ISIS aka The Islamic State


Engorged Member
And we refused to learn a single thing about that misadventure...I guess we needed to make our own mistakes.

Bingo. The Soviets were there for a long time, lost a lot of men, and spent billions on nothing of merit. We are just as dumb. There will never be peace in the Middle East, so maybe we need to embrace that concept and pick-off these MFs by airstrikes or specialized insertion teams.

What really needs to happen is for mainstream Islam to kill this movement off. This would add to their credibility (currently at around zero), and show the world that the aren't willing to tolerate criminal religious extremists in their midst.

I am not expecting them to do it, but they need to carry their own water.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
I think a president saying, "We do not have a strategy yet" is a breath of fresh air. After 8 years of Bush presuming to know answers before a problem was even understood, perhaps we have forgotten what it means to be an adult? I'm sorry, but this is precisely what "tactful" looks like because it tells the psychopaths in ISIS nothing. It provides them with NO information, and that is exactly what we need right now while preparations and data collection are underway. Bush, by comparison, would already be mispronouncing the specific towns in Syria he wanted to attack.


I started this.
Staff member
Islamic State to Putin: We Are on Our Way to Russia - Moscow Times

Message to Putin
A video released by Al Arabiya and reportedly filmed in a seized airport in the Syrian province of Raqqa features an Islamic State fighter seated in a military jet, saying: "This message is for you, Vladimir Putin! These are the aircraft you sent to Bashar [Assad], and we're going to send them to you. Remember that!"

The voice of a Russian speaker can also be heard in the video, describing the jets seized by Islamic State fighters. "This is Russian technology," he says.

The Islamic State has openly declared war on the U.S., driving its point home by having beheaded two U.S. journalists in as many weeks. This is the first time members of the group have personally taunted the Russian president.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Bingo. The Soviets were there for a long time, lost a lot of men, and spent billions on nothing of merit. We are just as dumb. There will never be peace in the Middle East, so maybe we need to embrace that concept and pick-off these MFs by airstrikes or specialized insertion teams.

What really needs to happen is for mainstream Islam to kill this movement off. This would add to their credibility (currently at around zero), and show the world that the aren't willing to tolerate criminal religious extremists in their midst.

I am not expecting them to do it, but they need to carry their own water.
Just what I've been saying, there never is a mention of paying for the war. The costs, as they all approved for the Bush debacle, will be off budget and later they will scream about the deficit and tell the poor working slobs how we have to cut social security and medicare and education etc. All this will be done in the name of fiscal responsibility which will rule out any tax increase on the "job creators"
AKA the guys with money in the Cayman Islands.


Engorged Member
Islamic State to Putin: We Are on Our Way to Russia - Moscow Times

Message to Putin
A video released by Al Arabiya and reportedly filmed in a seized airport in the Syrian province of Raqqa features an Islamic State fighter seated in a military jet, saying: "This message is for you, Vladimir Putin! These are the aircraft you sent to Bashar [Assad], and we're going to send them to you. Remember that!"

The voice of a Russian speaker can also be heard in the video, describing the jets seized by Islamic State fighters. "This is Russian technology," he says.

The Islamic State has openly declared war on the U.S., driving its point home by having beheaded two U.S. journalists in as many weeks. This is the first time members of the group have personally taunted the Russian president.

Mr. Putin isn't going to be as diplomatic as we are. Perhaps destroying ISIS could be a point of unification between the West and Russia. Attacking Russia/Russians could backfire badly on ISIS, which is fine with me.

As long as they (Russia) handle them(ISIS) the same way they deal with Somali pirates, it's all good. Shoot first, and then question the dead terrorist. We are going to handle it Obama ramp-up the drone strikes and start picking these jerks off. Syrian borders are not going to be respected, which is a necessary step.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
History student, eh?
Of course,Brownie,Oldie Are oh-so-conveniently choosing to forget or ignore the fact that if George W. Bush and his power-mad neoconservative puppeteers hadn't decided to use 9-11 as an excuse to invade Iraq -- wasting billions of dollars, overtaxing our military, wrecking our economy, ousting the man who we now realize was probably the one thing keeping that country relatively stable, and leaving the country vulnerable to extremists in the process -- ISIS probably wouldn't be a problem (or at least, not nearly as much of a problem) right now.

Aren't Republicans supposed to be in favor of "personal responsibility?" They always say that they are...isn't it odd that they rarely if ever practice what they preach when they screw up?


golden ticket member
We're gonna destroy ISIS !

We're gonna manage ISIS !

"First you say you do and then you don't. Then you say you will and then you won't....."



Well-Known Troll
I saw this list on another site re:ISIS. It makes a lot of sense to me.

1. What are our true national security interests and goals both short-term and long-term?

2. What is our exit plan?

3. What powers will we leave behind?

4. What are possible unintended side-effects where hasty intervention could make things worse?

5. What will be the total realistic anticipated costs and time frames over the entire life-cycle of the intervention? Who is going to pay for it? What else could we spend those monies, time, and management resources on that may have greater value and might improve regional stability in indirect ways? (Opportunity cost.)

6. What alternative ways might we reach our same goals without putting boots on the ground in both Iraq and Iran?

7. What other nations will help?


Strength through joy
Just what I've been saying, there never is a mention of paying for the war. The costs, as they all approved for the Bush debacle, will be off budget and later they will scream about the deficit and tell the poor working slobs how we have to cut social security and medicare and education etc. All this will be done in the name of fiscal responsibility which will rule out any tax increase on the "job creators"
AKA the guys with money in the Cayman Islands.
If we cut the funds & benefits to all the illegals ,
then paying for the next war will be easy .