Instructed to call customer? What?


Just a turd
One thread on the brown cafe talks about how great UPS is, willing to make a "special delivery" for a six year old boy named Bobby who has cystic fibrosis which is followed by a discussion of a driver "too busy" to make a simple phone call to a customer.


Big difference between showing a little compassion to a house ridden little boy, and wasting your valuable time catering to some self absorbed customer who feels their time is more valuable than yours
If it's a store or a business that will give you an unheard of discount, or feeds you and gives you a place to freshen up or take an uninterrupted nap at lunch; takes forever to pay a COD during an OJS, texts you on a Friday not to bother coming by for a PU, and hooks you up with a nice gift at Christmas, exceptions can be made.