ISIS aka The Islamic State


Inordinately Right
You don't outlaw gas cars and order everyone to drive elec. cars....that's not how to do it. To me, that's what Obama is like.........


Well-Known Member
Finite? Did the earth suddenly stop making oil?

Whatever is in the ground now it what there is.

However, in the sense that it takes millions of years to form 'oil' (which wasn't formed from dinosaurs, mind you, but likely from bacteria), yes, the earth is still 'making' oil.

The earth didn't 'suddenly' stop making oil, it's just that the earth timeline for making oil is millennially slower than our rapacious appetite for the stuff.

Take that for what it is.

We have about another 100 years of the stuff, and the rest we can't reach.


Inordinately Right
Whatever is in the ground now it what there is.

However, in the sense that it takes millions of years to form 'oil' (which wasn't formed from dinosaurs, mind you, but likely from bacteria), yes, the earth is still 'making' oil.

The earth didn't 'suddenly' stop making oil, it's just that the earth timeline for making oil is millennially slower than our rapacious appetite for the stuff.

Take that for what it is.

We have about another 100 years of the stuff, and the rest we can't reach.
You silly rabbit, the world is only 6000 years old. God gave us this endless supply of oil because he loves us. How dare you suggest otherwise you atheist communist.

Seriously though, the oil industry has nothing to fear from high efficiency/alternative fuel vehicles. "I just want to say one word to you, one word. Are you listening? Plastics." The need for oil isn't going anywhere no matter how many Teslas we put on the road.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Whatever is in the ground now it what there is.

However, in the sense that it takes millions of years to form 'oil' (which wasn't formed from dinosaurs, mind you, but likely from bacteria), yes, the earth is still 'making' oil.

The earth didn't 'suddenly' stop making oil, it's just that the earth timeline for making oil is millennially slower than our rapacious appetite for the stuff.

Take that for what it is.

We have about another 100 years of the stuff, and the rest we can't reach.
About 40 years ago, when I was in elementary school, we had environment experts come to our school and tell us we had less than 10 years left of oil reserves. That in 10 years we be back to the horse and buggy. But guess what? They keep finding more oil every year.
By the way, they also said that by using paper grocery bags, we were causing America to lose all of our forrests.
Don't be so gullible to believe that environmental doom and gloom garbage next time. It makes you look weak.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Compare this with Bush, who marched into Iraq without even being aware that there are two sects of Islam, never mind being aware of the difference between them or of the way in which this divide influenced Iraqi politics. This very ignorance is partly responsible for the fact that Iraq is in the state it is now...because the only thing that mattered to Bush about the Iraqi political situation was Saddam had fictional,make believe WMDs and OIL......


golden ticket member
Obama has had 5 or 6 years to change the things he doesn't like. How many times has he been to Iraq? Iran? Any country with sand?....except Palm Sprigs and the Mojave.
He would rather deal with a sand trap than middle eastern sand.......and that's fine, but quit sending them $$$$


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
So Morelock does not wish to talk about how they got wrong last time, they just want to focus on doing this time,the same thing they did last time.Tomorrow will be the 13th anniversary of the events allowed to happen because Bush didn't want his six-week vacation spoiled by a CIA analysis about bin Laden's plans to attack the United States. Yes, Morelock let's ignore the past so that we can intentionally fail to learn from our mistakes.


golden ticket member
The man to change things has done nothing....why don't you focus on that screw-up? 'Hope & Change'..........we should've asked him what he meant by that.

I've heard nothing about a raised level of awareness regarding tomorrow. I guess we just watch our own backs....FORE!!


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
"Of course MORELOCK doesn't want to refer to the past, because if she did,
she'd have to admit with a great deal of shame that the very reason we're
having to deal with these bloody extremists today is because of our
actions in that region for the past 20 years, starting with Saint Effing

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Obama has had 5 or 6 years to change the things he doesn't like. How many times has he been to Iraq? Iran? Any country with sand?....except Palm Sprigs and the Mojave.
He would rather deal with a sand trap than middle eastern sand.......and that's fine, but quit sending them $$$$

Quit sending them money??

You mean like the 18 billion dollars BUSH sent to iraq, shrink wrapped on pallets, only to have it stolen and never recovered??

