

Well-Known Member
The caption at the top of this photo reads "never again" in Hebrew.

The photo is of the front gate of the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland where hundreds of thousands of Jews were murdered during WWII. Above the gate are three friend-15's of the Israeli Air Force doing a flyover in 2003 to mark the 85th anniversary of the Polish Air Force. This photo is on the wall of virtually every military base in Israel, and the phrase "never again" is supposedly inscribed on Israels nuclear weapons. The philosophy of "never again" is deeply ingrained into the Israeli military mind. They have seen the folly of being unarmed and of relying on other nations to protect them, and they will never again allow themselves to be in that situation. Israel has demonstated time and time again that, right or wrong, they will act decisively and unilaterally if necessary to protect themselves. They rescued their hostages in Uganda in 1976, they preemptively destroyed the Egyptian and Syrian air forces on the ground during the Six Day War in 1967, they took out the Iraqi Osirak nuclear reactor in 1981 (with Iranian cooperation) and they took out the Syrian nuclear facility in 2007. Bowing to U.S. political pressure, they failed to strike pre-emptively during the Yom Kippur war in 1973 and almost got wiped out by the Syrians. In that war, they came very close to deploying nuclear weapons against the Syrian armored columns that almost broke thru the Golan Heights. Israel learned the hard way that striking preemptively is often their only choice. Will they do it this time against Iran, and will they use nuclear weapons? Thats the question that scares me.


Emotions, learn to control them.


golden ticket member
Wrong again. Just because he's more intelligent than you, does not mean you can label him crazy.

Go ahead, start a holocaust investigation on your own, let's see how far you get before being slapped by AIPAC dogs.
Did you ever ask yourself where all those pictures of skeletal dead people in the ditches came from? There was no internet back then to photoshop anything.

The man (Ahmanutjob) is insane and if you believe thew same as he does, then I come to the logical conclusion.......


Well-Known Member
Did you ever ask yourself where all those pictures of skeletal dead people in the ditches came from? There was no internet back then to photoshop anything.

The man (Ahmanutjob) is insane and if you believe thew same as he does, then I come to the logical conclusion.......

Nobody questioned the event. Not I nor Ahmedinejad. But you will not accept that fact, continue on recycling the lies you were fed by the MSM. :)


Well-Known Member
  • Iran has one of the largest Jewish populations in the world, and the second-largest in the Middle East behind Israel
  • Jews are protected by the Iranian constitution, and are guaranteed seats in the Iranian parliament
  • The CIA admits that the U.S. overthrew the moderate, suit-and-tie-wearing, Democratically-elected prime minister of Iran in 1953. He was overthrown because he had nationalized Iran’s oil, which had previously been controlled by BP and other Western oil companies. As part of that action, the CIAadmits that it hired Iranians to pose as Communists and stage bombings in Iran in order to turn the country against its prime minister
  • If the U.S. hadn’t overthrown the moderate Iranian government, the fundamentalist Mullahs would have never taken over. (Moreover, the U.S. has had a large hand in strengthening radical Islam in the Middle East by supporting radicals to fight the Soviets and others)
  • The U.S. armed and supported Iraq after it invaded Iran and engaged in a long, bloody war which included the use of chemical weapons. Here is former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld meeting with Saddam Hussein in the 1980′s, several months after Saddam had used chemical weapons in a massacre:
* The U.S. has been claiming for more than 30 years that Iran was on the verge of nuclear capability
* The U.S. helped fund Iran’s nuclear program
* The U.S. has been actively planning regime change in Iran – and throughout the oil-rich Middle East and North Africa – for 20 years
* The decision to threaten to bomb Iran was made before 9/11
* America and Israel both support a group designated by the U.S. as a terrorist organization which is trying to overthrow the Iranian government
* Top American and Israeli military and intelligence officials say that Iran has not decided to build a nuclear bomb
* Top American and Israeli military and intelligence officials say that – even if Iran did build a nuclear bomb – it would not be that dangerous, because Israel and America have so many more nukes. And see this
* American military and intelligence chiefs say that attacking Iran would only speed up its development of nuclear weapons, empower its hardliners, and undermine the chance for democratic reform
* The people pushing for war against Iran are the same people who pushed for war against Iraq, and said it would be a “cakewalk”. See this and this
* Well-known economist Nouriel Roubini says that attacking Iran would lead to global recession. The IMF says that Iran cutting off oil supplies could raise crude prices 30%. War with Iran would kill the American economy. And see this and this
* China and Russia have warned that attacking Iran could lead to World War III


Well-Known Member
10 Excellent reasons to attack Iran:
1. Iran has threatened to fight back if attacked, and that’s a war crime. War crimes must be punished.

2. My television says Iran has nukes. I’m sure it’s true this time. Just like with North Korea. I’m sure they’re next. We only bomb places that really truly have nukes and are in the Axis of Evil. Except Iraq, which was different.

3. Iraq didn’t go so badly. Considering how lousy its government is, the place is better off with so many people having left or died. Really, that one couldn’t have worked out better if we’d planned it.

