OK, so answer this question:...Where do you start to consolidate when you have two completely different labor forces with a wide disparity in pay and benefits and a company that believes that a race to the bottom is the best way to get to the top?So they have the poorest setup in history and it’s impossible for them to create a better one? That is an incredibly stupid assertion.
This at a time when the king of this industry's mountain is a model of corporate efficiency supported by a labor force earning by far the industry's best wages and benefits and in doing so proving conclusively that the market will indeed support that level of employee earnings and later this year see an increase in pay while at the same time the person lugging around Fat Freddy's boxes will be a person earning even less than the person they replaced. A person required to fully replicate the task performed by that UPS driver and do it for a small fraction of the pay.
This is a strictly a service business where cheap never takes precedence over stability and reliability and indications are based on the knowledgeable comments on here Fat Freddy and Raj are going to get an education in that reality.