I am sure you are OUTRAGED over losing 18 billion dollars in hard cash, RIGHT?

Oh yeah, you wouldnt know about this, cause fox cable news doesnt talk about stuff like this, so you couldnt possibly repeat it on this board.

What about the huge cover up by the BUSH administration to keep this out of the news? They created false stories that went unverified about the money.

Where is your outrage Moreluck? We talking 18 to 20 BILLION dollars?


You concern yourself over money being sent by OBAMA, and yet dont understand how many BILLIONS of dollars were stolen in the LARGEST HEIST in history.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
"Of course MORELOCK doesn't want to refer to the past, because if she did,
she'd have to admit with a great deal of shame that the very reason we're
having to deal with these bloody extremists today is because of our
actions in that region for the past 20 years, starting with Saint Effing

You hit the nail on the head. These people dont want to look back at how all this starts. They would rather ignore the obvious and attempt to create scenarios where they can blame Obama for todays woes.

The Project for the new american century began in 1996 with Bill Kristol calling for the destabilization of Egypt, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Iran and our ultimate involvement with our military.

This policy started with REAGAN arming the Mujihadeen, led by none other than Usama Bin Laden after he was brought to the united states and trained and Langley Virginia. His host? DICK CHENEY.

The funding and arming of Bin Laden in a secret proxy war costing americans near a trillion dollars ended up creating both the TALIBAN and AL Qaeda. Both had heavy arms, both had endless ammo and rifles and small arms.

Reagan, selling arms to Israel, who sold them to Egypt, who sold them to the saudis, who sold them to the Pakistanis who transferred them to the Taliban/Mujihadeen.

Republican Charlie Wilson in "Operation Cyclone" sent HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of dollars in arms and cash to AL QAEDA/TALIBAN.

When the russians left afghanistan after losing over 15000 soldiers, what was left??

Two well armed terror groups with american weaponry. Fresh with millions of dollars in cash, and cut off from the united states treasury when Reagan was busted with arms for hostages, and the busting of Ollie Norths illegal gun running operations around the world, these groups turned to the international gun market for more weapons.

The TALIBAN, after kicking out Usama Bin laden, came to the white house to meet with REAGAN, and REAGAN called them the equivilent of "our founding fathers". How wrong did that turn out for the united states?


Two terror groups formed after being armed and trained by REAGAN.

Moving forward, PNAC wanted the middle east unstable, so the military might of the USA would be used and funded to levels never heard of in modern times.

They got their wish when they destabilized Libya and started a civil war that ultimately ended with our ambassador killed with american weapons. We armed the militants opposing Kadafy and helped to create the now terror group LIFG, or Libyan Islamic Fighting group.

They destabilized Egypt ousting Mobarek, and having an election, only to not like the outcome and destabilizing Egypt again causing another civil conflict resulting in thousands of civilian deaths. The muslim brotherhood then took power.

IN Syria, at the behest of ISRAEL, we destabilized SYRIA, calling for the removal of Assad and creating another civil uprising. We secretly armed the "rebels" to fight Assad only to create ISIS/ISIL.

IN IRAQ, the KURDS are asking for heavy weapons, small weapons, heavy vehicles and surface to air missiles. The complaint from FOX news talking heads is that we need to give these things to them.


The Kurds want to separate from IRAQ and create their own country, and without weapons, they cant do so, so once they are ARMED to the teeth, they will then fight the iraqi goverment and attempt to create a separate country.

This will destablize IRAQ once again and place us in the middle of another shooting war.

The kurdish minister was just on fox news and briefly went off script on brent baiers show, calling for a kurdish country.

We create all the MONSTERS in the world.


The Project for the new american century got its wish. The middle east was destabilized, and now our military has to attempt to fix it all at a cost of trillions of dollars that this country doesnt have.

Unfortunately, people like moreluck, oldgray, island, brownstuff , AV8 and the like dont have the first clue as to how all this stuff happens.



Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Where did the button stop on the wayback machine for you?
That's right in your world view history started January 20th 2009 Inauguration Day..You pretend that george bush wasn't responsible in his own way, by his neglecting to prevent the 9/11 attacks when he was made fully aware they were imminent, months, weeks, and days in advance...