ISIS aka The Islamic State


Well-Known Troll
Muslims kill other Muslims and are still Muslims. Nothing new. For instance the split between Sunni and Shiite has historically been very bloody. Your comparison to KKK is very weak since KKK was never considered a "Christian" group - they just used a little of the symbolism. ISIL follows a very strict but legitimate Muslim philosophy so they definitely are a Muslim group.
Possibly the most ignorant statement you've made on this forum, and that's saying something.


golden ticket member
Possibly the most ignorant statement you've made on this forum, and that's saying something.
A guy with at least 2 identities is in no way able to be a judge on the validity of other's statements. You don't even know who you I rr, am I panin???

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Obama is correct.

ISIL is "Islamic" in the same way that the Ku Klux Klan is "Christian". In other words...not.

ISIL subscribes to a narrow, extremist, violent view of Islam that is totally at odds with the faith practiced by the overwhelming majority of the worlds Muslims.

Look at who ISIL is targeting. They are killing other Muslims. They are fighting the Sunni Muslims in Kurdistan and the Shiite/Alawite Muslims in Syria.

ISIL is so violent and so extremist that they have even been denounced by Al Quieda.

ISIL might claim to be Islamic but their actions run counter to the faith that they supposedly follow.

Pssst, people who live in the kurdish provinces are NOT sunni.. You might want to fact check that again. Most are christians.

There are three main religious groups in IRAQ, the sunnis, who live in the south and supported by saudi arabia who are also sunni, the SHIA, who live in the northeast, supported by the IRAN who are also SHIA, and the KURDS, who are supported by TURKEY, and are almost all christians.

Sunnis DONT LIKE the Kurds, or the SHIA, The SHIA dont like the SUNNI or the KURDS.

Saddam Hussein was a SUNNI, a minority group in IRAQ but controlled the whole country. You dont for one second believe that since Hussein was convicted in the kangaroo court and hanged that all these groups are hanging around each other singing kumbaya? Do you??

The hate still exists.. This is why IRAQ was a failure of epic proportions.

ISIS are SUNNI. They are being funded and supported by SAUDI ARABIA, YEMEN, QUTAR and they were given arms and heavy arms by none other than John McCain and Lindsay Graham in a scam involving Libya at the time our ambassador was killed.

To believe that we can get all these people to co exist with one another is foolish at best, and our "war" with IRAQ only created this hostility you are seeing today.

We DESTABILIZED the region as planned by The Project for the New American Century, and carried that out with BUSH/CHENEY at the wheel.

Now we have to deal with the consequences.

Its going to drive up the national debt, but here we go again "freedom isnt free"...

Maybe you should learn a little more about the demographics of Iraq first.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Possibly the most ignorant statement you've made on this forum, and that's saying something.

SO, according to oldgray, the KKK wasnt a christian group??? really? Did he just say this? Let me confirm that this IS the most ignorant statement ever made about american history.

maybe a history lesson is in order OLDGRAY...??

Oh oh, theres more...

"just a little of the symbolism".... BAAHAHAHAHAHAH

You crack me up.

Here's a good book for you to read. Maybe you wont sound so... (nevermind, i dont want to get blocked again)



nowhere special
SO, according to oldgray, the KKK wasnt a christian group??? really? Did he just say this? Let me confirm that this IS the most ignorant statement ever made about american history.

maybe a history lesson is in order OLDGRAY...??

Oh oh, theres more...

"just a little of the symbolism".... BAAHAHAHAHAHAH

You crack me up.

Here's a good book for you to read. Maybe you wont sound so... (nevermind, i dont want to get blocked again)


If your read those links they supported my statements. And those were YOUR links you used to try to prove your point, not links I posted which I could easily do and have sources that much more strongly support my statements.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Pssst, people who live in the kurdish provinces are NOT sunni.. You might want to fact check that again. Most are christians.

There are three main religious groups in IRAQ, the sunnis, who live in the south and supported by saudi arabia who are also sunni, the SHIA, who live in the northeast, supported by the IRAN who are also SHIA, and the KURDS, who are supported by TURKEY, and are almost all christians.

Sunnis DONT LIKE the Kurds, or the SHIA, The SHIA dont like the SUNNI or the KURDS.

Saddam Hussein was a SUNNI, a minority group in IRAQ but controlled the whole country. You dont for one second believe that since Hussein was convicted in the kangaroo court and hanged that all these groups are hanging around each other singing kumbaya? Do you??

The hate still exists.. This is why IRAQ was a failure of epic proportions.

