Is anyone following Wisconsin?


Well-Known Member
Re: Is anyone following this?

I see we have a another FOX news watcher among us.

Can we be clear on some facts for a change. The democrats are NOT in hiding. Its a simple parlimentary move. NO VOTE can be taken if there isnt at least one democrat in the state, so, all the democrats left the state for the day.

Its that simple. Any distortion to the contrary is merely another right wing slant to make it appear differently.

If you are a teamster, your support should be with the workers of this country who are being asked to bear the burden of the debt while the top 1% of wage earners get a tax break and laugh all the way to the bank while the actual people who make this country operate suffer the blow.

Ah a Liberal, anybody who thinks it's ok for those idiot Democrats to leave and shut down the government process is a Liberal( Minority), The Governor ran on exactly what he is doing, the Democrats are whinny cry babies cause they lost! Google it for yur self Public salaries are more than the private sector!!!! The reason the public sector get's heathcare and pension was that they had low salaries, well that's out the window now! And whether u realize it or not YUR TAX dollars pay for this!!! The country is 14 Trillion $ in debt Both parties are to blame. I am a Teamster, and a Tea Party member, ask why the Teamster's backed Obama Care??? those Idiot's are trying to loose are health-care!! The Democrat Party is way to left to re claim that's why the Tea Party has targeted Republicans who say they are conservative but r not, hence the bloodbath this past November, and more to come in 2012.


New Member
How is what's going on in WI correlate in any way to us Teamsters? The laws in WI concerning state and local unions were created in 1958 and govern only state and local municipal unions. The NLRB was created in 1934 and governs private unions i.e. the Teamsters. Yes, there is a politcal component to what the Republicans are doing in the State of WI, but last I checked, there was more of a balance in the Federal Government. I do believe it is bad when one party has sole control over an aspect of government, but it is what it is. The Democrats had the Federal Government the past two years, now the Republicans have WI State Government. The Republicans didn't turn tail and run when O'care was rammed through on party lines. I wonder how many of you adamant union supporters will be complaining when O'care's "cadillac tax" kicks in 2018??? I don't know about you, but where I'm at, I'm looking at 120 bucks a month, just for taxes alone!


Staff member
How is what's going on in WI correlate in any way to us Teamsters? The laws in WI concerning state and local unions were created in 1958 and govern only state and local municipal unions. The NLRB was created in 1934 and governs private unions i.e. the Teamsters. Yes, there is a politcal component to what the Republicans are doing in the State of WI, but last I checked, there was more of a balance in the Federal Government. I do believe it is bad when one party has sole control over an aspect of government, but it is what it is. The Democrats had the Federal Government the past two years, now the Republicans have WI State Government. The Republicans didn't turn tail and run when O'care was rammed through on party lines. I wonder how many of you adamant union supporters will be complaining when O'care's "cadillac tax" kicks in 2018??? I don't know about you, but where I'm at, I'm looking at 120 bucks a month, just for taxes alone!
Ask these questions when the Republican Party slashes funding for the NLRB. They don't have to disband it to make it totally ineffective.


Well-Known Member
A politician doing what he promised to do during the election process --how refreshing.
The people of Wisconsin spoke during the last election. The fourteen clowns that fled the state--13 of them are long term politicians that over the years created the mess--now they ignore the last election ??? Stay take the medicine -if you believe it is wrong the VOTERS will change it in the next election ---this is how our country works. As President Obama told us over two years age ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES. Obama also saw the consequences of his actions for the past two years in the last election.

P.S.How disgraceful the wonderful teachers call in sick ,use phony doctors notes and hold signs calling for the death of the governor. Nice !!
Glad these people are teaching the children ---looks like they live by very high ethics:sad-little: Great example !!


Well-Known Member
I find it hard to believe that people would rather see the Teachers who teach our kids, we trust our kids with daily and help mold them into the people they will grow up to be pay the price.
I find it hard to believe that these teachers are the ones setting an example by skipping class and getting fake doctors notes, what kind of message does that send to your child? In addition to that the democrat leaders of the State have gone into hiding, is this another lesson for our children to learn, C'mon!!
The Police that are there to protect us in case of an emergency and pay with their lives in many cases pay the price. The Fireman that run into your burning house to pull you out alive and in doing so risk their lives to pay the price.
Save the hysteria the bargaining changes exempt most firefighters, police and State troopers. The Governor wants to remove collective bargaining rights except for wages, which would be limited to be not greater than the Consumer Price Index. The reason for this is to have a long term plan to reduce the deficit otherwise you're just kicking the can down the road. Futhermore it is the tax payers that pay for the salaries of the union State workers and they should have to answer to all the people of Wisconsin. This isn't the same as UPS and the teamsters because UPS is responsible for paying the teamster wage not the tax payer.
But no one has asked the politicains or even this Governor to gice up his pension plan, medical benefits, the free housing he enjoys etc. Im sure that would be equal to the 10% that is being discussed.
Nobody has asked anyone to give up but rather proposed a plan that would require state employees to put 5.8 percent of their salaries toward their pensions and pay 12.6 percent of their health-care premiums. Currently, state employees make no payments toward their pensions.
When the economy hit the tanks corporations got bailed out by us the tax payers, here we are now and many of those companies are now seeing raises and bonuses while we are still paying higher taxes. And now the working class of America has to pay an even bigger price?
You can thank Obama for the bail outs...Go going!
Wisconsin stand tall and fight the good fight, I only wish I could be there to suppost you! Screw Egypt and the middle east, you want to see a revolution lets do it here in our own back yards!!!!! Power to the people!!!
Funny, you're seeing the power of the PEOPLE, the guy who lives next door to a teacher who is making $70k while he only makes $50k, the same guy watching that teacher retire at 55 and him at 70 all the while paying taxes to support his pension....HOGWASH!! POWER TO ALL THE PEOPLE the millions of Wisconsin tax payers who are sick and tired of this kind of crap and voted in change! Governor Scott Walker a man taking charge, nice to see for a CHANGE!!


