Amatuer Malthusian
Huell Babineaux size?I had the same guy. Couldn’t find a helpers vest that would fit.
Huell Babineaux size?I had the same guy. Couldn’t find a helpers vest that would fit.
Give or take a pork chopHuell Babineaux size?
Back off!
I'm transferring to porters January 12th. Will only be making$35/hour.
All of us will be retired, before UPS is totally eff'ed.it makes me wonder if this company is totally friend’ed
Please give us an example, what part of the strategy was ignored?there was an actual, organized strategy to Peak this year, propagated to all managers
most of the important elements got flushed down the toilet today and last week
Rentals, helpers, upsurge in PT (although they are keeping the upsurge in FT until after peak) Seasonals for every shift except preload are now sitting at home.All of us will be retired, before UPS is totally eff'ed.
Please give us an example, what part of the strategy was ignored?
What online conspiracy theory groups do you belong to, and are you making your hats out of the heavy duty thick aluminum foil, or just the regular kind?
I'm number 3 on the building seniority list of over 200 hundred full-time employees. If UPS goes under could probably be the one to turn out the lights as the building closes. However, will gladly take any layoff as long as I get my one punch a week for health and pension credit.You will probably be laid off after the 1st week.
By contract the number of FT porters and FT car washers cannot be reduced.You will probably be laid off after the 1st week.
Mixing races is not bad breeding. When it comes to other animals, mixing in other genes usually results in a stronger immune system, among other positives.
well it is a goos thing the human race is a bottle-necked population. Separated by thousands of years, not millions. Hundereds of generations, not thousands. So it is no suprise that there is currently zero evidence of outbreeding depression but several cases of inbreeding problems. Modern medicine will likely negatively affect us at a far faster rate than your choice of mate.The term for what you're referring to is "hybrid vigour" or heterosis and and the way you are characterizing it is very outdated. It only applies to extremely bottle-necked populations. In general when two substantially different races are mixed the result is offspring that have weaker immune systems, less longevity, lower intelligence, poor posture/musculature, and are more prone to genetic instability (cancer.) Look up what outbreeding depression is.
Or overpaid floor sweepers and toilet cleaners.
those guys were not IE fyiThose people ad more value to this company than IE chimps. When my center got EDD/ORION the IE chimps spent a month messing up all the loops. A year and a half later we are still trying to fix them. The in downtown routes make no sense. All bussiness's are brickloaded on the 8000 shelf with NDA's scattered allover the car, stops that go out the back to docks loaded at 3000 everyday. Good thing my route is rural and has less than 100 boxes most days or I'd never get done.
feeder news newtwork just informed me Amazon is likely to drop us almost completely in 2019
that’s it boys, hang on to your ass
HahHhahahahahah!Nice. Can’t wait to never get my Amazon orders.
x25 leverage at the least. Straight thuggin famGo Short on UPS peeps.
A few doctors told my wife and I, that using anti bacterial cleaners and soaps a child’s whole life may hinders that child’s immune system. So when that child starts school, they cannot fight off all the germs that go around.
feeder news newtwork just informed me Amazon is likely to drop us almost completely in 2019
that’s it boys, hang on to your ass
well it is a goos thing the human race is a bottle-necked population. Separated by thousands of years, not millions. Hundereds of generations, not thousands. So it is no suprise that there is currently zero evidence of outbreeding depression but several cases of inbreeding problems. Modern medicine will likely negatively affect us at a far faster rate than your choice of mate.
If the crap hits the fan and there are massive layoffs you bet your arse FT Porters and FT Carwashers will be laid off.By contract the number of FT porters and FT car washers cannot be reduced.