Is the pen mightier than the sword ?

will I get a responce ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 24.4%
  • No

    Votes: 31 75.6%

  • Total voters


Raw Member
I never for 1 second ever believed UK Guys story! 705Red seems to be the biggest sucka` here in terms of this yarn! :cool:


Senior Member
Don't you guys know you can take any non-twist beer bottle and hit the edge of the cap on the side of anything sharp and the cap will come off clean. Come on DS even you know this trick. I guess this shows I'm just an Ole country girl with many road trips taken and no bottle opener.
You can also open the door of a pickup truck and at the hinge is a perfect place to pop the cap off a longneck. The bed on the truck makes a pretty cool dance floor too. Just turn the radio up loud.


Senior Member
This is a letter I wrote to J Hoffa as a last resort to my situation, I am waiting for a responce.....

Dear Mr. Hoffa,
I do hope this letter finds you well, and I hope you can find the time to read it. I feel like a drowning man cluching at straws and fear this letter is my last hope .
I have been an employee at ups for over 15 years, I have never had a problem and always loved my job , up until last year that is.
A new building manager was appointed to the cerritos hub mid year , I had heard rumers that he was there to clean house. I didnt pay to much attention to this as I am a hard worker and an honest empoyee , so what should I have to watch my back for ??
What I didnt count on was this guy just takeing an immediate dislikeing to me, I`m a well liked person and try my best to be respectful and polite to everyone, what i didnt realise was that it was not me , it was the tattoos I have on my arms . I was told I had to wear long sleeve shirts and must cover them at all times, I wasnt even alowed to order my own uniforms long sleeve shirts were ordered for me. Now I could understand if i had a naked women or vulgarities on my skin that could be offensive, but I have nothing like that at all , its mostly asian , a few cherry blossoms and some koi fish.
This guy was watching everything I did, he would call my center manager to see if I was late punching in , he would check my time everyday and even wrote me up for being 1 minute early takeing my lunch.
I was makeing my first bulk stop of the morning and dislocated my shoulder lifting an oversize package onto the dock, it was in agony , I called the center around 9 30 am and explained my situation to them and was told to wait for a supervisor to arrive . after what seemed like an eternity i was met by an on road sup. I was a little confused as to how he expected me to drive one of the trucks back to the hub , but he explained how I would actually be spending the rest of the day sitting in the jump seat navigating for him.
We returned to the hub around 8.00 pm , that is one of the worst days of my life , I felt sick to my stomach, I had hot chills and was running a fever,
I called in the injury and was told to take off the rest of the week if I wished (rather than go to the clinic ) It was late and i just wanted to get home to see the wife and kids, the thought of a 4 day weekend was very appealing , I had been trying to get a couple of days off for over a month with no luck so thats what i did .
I reported for work 8.30 monday morning feeling ok but I could tell there was something seriusly wrong with my shoulder . I informed my center manager of this and requested a visit to the clinic but he explained how they were very short staffed and if there would be any way I could possibly hold off a couple of days as the staffing should be better towards the middle of the week. Reluctently I agreed to work the Monday but i wasnt sure if I could make it through to Wed and I would play it by ear.
The day went quite well and i got a little help from my center team. On the way into the building i saw a taco truck parked and decided to eat, I called my center team to ask if anyone was hungry and ended up buying a dozen or so tacos for the dispatch and a few sup`s.
After I CLOCKED OUT for the evening I went into the center office to B S and eat a few tacos , I never imagened how a kind guesture could turn around and bite me so hard, i got some grissle out of the taco stck in my throat , not only was I choking but it was hot as hell, I couldnt breath or ask for help all i could do was point at my throat and wonder why no one was doing anything to help me, I could feel myself starting to pass out and was in full panic mode.
luckily for me one of my customers had given me a gift basket that day which included some cheese,crackers varius chips and some bottles of imported beer.
I grabbed one of the beers from the basket and took 2 or 3 huge gulps, dislodgeing the taco from my throat. Forgetting about the pain in my arm and feeling lucky to be alive I went home.
As I was walking towards the time clock tuesday morning around 8.15 I could see the building manager standing by the time clock with a big smile on his face , looking remarkably like the cheshire cat from alice in wonderland. He still had that grin on his face the whole time that I was at my fitness for duty test and also while he terminated my employment for drinking alcahol on company property. I dont know for a fact , but I bet he had a smile on his face when he canceled my health insurance knowing I have 3 children 1 with a heart condition. my insurance ran out 2 days later .
I tried for 3 weeks to get a hold of someone at UPS to take care of my shoulder injury in the end I gave up and hired lawyer .
I have been off work for 8 months now , I have had a major operation on my shoulder and am looking at at least 3 more months of theropy before I will be able to see what use of my arm i will get back. my house is going to for close any day I am eating vicadine like m @ m`s I ` ll be lucky if my family pulls through this one together , my poor wife is going through hell Thank God my children have not been sick and my daughter has not had any problems with her heart , The union has told me to stop calling them everyday to find out whats going on . How long should this B S take , I just want an answer so I can get on with the rest of my life, 8 months waiting for an arbitration that I will probably lose . Then what? , Ive worked for UPS since i was 18 they have ruined my shoulder and seem to want to ruin my life.
I am asking for your help in this matter sir, I have been a proud union member for 16 years my dues are always paid on time and i am in good standings, I understand that you are busy and that my local is also probably very busy, but I am desperate and feel I have no one to turn to for answers. 8 months is a long depressing time when you dont know what lies ahead for you .If I lose my arbitration (if and when I have one) then so be it , but at least then I can carry on with my life and do what I need to do.
My local union is 396 my local rep is Rich Pacheco and I have been a proud teamster since 1992 .
please feel free to contact me any time - -- - - - - - - -

