COD check must have blown out of truck

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
DR’s at college housing was always a crap shoot. 1 paid claim in 10 years on that part of the route was commendable.

The OP is a slug who needs to grow up.

I was trained to put cash in left pants pocket—-keys In right—-but was never trained to put checks in shirt pocket.
please go away promise breaker!


Active Member
You are supposed to fill out, scan and turn in a COD envelope every day whether you receive any checks or not. That is part of your End of Day task list.

As for the “muck run”—-that is what EC is for. I would have called the customer to try to set up a “paved road meet point” or ask them to pickup at center. No sense wasting 38 minutes, not to mention getting stuck, in one stop.

I was active duty Air Force and we called Minot AFB “why not Minot”.
Shoot, I guess things are a little different here as far and scanning and envelope everyday. It's only done if we have a COD to turn in.
And that muddy day I'd say at lest 95% of my stops were miles from payment. I have days I rock 240 miles of gravel.


Well-Known Member

Shoot, I guess things are a little different here as far and scanning and envelope everyday. It's only done if we have a COD to turn in.
And that muddy day I'd say at lest 95% of my stops were miles from payment. I have days I rock 240 miles of gravel.
From what I know, you guys are doing it the way everyone else in the country does. This cat is wrong all the time and just likes to see himself post. Country routes/folk usually take care of us well. This guy Upstate I bet not.


Retired 23 years
Wut? The COD turn in only requires you to match the number of checks in your hand with the number of checks in the DIAD. Drivers are only required to verify that the amount of the check matches the COD amount on the package at the time of delivery and that it is a certified check/money order if requested. I used the upper half of the old wooden clipboard, which fit in the space above the cup holders, to hold my COD envelope and call tags. I also clipped my iPhone to the cupholder.

The OP sounds like a problem child. Customers do not take the time to Google the UPS Corporate number to call in a corporate rude hourly if there is no merit to their complaint. He indicated that "she was looking for an argument" and it sounds as though he may have taken the bait. You stated that you "didn't mean to harass her" when you offered to stop by to "pick up the package". First of all, she paid for the package so you have no right to take it back and, second, it is on you to as the first link in the chain of custody for COD checks to ensure that it goes from their hand to your COD envelope to the collection point in your center. It sounds like she called the company and paid for the package with a credit card, for which she was charged a (3%?) convenience fee. UPS is not going to fire you for a rude hourly unless you went over the line with the customer. I received a rude hourly less than a week before I retired for walking across a small portion of someone's lawn---she was a busy body with nothing better to do; in fact, she called me "lazy"----we had a good laugh over that one.

Lost checks or claims for bad DR's do not come out of your check in a lump sum. The Company will take out as little as $25/week until the amount has been repaid in full. There was a SUNY Plattsburgh student playing college basketball wearing a pair of sneakers ($125) that I paid for as the result of a bad DR I had made in an off campus student housing building. From what I have read, the current $100 threshold is going to triple to $300 in the new contract, which will protect you guys from frivolous claims.

The rude hourly was not simply because you asked to pick up the package but was because of the manner in which you asked and the fact that it was the second call that you had made to the consignee in regard to the lost check. Hindsight is 20/20 but it may have been best to let your center management team take care of this for you. She was venting when she blamed you for the "second lost check".

You are given a COD envelope for a reason----to put checks in there. Checks do not go behind the blue contract book or in your backpack/wallet/shirt pocket.

burrhead asked how you were "going above and beyond" when you were incapable of doing one of the more basic parts of your job. Are you referring to the (harassing) phone calls? As he stated, there is way more to the story than you are telling us here and, unfortunately, those details would not paint you in the best light.

"Stealing time" with an unexplained 38 minute stop and "getting stuck in a blizzard" when I am certain that you were all told during the PCM not to take any (stupid) chances out on road that day are all indicators that you are a problem child.

"I would have loved to have stopped by in person." Yeah, probably a good thing that you didn't as you may have found yourself in the backseat of a patrol car.

"Now I wait for the call for my grievance hearing so it's back to the lake for me---lot's of fish to catch" tells me all that I need to know about your character.

You should use the time spent fishing to reflect on whether this is the right job for you. You'll get your job back---they may make you sit a home for awhile but you will be back. May I suggest that when you come back you make a concerted effort to do the job the way that you were trained and to treat people the way that you would like them to treat you. Picture yourself as a business owner and then ask yourself if you would like to have you delivering to yourself.

Good luck to you----you clearly have a lot of growing up to do.


Well-Known Member
CODs needs to go away completely. The rumor for years is that in the future the DIAD will accept credit card payments but I don't like that idea just because there will be data breach concerns or possibly the customer blaming ups or the driver if their info gets leaked on the dark web. If a COD is lost the center and the district gets charged for the lost amount unless the driver can recover the package, get a replacement check or the driver pays it out of his check on a weekly basis until the full amount is paid. An analysis should be done if this is even worth continuing to offer this service. I doubt the risk outweigh the reward.


Well-Known Member
I always hate that COD crap especially when the customer looks like a dear in the headlights when you tell them it’s a COD …..

Had one resi customer all pissed off because of his package requiring COD, gave him the “bye Felicia” see you tomorrow

Is it proper to put the check in my backpack or to carry it around in my pocket thru out the whole day?
I always hate that COD crap especially when the customer looks like a dear in the headlights when you tell them it’s a COD …..

Had one resi customer all pissed off because of his package requiring COD, gave him the “bye Felicia” see you tomorrow

Is it proper to put the check in my backpack or to carry it around in my pocket thru out the whole day?
You put it in your turn in envelope


You smell that?
I always hate that COD crap especially when the customer looks like a dear in the headlights when you tell them it’s a COD …..

Had one resi customer all pissed off because of his package requiring COD, gave him the “bye Felicia” see you tomorrow

Is it proper to put the check in my backpack or to carry it around in my pocket thru out the whole day?
I put them in my back left pocket.

Michael Scott

Well-Known Member
You should always have 3-4 cod envelopes in your backpack or whatever you take with you (you also should have a backpack or something similar). Put the check into the envelope, put the envelope in your backpack, not that hard.


Well-Known Member
I stuff the check in the dvir book , it won’t go anywhere . When ya finish your day you take it with you to do your punching out duties and get the cod envelope then . I rarely have cod so I’m not gonna bother with envelopes in my truck


Well-Known Member
I always carry a stack of turn in envelopes in my backpack ….only asking out of curiosity if I have it in my back pack closed bulkhead door however if it were to get broken into and having my backpack stolen…..I bet they will still dock me for not having the passenger door closed and locked