Just keep slaving away without demanding more.
How about the problem is that they crank it out way to fast. If we could demand earlier start times and deal with things at a more manageable pace, it would be a different story. And hey we'd be getting paid more too!
If they would give us enough employees to get it done as fast as they want in a more efficient manner, it would be a different story. Then in theory the union would be stronger with more members, potentially getting us even better conditions. But that's only if the members are smart enough to not only understand the system but utilize it.
If the management would do the REAL work in the hubs and not just the easiest jobs for brief periods of time, quitting and moving on to something else whenever they please, maybe they would stop
ing us over every day and understand that they are stealing from somone and doing physical labor they shouldn't even have to do. But the just run around with the head up either management's or their own ass all day.
This older generation seems to have a, "Shut the hell up, work your body away and be grateful that someone ALLOWS you to exist, and they give you "good" pay with great "potential" to earn more! Plus they "give you" great benefits just shut up and take it! That's just how it is"
Or something along those lines.
While the younger people seem to be demanding more, saying that they shouldn't have to put up with the conditions we work in. Yeah this job is a lot better than a lot of what's out there, but a pile of
is still a pile of
even if one turd has some corn in it.
I don't care if it doesn't sound political or any of that but one guy doesn't need to earn 4000 times more than the very people who earned him his money in the first place.
But hey no one agrees with how I see the world and my views on anything so I guess I'll just shut the
up, and go to sleep to wake up tomorrow and go destroy my self for 10.50 an hour.
Until we don't live in a world where profit is more important than a person, no one's hearin what I'm sayin!
* the sad thing is that while I sit here and complain about stuff like this in a heated home on a computer connected to the internet, they're rioting in Ukraine, killing each other in Africa, Iraq bla bla bla world conflict list goes on and on....
I guess you can label me a stupid "hippy" world peace advocate lazy bum whatever you wanna call it...But the world just isn't a place I'm really liking right now. I feel like maybe feeling "stuck" at UPS makes me feel this way... but I'm free to go to college and get a good job and free to do this and that and bla bla so maybe since I can't adjust to this system I should go check in to a nut house or something.
But the thing is I know I'm not the only one with all these feelings. But I don't know the answers either. It's just a tough realization I'm trying to get over at this point in my life I guess.
There's enough here for everyone to have enough to be more than happy so why can't we work together to coexist happily? It's something that freezes the computer in my brain with the error "can not compute"
I just got the benefits "UPS" "gave me" [
ty as the union is, without it we'd be making minimum wage with NO benefits of any kind] so maybe I should use em on a therapist.