I am curious as to why you seem to have such a vested interest in all threads involving local elections?
You seem to leave no stone unturned on this forum, engaging posters on this Local 251 thread, the Local 177 and the 804 thread to name a few.
Also there seems to be a reoccurring theme of asking for proof of allegations.
How would anybody ever satisfy such a request on an anonymous internet forum?
If they managed to provide some proof, how could you ever validate it as fact?
Care to share your agenda?
I missed the rules limiting postings in similar thread topics. Could you kindly point those out for me.
The answer to this mindbending puzzle is pretty simple, Union issues and elections interest me. I stick to posts (mostly) on the Union Issue page, because I'm interested in our Union. That's it. I've been closely involved in numerous Local Union and civil elections. I enjoy the electoral process, especially when the good guys win.
I try to correct inaccuracies, answer questions, and use knowledge gained from many years as an elected steward to help members and I'd like all leaders from the GP and Local PO's to the alternate stewards to do the same. (What a heretical concept)
For those that enjoy unsubstatiated allegations, good for them, conspiracy theories are interesting and entertaining even if they're seldom accurate. I don't enjoy speculative statements and I know you don't either. You often question posts for better info. (You're questioning my motives in this post) How do
you determine what or who to believe? I suspect you do exactly as I do. Read posts, read responses, and gradually trust those that give good answers.
To specifically address the Locals you've mentioned, L251 is Stink's local. I agree with Stink's posts for the most part so tend to agree with his position on the incumbent leadership. I've posted little in the L177 thread as I know no one in L177 but the challengers appear very unprepared. Members get harmed by unprepared leaders. I do know some of the L804 leadership and believe they're on the right track, and would do even better by losing the TDU link.
Again all union issues interest me. No agenda other than that.
One question though Bubble, when did I pee in your cornflakes?