Sounds like time cards!
I'm sure time cards is all human error. Never a supe trying to fudge some numbers here or there...that just wouldn't happen.
Sounds like time cards!
Hey Corporations will do whatever they have to in order to turn a profit and stay in business, this would also mean keeping the likes of you and me..uh, employed. This would include going wherever, whenever to do so. Now, if you had a company and the business environment was unfriendly in one place wouldn't you go somewhere else to keep it going?? You say Corps are sitting on Trillions and not hiring, would you hire if there was uncertainty and an anti business environment. Believe me Corps want to hire, the more they hire, the more they can grow their business and make more $ and hire more and make more$ etc.......
Actually, they are making billions without hiring, and their stock price is going up. So why would they hire? We should tax idle cash....
Your logic would work, because more people employed means more demand. Unfortunately, Wall Street Logic doesn't work that way....stock prices have almost nothing to do with fundamentals anymore.
Please tell me you really aren't this stupid. Business exists for the sole and single purpose of making money. That is creating wealth for its owners and shareholders. They don't exist to make you feel better, or to give your neighbor a job. Its all about taking in more money then they have going out. Do you think tv stations put on tv shows purely for your entertainment? No, they put on shows in hopes of keeping you entertained long enough to get you to watch the next commercial break. Do you believe the grocery store exists just so you don't have to go out and kill and grow your own food? No, they exist to turn a profit by making it convenient for you to purchase your food that others have produced. If a business deems that they can make more money by allowing their cash to idle then investing in a new venture then they have every right to do that because that is why they exist. To sit there and say we need to tax idle cash is ludicrous because without some idle cash reserves businesses will fail and people will be unemployed. Given the unstable nature of our economy how do you expect a business to invest in expansion when they don't know what their tax rates are going to be in 2 years, or what their healthcare costs will be thanks to Obamacare. Businesses invest when markets and economies are stable and the people you support to control our government create anything but a stable environment for businesses to grow and thrive.
Businesses are given a charter by the state. If a state deems that a corporation is not serving the interests of the people of that state, it is the right of that state to revoke that corporation's charter. "Making money" but at who's expense?? Our air, water and health. That is why we have regulations, to protect people from nefarious corporations who only seem to care about profit over people.
Companies exist because there is a demand for a certain product.
On why tv stations operate, if you look at entities like PBS, they are not around to make money. They exist to inform the public and broadcast news without commercial breaks or profit making.
We should tax wealth instead of income.
Now you are saying companies need to know the future in order to invest?? So you are advocating planned economies?? Capitalism is about "the free market". Governments have the right to tax. As long as all businesses are treated equally. But it seems only big business can afford to lobby for special tax breaks!
Here I was thinking Techgirl made the most ignorant post I have seen on the BC and here you go one upping her. Corporations are not issued charters soley on the basis of whether or not they are serving the public interests. Corporations are formed and charters are given out so that a business man or woman can operate their business without fear of having their business's liabilities affect their personal lives. It helps to mitigate risks so that if you owned a store and someone slipped and fell in that store they cannot come after you personally, they could only go after the business and its assets. There are also tax implications for forming a corporation, but that is much too complicated for you to understand.
And what do they do with that product? They sell it for a profit, and that profit motive is why the business was formed in the first place. Creating wealth for the owners and shareholders of said business is the sole purpose of its existence.
PBS is but one station in a world full of privately owned and run stations. ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, Discovery, etc., all exist to get you to watch the commercials which pay their bills. If all we had to watch was PBS programming I think a lot of us would be wathcing a lot less tv. That is unless your 5 and enjoy Sesame Street.
I have to ask you to please not vote in any upcoming election of any national importance. Its actually scary that you have the right to vote.
Businesses take risks when they operate. The higher those percieved risks the less activity a business is prone to taking. When a business owner can't count on what his or her tax rate is going to be or what their future employment costs might be due to some wild eyed politician's legislation they will not invest or hire as they would if they could count on these variables. The business environment has become so unstable due to government interference that businesses simply refuse to invest in themselves. It's much too risky hence the high unemployment we have been seeing throughout Obama's Presidency.
Yeah, ok Im the ignorant one but you are the one who wants to "impeach obama now". LOL!! For what?? Being a : "socialist" or a "closet muslim" or a "manchurian candidate" or "unamerican" or "unpatriotic" or "Not born in this country" LOL!!
On PBS, let me say it is more than just children's programming. Watch it from 6 pm til 12 pm. It has lots of good news, current affairs, politics, and history programs. Best of all without any commercials trying to sell us soap!! You might learn something!!
I've got a better question. hominem...
Was this really necessary? You could have made your point without the personal attack.
which beckons the question why does government sponsored television cater mostly to the yet undeveloped intellectually? .
If that were the case, Fox "news" would be government sponsored!!
I was replying to a piece about impeaching Obama. Apparently, you don't have an answer.....and what has any of this to do with Wisconsin????
Was this really necessary? You could have made your point without the personal attack.
Absolutely! I just can't fathom how someone can get through life this far and still ask questions like "Why do you own a house?"
The Nudie Beach (Florida)
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Why would you wish for someone to lose on their investment?? The fact is....if you are in your house to stay and live, then any rise or any loss is just on paper anyway. (patent pending on these MY words)