Squeaky Wheel
How is what's going on in WI correlate in any way to us Teamsters?

>36% of public sector workers are union. Something like 9% private workers are. It is all about big corps making money. Look up the Kochs who donated 45 grand to walker's campaign last year. It is not about budget and the private unions will be targeted by corporations next. We as Teamsters need to be educating other Teamsters.


Well-Known Member
>36% of public sector workers are union. Something like 9% private workers are. It is all about big corps making money. Look up the Kochs who donated 45 grand to walker's campaign last year. It is not about budget and the private unions will be targeted by corporations next. We as Teamsters need to be educating other Teamsters.

There should be NO public worker's that are Union they work for the friggin Government either Federal state or municipality, the reason for only 9% for private is because we don't produce anything this country has become a service economy and those job's don't pay well.And maybe the union's r to blame for such a low number, like their stance in supporting Obama Care which would mean a loss of insurance coverage for teamster's which is not good. Maybe you need to be educated, taking a stance with the Democrats like I said before the Party has gone so far left If u like them then leave this country for France or Germany or one of those socialist countries because the madness has ended the past November more to come on 2012, we are heading for true conservative turnaround, make no mistake both parties are responsible for the mess we are in, but those where not real republican's, and the Democrat party and for that matter the Education system to has been hijacked by leftist which it makes easier to turn the republican party around.


Man of Great Wisdom
My daughter graduates this spring with a degree in elementary education. When she started college it was an excellent career path. Now you will have kids becoming teachers with more debt than the job can cover. (If you can get a teaching job). I'm a union member, a WI taxpayer and father of a future public employee. Tough spot to be in.


Squeaky Wheel
There should be NO public worker's that are Union they work for the friggin Government either Federal state or municipality, the reason for only 9% for private is because we don't produce anything this country has become a service economy and those job's don't pay well.And maybe the union's r to blame for such a low number, like their stance in supporting Obama Care which would mean a loss of insurance coverage for teamster's which is not good. Maybe you need to be educated, taking a stance with the Democrats like I said before the Party has gone so far left If u like them then leave this country for France or Germany or one of those socialist countries because the madness has ended the past November more to come on 2012, we are heading for true conservative turnaround, make no mistake both parties are responsible for the mess we are in, but those where not real republican's, and the Democrat party and for that matter the Education system to has been hijacked by leftist which it makes easier to turn the republican party around.

You are the one who needs an education. Unions keep public workers from being maltreated by "real", ahem, republicans like you. Your remark that we are headed toward 'true conservative turnaround' polarized thinking really demonstrates your maturity. Go watch some Natzi Germany films, then be all the lemming you can be!

Obama's health plan would not mean a loss of insurance coverage. It would mean I would begin paying a premium for insurance, and if that is all I have to give financially to help with this country's problem then I am lucky.


Well-Known Member
You are the one who needs an education. Unions keep public workers from being maltreated by "real", ahem, republicans like you. Your remark that we are headed toward 'true conservative turnaround' polarized thinking really demonstrates your maturity. Go watch some Natzi Germany films, then be all the lemming you can be!

Obama's health plan would not mean a loss of insurance coverage. It would mean I would begin paying a premium for insurance, and if that is all I have to give financially to help with this country's problem then I am lucky.

Wrong You would loose your healthcare, HAVE U READ THE DAM THING!.(oh wait that's right Democrats don't read bill's they just jam em down our throat's) I am not a republican, I am a conservative have u not read my post??Again my friggin TAXES pay for friggin government workers!! From congress to the senate to judicial to the military, executive branch, state, town, IT NEVER ENDS! THE PUBLIC SECTOR MAKES MORE MONEY THAN THE PRIVATE IS THAT RIGHT???? Taxed Enough Already TEA Party. If u want to pay more taxes go right ahead, I DON'T.Government worker's don't need union's, who exactly do they need to be protected from?? The Government??? lol or US the tax payer?


Well-Known Member
Koch's Americans for Prosperity group has launched a new website and petition. The new site attacks all collective bargaining, not just for public sector unions. Koch's front group also declares: "In fact, every state should adopt Governor Scott Walker's common sense reforms."

SO much like the left to tell lies ....where on that website does it say's it's coming after private union's??? And here we go again the Tea Party is violent lol lmao


Squeaky Wheel
my friggin TAXES pay for friggin government workers!! From congress to the senate to judicial to the military, executive branch, state, town, IT NEVER ENDS!

If you think you deserve free government services, why don't you quit work and go on welfare?
If you don't think what is happening in WI will affect you FIND ANOTHER THREAD TO WHINE ON.


Staff member
Given that the Union leaders have already stated their willingness to accept all the economic provisions in this bill (all the parts which actually do save the state money), this standoff is not about WI's deficit. It's about busting a union. It comes down to whether you believe that unionism and collective bargaining are a natural right of the working class, or whether you believe those things are a privilege granted by the state/employer. If you think (as I do) that unionism/collective bargaining is a right, then any law which seeks to take away those rights is unjust by definition and you should be opposed to this bill. If you think it's a privilege that can be taken away at the sole discretion of the state or your employer that's fine, but keep in mind that that reasoning can be used against you as well. And you can't have it both ways, ie, you can't say that it's a right for some workers but not for others because that makes it a defacto privilege. Ultimately there is someone who will think that you shouldn't have that privilege either.