

Well-Known Member
Since he is irrelevant, Ron Paul's opinion is meaningless.

He might be meaningless but there are a lot of people on all sides of the political spectrum that are coming to that same conclusion thanks to his message. But where Paul's legacy is being laid is not in this election but in the years ahead. The idea of minimum state and even stateless societies is growing like wildfire among the young and the more your cheerished statist system implodes and consumes itself, these kids will abandon statism more and more and your tyrannical world will die a welcomed death in the dustbin of history. The words republican and democrat will be tossed away with the words communism and fascism and we will walk into a future of freedom and liberty.

Either get off the tracks or you are going to get freight trained!



Well-Known Member
Since he is irrelevant, Ron Paul's opinion is meaningless.

One other thing, in the latest Rasmussen Poll, it seems "YOUR PRESIDENT" would get beat by "A MEANINGLESS" if the election were today.

For the first time ever, Texas Congressman Ron Paul also leads the president. In that matchup, 43% prefer Paul and 41% Obama. Ten percent (10%) would vote for some other option, a figure that includes 17% of Republicans.

Pretty good for a meaningless eh?


Well-Known Member
You are right, only over 70 % of the population doesn't want another war included with him. While his views doesn't attract everybody, I do think stopping the wars separate him from ALL the other candidates who jump and down for how they are going to bomb and send troops into countries like Iran. Do you see what is going on in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia nowdays?


Well-Known Member
You are right, only over 70 % of the population doesn't want another war included with him. While his views doesn't attract everybody, I do think stopping the wars separate him from ALL the other candidates who jump and down for how they are going to bomb and send troops into countries like Iran. Do you see what is going on in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia nowdays?

Ron Paul at Michigan State University and how many of these young people will make a difference of our world in the years ahead?



Been around the block a few times
We are playing right into the hands of "some" other country. We will exhaust our military and and our resources fighting petty little wars in the Middle East and then when the time is ripe we will be attacked and won't be able to defend ourselves.


Well-Known Member
I wonder how many of us could "handle the truth" and rather prefer our false sense of security that our government will do the right thing and take care of us.

I think the fact that more and more good people are raising the very point you just made is a very healthy and positive sign indeed. Just the admission of what we see could well be a illusion is a good thing. It's the first step towards telling those who want to impose "their" will on the rest of society to prove with facts what they say is actually true to begin with. And that's really a good thing!


Well-Known Member
I wonder how many of us could "handle the truth" and rather prefer our false sense of security that our government will do the right thing and take care of us.
I just want the truth, I can handle it. :D Got some "crazy" conspiracy ideas, some of them is more credible than our MSM though. I have no doubt the Pentagon knows what they are doing. When we start bombing some of the countries over there, people will be mad especially from those countries who lives here, so I wouldn't be surprised to see some bomb going off here.


Well-Known Member

I love these slick words they use: "strike" iran. Why dont they say the truth: Israel's decision to ATTACK or BOMB Iran!! Striking sounds so innocent like some kid throwing a pitch . But what israel would be doing is ilegally attacking/bombing a country that did NOTHING to them. There is no IMMINENT threat; this is about illegal pre-emption as illegal as our attack and invasion of iraq in 2003.


golden ticket member
I love these slick words they use: "strike" iran. Why dont they say the truth: Israel's decision to ATTACK or BOMB Iran!! Striking sounds so innocent like some kid throwing a pitch . But what israel would be doing is ilegally attacking/bombing a country that did NOTHING to them. There is no IMMINENT threat; this is about illegal pre-emption as illegal as our attack and invasion of iraq in 2003.
3 strikes is a turkey!!
Strike while the fire is hot.
Strike the match
3 strikes and you're out
Strike it rich
Goin' on strike

STRIKE is a good word choice!