The agreement has yet to be finalized.
You do understand what a 'negotiation' is, don't you? Or are you just being difficult?Oh yeah, we have to finalize it to see what's in it.
Damn, that sounds familiar.
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif insisted Wednesday that the Obama administration mischaracterizes Iran's concessions in the nuclear deal, telling CNN's Chief National Security Correspondent Jim Sciutto in an exclusive interview that "we did not agree to dismantle anything."
As part of the deal, Iran was required to dilute its stockpile of uranium that had been enriched to 20%, well above the 5% level needed for power generation but still below the level for developing a nuclear weapon.
In addition, the deal mandated that Iran halt all enrichment above 5% and "dismantle the technical connections required to enrich above 5%," according to a White House fact sheet issued in November after the initial agreement was reached.
Zarif accused the Obama administration of creating a false impression with such language.
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I think this is one of them thar "existential" type threatsPerhaps a bit of perspective is in order.
We have something like 1800 deployed nuclear warheads. Within half an hour, we could reduce the entire nation of Iran to a smoking pile of radioactive glass, and cremate 90% of its population. Our allies-the UK and France- possess over 400 warheads between them and are also capable of destroying Iran. Israel also has about 300 warheads. I guess I am not seeing why we cant continue negotiating. Its obvious who has the upper hand, and the reality is that Iran will never pose a threat to us.
They obviously enjoy making Obama look like a bumbling idiot.
Via Weekly Standard:
The head of an Iranian nuclear organization, Ali Akbar, says the “entire nuclear activity of Iran is going on,” despite the nuclear deal reached with the United States and other Western nations. Akbar made the comments in an interview with PressTV, an Iranian propaganda outfit.
Akbar also says they won’t dismantle Arak reactor, that the American have achieved nothing, and that they’re continuing to build new nuclear sites.
Do you seriously think there is any chance of Iran attacking us with a nuclear weapon?Or they can continue their little project.......nuke us....then what.....go after them with solar panels?
I think of them as having 'little man's syndrome'.......they'll do crazy stuff just to look tough.Yes....they would be destroyed....true, but who will they annihilate 'til then.?