ISIS aka The Islamic State

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
While I may agree with you, I perceive you doing the exact same thing using your liberal sources like MSNBC, Huffington, LA Times.
Just flip sides of the same coin.
I tried posting in Current Events but no one seems to want rational intelligent discussion of the issues.
Carry on.

Show anything I have ever written and then show me where you heard it word for word on ANY news source.

Ill wait.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Maybe if multiple people are saying the same thing, they just may be right. Just a thought.

Kmart sux. So does Walmart. And Orion.

No, the heritage foundation along with the KOCH brother organizations send out the "talking points" for the day to ALL right wing outlets. This is called political messaging. They all talk about the identical subjects EACH and EVERY day, regardless of source.

The same buzz words, the same sentences, and some try to put their "own" flavor on them.

"disconnected" "no plan" "no strategy" "clueless"....

These buzz words are the common denominator in every right wing show on tv or on the air.

All you have to do is actually LISTEN to several of them, and look for the connections in patterns.

The heritage foundation and FOX news are tied at the hip, and its where ALL the republicans gather for information and direction.

To you people, its just a harmless organization, just like "THE PROJECT FOR THE NEW AMERICAN CENTURY" was a harmless think tank.

(not that any of you would know what that was or how it affected the direction of this country under Bush)



Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
While I may agree with you, I perceive you doing the exact same thing using your liberal sources like MSNBC, Huffington, LA Times.
Just flip sides of the same coin.
I tried posting in Current Events but no one seems to want rational intelligent discussion of the issues.
Carry on.
I take a nice trip in the Summer and come back to this.

That is laughable. You only want 'rational intelligent' conversation if you agree with it. This site censors more than any site I've ever been to. If an intelligent, thoughtful progressive link is posted, it must be approved before it can be seen. If a trash talking, treasonous Teahadist says something vile, it's posted immediately.

The fact that baba and more, the gray guy and the wanna be fly boy from N TN can spew non stop hate is proof enough.

I fully expect this post never to show up, and the queue to just hold a majority of Progressives (I know RB1 is in the queue, the other RW noisemakers are not).


golden ticket member
I take a nice trip in the Summer and come back to this.

That is laughable. You only want 'rational intelligent' conversation if you agree with it. This site censors more than any site I've ever been to. If an intelligent, thoughtful progressive link is posted, it must be approved before it can be seen. If a trash talking, treasonous Teahadist says something vile, it's posted immediately.

The fact that baba and more, the gray guy and the wanna be fly boy from N TN can spew non stop hate is proof enough.

I fully expect this post never to show up, and the queue to just hold a majority of Progressives (I know RB1 is in the queue, the other RW noisemakers are not).
You should just boycott the site to show how mad you are about it all !!!


I started this.
Staff member
I take a nice trip in the Summer and come back to this.

That is laughable. You only want 'rational intelligent' conversation if you agree with it. This site censors more than any site I've ever been to. If an intelligent, thoughtful progressive link is posted, it must be approved before it can be seen. If a trash talking, treasonous Teahadist says something vile, it's posted immediately.

The fact that baba and more, the gray guy and the wanna be fly boy from N TN can spew non stop hate is proof enough.

I fully expect this post never to show up, and the queue to just hold a majority of Progressives (I know RB1 is in the queue, the other RW noisemakers are not).

Here's something I posted on September 8, 2010 in response to a right wing republican member claiming that he was being unfairly censored.

I not going to waste my time looking up which of your accounts you were posting from at that time, but I do know you were here and bickered with that member just as you do with the members here now. His account eventually was banned just like some of your other accounts have been. He has registered several other accounts and as they are identified they are put into the mod queue just like happened with the Panin account you were posting from while on "vacation".

Lately there have been a couple of members posting about how they have been persecuted by this website. Some of these persecuted members have also implied that our moderators are suspect and untrustworthy. They believe our moderators are driven by some secret "agenda" to use moderation to muzzle their side of an issue while turning a blind eye to their opponents boorish behavior.

The irony is that the point of view which is supposedly being suppressed is often the same point of view that another member will claim to be unfairly supported.

Apparently the persecuted members do not want to believe that their posts have been moderated because of their own flaming or vulgarity. They prefer to believe that our site has an agenda which requires us to suppress their point of view. Most of the self proclaimed persecuted members have been contacted by moderators many times, yet they continue to make mean-spirited personal attacks on other members that express viewpoints or preferences that are different from their own.

A couple of these persecuted members have chosen to open entire threads portraying themselves as victims in an attempt to enlist other members to support their assertion that the moderators are prejudiced against them because of their job description, lifestyle, political bias or whatever.

Additionally some of these self proclaimed "Victims" also seem to believe that they are engaged in a power struggle against the moderators. By publicly accusing the moderator "Persecutors" they attempt to overpower them by making them the latest victims in the drama. Disrespecting the moderators in this way usually attracts more moderator attention, this reinforces their persecution complex... and around and around it goes...


Well-Known Member


Its all good.
No, the heritage foundation along with the KOCH brother organizations send out the "talking points" for the day to ALL right wing outlets. This is called political messaging. They all talk about the identical subjects EACH and EVERY day, regardless of source.

The same buzz words, the same sentences, and some try to put their "own" flavor on them.

"disconnected" "no plan" "no strategy" "clueless"....

These buzz words are the common denominator in every right wing show on tv or on the air.

All you have to do is actually LISTEN to several of them, and look for the connections in patterns.

The heritage foundation and FOX news are tied at the hip, and its where ALL the republicans gather for information and direction.

To you people, its just a harmless organization, just like "THE PROJECT FOR THE NEW AMERICAN CENTURY" was a harmless think tank.

