ISIS aka The Islamic State


Well-Known Member
I think the mods should warn us when they find out anyone is posting under a different ID. When they find out of course. I mean, you could be having a discussion with a person who doesn't agree with you and 5 other posters chime in against your argument. And they all turn out to be the same guy.
And I don't count those who go through the correct process to change their ID's like overpaid union thug. That's legit.

If you are true in what you are saying and honest about yourself, what would it matter? Another reason I never got to worked up over how many persona's here are the same person. However, from a site ownership position I can understand the problem.


Its all good.
They make sense to "you" but not to the rational thinking world. It only sounds like it makes since because its what you "want" to hear.

Hate speech is very addicting. Limbaughs version of hate draws millions of right wing ears, mostly old men, but nonetheless, listeners.

You complain about the "libs" pushing policies that are not financially sustainable, as if the republicans know what that is, given their record under BUSH, racking up 11 trillion dollars in debt.

You people have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to financial sustainability.

Were the two wars sustainable? Of course not, our country crashed. Were oil prices at near 160 dollars a barrel sustainable? of course not, it caused a recession and blew inflation through the roof.

Was the prescription drug bill passed by the GOP and signed by BUSH sustainable? Of course not, it was just added to the debt.

Give us a break with the GOP knows how to balance the books. They have been unable to do so for over 100 years now.

The dems aren't doing as good as the pubs. I see your posts bashing pubs all the time, but you're strangely silent on mistakes made by dems. As with the reply I quoted, it's all about the pubs.
By omission you make the dems seem to be angels. And we know that isn't so. Neither party is to be trusted. They are both out for the furthering of party advantages and don't care at all about the average citizen. Both parties cater to big donors and mold their agenda to please these big donors. It would be refreshing to see you admit to that, but I doubt I would see that happen.
As a conservative, the pubs actions are more often in line with my views. But I would support, and have supported,dems who's views are more realistic and achievable without breaking the bank. I support and vote for individuals, not parties.

Kmart sux. So does Walmart. And Orion.


Nine Lives
The dems aren't doing as good as the pubs. I see your posts bashing pubs all the time, but you're strangely silent on mistakes made by dems. As with the reply I quoted, it's all about the pubs.
By omission you make the dems seem to be angels. And we know that isn't so. Neither party is to be trusted. They are both out for the furthering of party advantages and don't care at all about the average citizen. Both parties cater to big donors and mold their agenda to please these big donors. It would be refreshing to see you admit to that, but I doubt I would see that happen.
As a conservative, the pubs actions are more often in line with my views. But I would support, and have supported,dems who's views are more realistic and achievable without breaking the bank. I support and vote for individuals, not parties.
This thread is about multiple identities ... your post is off topic!


I started this.
Staff member
This thread is about multiple identities ... your post is off topic!


I started this.
Staff member
Not sure I would trust them, but it is possible they have had a change of heart...

British IS fighters 'want to return to UK' after regretting joining jihad in Syria - London Evening Standard

British jihadi fighters have contacted a London university to say they regret travelling to Syria and Iraq to join Islamist fundamentalists.

Professor Peter Neumann of King’s College said his department has been in contact with a number of British jihadists who want to come back to the UK but fear being jailed.

He said the Government should set up a “deradicalisation programme” for those willing former jihadis, echoing calls by Labour leader Ed Miliband who last month suggested a mandatory programme of deradicalisation for those involved on the fringes of Islamic State.


Inordinately Right
Says the guy in favor of government run healthcare.
That's a major derail.
Not that it's the same thing at all, but I'm not "in favor" of government run healthcare.

Small minded people prefer to put people into categories, it makes things easier to understand. Everyone who disagrees with your nonsense isn't a liberal.


golden ticket member
Not sure I would trust them, but it is possible they have had a change of heart...

British IS fighters 'want to return to UK' after regretting joining jihad in Syria - London Evening Standard

British jihadi fighters have contacted a London university to say they regret travelling to Syria and Iraq to join Islamist fundamentalists.

Professor Peter Neumann of King’s College said his department has been in contact with a number of British jihadists who want to come back to the UK but fear being jailed.

He said the Government should set up a “deradicalisation programme” for those willing former jihadis, echoing calls by Labour leader Ed Miliband who last month suggested a mandatory programme of deradicalisation for those involved on the fringes of Islamic State.
I wouldn't waste the $$$ on's more like "you made your bed, now lie in it !!" It would be a "you blew it" moment that's for sure. I really don't think there can be a "former" jihadist.


Well-Known Troll

“Five days or five weeks or five months, but it certainly isn’t going to last any longer than that.” — Donald Rumsfeld 2002

“This is going to be a 2-month war, not a 10-year-war.” — Bill Kristol 2003

“No one can plausibly argue that ridding the world of Saddam Hussein will not significantly improve the stability of the region and the security of American interests and values.” – John McCain 2003

“Iraqi democracy will succeed, and that success will send forth the news, from Damascus to Tehran, that freedom can be the future of every nation.” —George Bush 2003

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