4. When we threaten to cut off Iran’s oil, Iran threatens to cut off Iran’s oil, which is absolutely intolerable. What would we do without that oil? And what good is buying it if they want to sell it?

5. Iran was secretly behind 9-11. I read it online. And if it wasn’t, that’s worse. Iran hasn’t attacked another nation in centuries, which means its next attack is guaranteed to be coming very soon.

6. Iranians are religious nuts, unlike Israelis and Americans. Most Israelis don’t want to attack Iran, but the Holy Israeli government does. To oppose that decision would be to sin against God.

7a. Iranians are so stupid that when we murder their scientists they try to hire a car dealer in Texas to hire a drug gang in Mexico to murder a Saudi ambassador in Washington, and then they don’t do it — just to make us look bad for catching them.

7b. Oh, and stupid people should be bombed. They’re not civilized.

8. War is good for the U.S. economy, and the Iranian economy too. Troops stationed in Iran would buy stuff. And women who survived the war would have more rights. Like in Virginia. We owe Iranians this after that little mishap in 1953.

9. This is the only way to unite the region. Either we bomb Iran and it swears its eternal love to us. Or, if necessary, we occupy Iran to liberate it like its neighbors. Which shouldn’t take long. Look how well Afghanistan is going already.

10. They won’t give our drone back. Enough said.


golden ticket member
Nobody questioned the event. Not I nor Ahmedinejad. But you will not accept that fact, continue on recycling the lies you were fed by the MSM. :)
I think saying that it never happened is more than just "questioning the event".

“The one thing he said that’s undeniable was, he said that the Holocaust never happened. And once you get into that kind of fringe, lunatic assessment — all right — your father’s Jewish, I mean, come on.”

Big Hollywood Mahmoud Ah


Well-Known Member
So here is a philosophical question;

What should the United States do if Israel informs us that they are about to launch an attack against Iran's nuclear facilities, and that they are going to use low-yeild tactical nukes of their own in order to completely destroy the hardened underground targets in one strike?

That is the real nightmare scenario for me. I personally do not believe that Iran is enough of a direct threat to us to justify a pre-emptive attack. However, I do believe that a nucear-armed Iran is enough of a threat to Isreal to justify an Isreali pre-emptive attack. The problem is....Israel cannot deal a decisive blow to Irans facilities using conventional weapons only. They are only going to be able to get away with one or maybe two strikes at the most before political pressure forces the Saudis to take active measures against Israeli violations of their airspace. The United States, on the other hand, is capable of destroying the Iranian nuclear facilities using conventional weapons only, and we wont have to violate the airspace of other nations to do so.

The scenario that scares me is the one where our choices are (a) launch the attack ourselves or (b) do nothing and sit by while the Israelis go in there and use nuclear weapons to do the job. Which choice is the lesser evil?

Giving the 2 "lesser evil" options as our only choice, I would choose "B" whereas option "A" makes us the direct aggressor, "B" clearly makes Israel the actual culprit with the US as a secondary culprit having supplied the means. But then many muslims in the Middle East already view the US as a secondary culprit whether in the case of Israel or as benefactor to some of the Middle East's most ruthless regimes. So with "B" it's just same ole/same ole so there you go!

Just read an interesting piece about an American Jewish gathering where the situation with Iran was discussed and it gave some interesting incite into some thinking within the American jewish community. Doesn't directly answer any of your questions above and not that I did either but it still proves some relevance IMO.


Well-Known Member
Interesting comments.



Well-Known Member
I understand why everyone gets so fixated on Hilter since this thread got sidetracked on that note but the real butcher of the WW2 era may one day prove to be none other than Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Sad to believe that history may some day show that the greatest generation in their nobility and brightest moment were being used for other purposes and had they known the real truth, the only beaches stormed might have been on the Potomac River!


golden ticket member
Monday, February 27, 2012 @ 10:38 am | Iran Says They’ve Defeated Da Joooos … At The Oscar’s
When you’re Iran, you take any win you can get.
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran trumpeted the Islamic Republic’s first foreign film Oscar win Monday as a triumph over archfoe Israel – even as audiences in Israel packed theaters to watch the movie that beat their country’s entry at the Academy Awards.
The groundbreaking success of “A Separation,” which tells the story of a failing marriage, was cast mostly in nationalist terms by Iranian authorities amid a mounting showdown between Israel and its Western allies over Tehran’s disputed nuclear program.
Yet the high-profile attention by Iran’s Islamic leadership also represents a rare stamp of approval on the country’s movie industry, which collects awards and accolades worldwide but is often dismissed by hard-liners at home as dominated by Western-tainted liberals and political dissenters.
The Israeli film “Footnote” was in the competition against director Asghar Farhadi’s movie, which explores troubles in Iranian society through the story of a marriage in collapse. Many Iranian hard-liners objected to the themes of domestic turmoil, gender inequality and the desire by many Iranians to leave the country.


Well-Known Member
Hope you see it's the leadership that has problems (both sides) with each other, not the majority of the people. I like peace, not wars.
Ideologies and religions that put us seperate and fight against each other.