(not that any of you would know what that was or how it affected the direction of this country under Bush)

And the liberal leaders are any different? At least the conservatives are making sense with what they are saying and doing. The liberal leaders, especially on congress, are pushing policies and laws that are not sustainable financially. It doesn't matter how nice it would be do provide something for the citizens, if it isn't sustainable financially then it's a wasted effort.

BTW, I have no respect for dems or pubs. Both, for the most part with few exceptions, are out for themselves and care little for anyone else.

Kmart sux. So does Walmart. And Orion.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
I take a nice trip in the Summer and come back to this.

That is laughable. You only want 'rational intelligent' conversation if you agree with it. This site censors more than any site I've ever been to. If an intelligent, thoughtful progressive link is posted, it must be approved before it can be seen. If a trash talking, treasonous Teahadist says something vile, it's posted immediately.

The fact that baba and more, the gray guy and the wanna be fly boy from N TN can spew non stop hate is proof enough.

I fully expect this post never to show up, and the queue to just hold a majority of Progressives (I know RB1 is in the queue, the other RW noisemakers are not).

The part I find laughable is that you haven't been designated a "troll" status on your avatar yet.

Perhaps you could cyber stalk someone else and post some of their personal information here again.

But I guess "This site censors more than any site You've ever been to." :biggrin:

CENSORED! Your lucky you're only in the moderation queue.

If it were my site you'd be banned, again.


Well-Known Member
Roadrunner and Panin are the same person?
I thought something smelled familier and rotten.
Thanks Cheryl, for the info!

I just can't imagine feeling the need to have multiple accounts to spew the same garbage. What was TOS's other account- midnightrider?


nowhere special
Roadrunner and Panin are the same person?
I thought something smelled familier and rotten.
Thanks Cheryl, for the info!

I just can't imagine feeling the need to have multiple accounts to spew the same garbage. What was TOS's other account- midnightrider?

Cheryl posted last week on this thread. post #114
That's funny... for some reason you remind me of some other members that have posted here over the years...

Red State
Tyrone Slothrop
Huey Newton
squash dissent
Censored Poster
Ghost Who Walks

Read more:


Well-Known Member
Roadrunner and Panin are the same person?
I thought something smelled familier and rotten.
Thanks Cheryl, for the info!

I just can't imagine feeling the need to have multiple accounts to spew the same garbage. What was TOS's other account- midnightrider?

I see RR's actions in completely undermining any credibility. IMO speaks to a serious character flaw.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
As opposed to those brilliant, thought provoking hosts on CNN and MSNBC that never read from a teleprompter.
So what is it right wing nuts have about teleprompters?
Because they got nothing,they're recycling really old material.How do you argue with such nonsense?It's More GOP hypocrisy.......


golden ticket member
Since May 2000, I've had one name as my identity on here. If you have more that one identity it's because you want to hide behind the multiple identities.
Nothing you post can be taken seriously.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
And the liberal leaders are any different? At least the conservatives are making sense with what they are saying and doing. The liberal leaders, especially on congress, are pushing policies and laws that are not sustainable financially. It doesn't matter how nice it would be do provide something for the citizens, if it isn't sustainable financially then it's a wasted effort.

BTW, I have no respect for dems or pubs. Both, for the most part with few exceptions, are out for themselves and care little for anyone else.

Kmart sux. So does Walmart. And Orion.

They make sense to "you" but not to the rational thinking world. It only sounds like it makes since because its what you "want" to hear.

Hate speech is very addicting. Limbaughs version of hate draws millions of right wing ears, mostly old men, but nonetheless, listeners.

You complain about the "libs" pushing policies that are not financially sustainable, as if the republicans know what that is, given their record under BUSH, racking up 11 trillion dollars in debt.

You people have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to financial sustainability.

Were the two wars sustainable? Of course not, our country crashed. Were oil prices at near 160 dollars a barrel sustainable? of course not, it caused a recession and blew inflation through the roof.

Was the prescription drug bill passed by the GOP and signed by BUSH sustainable? Of course not, it was just added to the debt.

Give us a break with the GOP knows how to balance the books. They have been unable to do so for over 100 years now.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I see RR's actions in completely undermining any credibility. IMO speaks to a serious character flaw.
I think the mods should warn us when they find out anyone is posting under a different ID. When they find out of course. I mean, you could be having a discussion with a person who doesn't agree with you and 5 other posters chime in against your argument. And they all turn out to be the same guy.
And I don't count those who go through the correct process to change their ID's like overpaid union thug. That's legit.


I started this.
Staff member
I think the mods should warn us when they find out anyone is posting under a different ID. When they find out of course. I mean, you could be having a discussion with a person who doesn't agree with you and 5 other posters chime in against your argument. And they all turn out to be the same guy.

Opening up multiple accounts and liking your own posts or having fake conversations with your other accounts is not allowed.

There was one particular "guy" that had been a member here for many years. He got annoyed with the mods and decided to create multiple accounts and use them to post complaints about the mods and then make it look like his other accounts all agreed with him.

He was banned a few years ago, but for some reason every once in a while he will show up and register multiple new accounts which all wind up in the mod queue... This happened again recently.

It's unfortunate because a lot of people really liked him.


nowhere special
I think the mods should warn us when they find out anyone is posting under a different ID. When they find out of course. I mean, you could be having a discussion with a person who doesn't agree with you and 5 other posters chime in against your argument. And they all turn out to be the same guy.
And I don't count those who go through the correct process to change their ID's like overpaid union thug. That's legit.

Most people who create multiple accounts only do it to troll.


golden ticket member
Maybe all should only be allowed one identity............if you need more than that, you'll need to visit the personality transplant clinic to get new personalities.