CC. teamsters local 396, the better buisness beurau, the CA labour board ,UPS
I presume by your name that you are a Brit.
If so, you know the qoute, "The story is in the telling".
And, it is telling.
Bogus, would be a fitting description of your tale of woe.


Browncafe Steward
I never for 1 second ever believed UK Guys story! 705Red seems to be the biggest sucka` here in terms of this yarn! :cool:
Why would you say that raw? Is it because i called on you and put you in your place for being a jerk. Ive been a steward for 13 plus years and have seen weirder **** than ukguys story. We work for a company that will hold grudges and falsify numbers on a daily basis, but now you think they wont terminate you and lie or falsify or even twist arms to get what the want. Maybe your the friend#$ing drunk.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Sorry, I don't get it. I looked for a anagram. Could you please expound?
She was pointing out the mispelled words and the punctuation. Which neither have anything to do with the post, the posters nor the subject.
Which I think was the question, which had nothing to do with the post.


Why would you say that raw? Is it because i called on you and put you in your place for being a jerk. Ive been a steward for 13 plus years and have seen weirder **** than ukguys story. We work for a company that will hold grudges and falsify numbers on a daily basis, but now you think they wont terminate you and lie or falsify or even twist arms to get what the want. Maybe your the friend#$ing drunk.

705 I think you can still hold on to your beliefs that the evil company is out to screw up your life and still smell the BS in this guys story. Take yourself away from that point and look at the details of this guys story. Pretty unbelievable. As a shop steward I'm sure you've seen your share of BS stories from your side of the fence too?


Browncafe Steward
705 I think you can still hold on to your beliefs that the evil company is out to screw up your life and still smell the BS in this guys story. Take yourself away from that point and look at the details of this guys story. Pretty unbelievable. As a shop steward I'm sure you've seen your share of BS stories from your side of the fence too?
Absolutely tie, But the union almost will never send a case to arbitration without thinking its a winner, thats why im beleiving in my fellow brother.


Tea anyone ?
I am very familiar with that phrase , its all in the telling or deliverence of a story , however that does not mean that the story is in any way false, just written or told in an intresting or humerus fashion.


Well-Known Member
I am from the cerritos building whittier center , this went down about 32 weeks ago

Not saying that I am a believer in every poster on this board but this one seems to answer the questions. I will admit there is alot of garbage posts asking for the most simple advice that a 2 year old could answer but..........

Do we have anyone from this building or know anyone from this building on this website?


Industrial Slob
yes you will get a response.

no it will not be from hoffa.

it'll likely be a get well card for your substance abuse. :lol::lol:

and next time you write a letter to the leader of a massive organization, especially a union, don't use lines like "i clocked out and went to the center office to B S". such self-destructive comments are of no benefit to you.


New Member
I am just curious. Was this case ever resolved? The post ends without any comment about the resolution. In the world of reality, real life is truly at times stranger and harder to figure out than fiction. This has all the right earmarks. I hope all worked out well.