled it the same way. Hey, if He didn't want any homosexuals in His Kingdom, why did God create so many of them, and why would God exclude them from worshipping Him?
Logic dictates that He wouldn't (exclude them).
God hasn't created anything in millions of years. But nice try though.
Plus, the so-called "War on Christianity" doesn't exist, except for a few Muslim extremists that hate everyone but Muslims. Nobody is telling you that you can't worship however you wish, but they are saying they don't want your values imposed on them.

Imposing homosexuality on a caterer for example?..........

Freedom of religion is also freedom from religion.

Then why don't they go find another venue? Your double standards are annoying.

Please, another round of hateful Jesus-inspired rants...I can handle it.

Wouldn't you rather use your time to call in a bomb threat to your local wedding cake shop or pizzeria instead of drooling more rabid mouth foam on your keyboard?