ISIS are SUNNI. They are being funded and supported by SAUDI ARABIA, YEMEN, QUTAR and they were given arms and heavy arms by none other than John McCain and Lindsay Graham in a scam involving Libya at the time our ambassador was killed.

To believe that we can get all these people to co exist with one another is foolish at best, and our "war" with IRAQ only created this hostility you are seeing today.

We DESTABILIZED the region as planned by The Project for the New American Century, and carried that out with BUSH/CHENEY at the wheel.

Now we have to deal with the consequences.

Its going to drive up the national debt, but here we go again "freedom isnt free"...

Maybe you should learn a little more about the demographics of Iraq first.

You and I agree that the Bush invasion of Iraq was wrong, but some of your facts are incorrect.

The majority of Kurds are Sunni Muslims, not Christians, but they are secular in nature and are opposed to the extremist views of ISIL. Kurdish women can drive and vote and are not forced to wear burhkas or suppressed to the degree seen in ISIL-controlled areas. The Kurds have been able to create a relatively stable, peaceful and democratic society within the areas they have gained control of.

It is only recently that Turkey has been supportive of the Kurds; the growth of ISIL and the virtual anarchy happening in Iraq has caused Turkey to see the Kurds as a stable buffer between their nation and Iraq. Prior to this, Turkey suppressed the Kurdish minority within its own borders and was adamantly opposed to the idea of an independent Kurdistan.

Like it or not, we made this mess and we need to help clean it up. That means picking a side, and that side needs to be with the Kurds and other moderate elements who are fighting ISIL.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
If your read those links they supported my statements. And those were YOUR links you used to try to prove your point, not links I posted which I could easily do and have sources that much more strongly support my statements.

They did not SUPPORT your thoughts. The protestant church here in america, was brought to the forefront by the KKK, all the church leaders were KKK.

The KKK, thought it had it right. They hated the jews, blacks and most minorities, and they did so on religious principles, not white ignorance.

Ever since the 1500's, christians have attempted to create a WHITE/ARYAN christian world, and ALL have failed miserably.

The KKK, was no different. Like Adolph Hitler, they too subscribed to the writings and teachings of Martin Luther, the FATHER of the Protestant Christian movement in the 1500's.

Hate for the jews has always been a RELIGIOUS position, and not ignorance.

Martin luther wrote hundreds of books, and one in particular, you will find connected to both Adolph Hitler, the KKK and the Protestant church in the USA.

"on the jews and their lies"

Maybe you should research what a "christian" really is? how did it start? Who was behind it?

Then you could, maybe, understand where jewish hatred comes from.



nowhere special
They did not SUPPORT your thoughts. The protestant church here in america, was brought to the forefront by the KKK, all the church leaders were KKK.

The KKK, thought it had it right. They hated the jews, blacks and most minorities, and they did so on religious principles, not white ignorance.

Ever since the 1500's, christians have attempted to create a WHITE/ARYAN christian world, and ALL have failed miserably.

The KKK, was no different. Like Adolph Hitler, they too subscribed to the writings and teachings of Martin Luther, the FATHER of the Protestant Christian movement in the 1500's.

Hate for the jews has always been a RELIGIOUS position, and not ignorance.

Martin luther wrote hundreds of books, and one in particular, you will find connected to both Adolph Hitler, the KKK and the Protestant church in the USA.

"on the jews and their lies"

Maybe you should research what a "christian" really is? how did it start? Who was behind it?

Then you could, maybe, understand where jewish hatred comes from.


You are completely incorrect - as usual.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
the Kurdish people are NOT ARABS, like SUNNI ARABS. They are mostly "Iranian, Persian" people who do not subscribe to the ARAB rules.

Sunni arabs and Kurdish Sunnis are NOT one in the same.

To us, its just words, but to them, they are completely different people.

They have many different religious divisions amongst themselves and they cant be associated with Sunni Iraqis.

Our support for the kurds is MASKED by religious overtones, but the real undertones of our interests lie with the oil fields that the kurds control.

ALL the large oil companies in the world have OIL CONTRACTS on kurdish lands and those have to be protected at all costs, says our government.

They hide behind "religion" or the persecution of Kurdish people by ISIS, but the real goal is to protect the oil fields and keep ISIS from getting its hands on the oil.

The KURDS, have been asking for heavy weapons, and heavy equiptment ( tanks, apc's) to "defend" themselves, but in reality, they want the arms to fight the SHIA Iraqi government, once the USA fights off ISIS.

Again, another shooting war that we will start and have to clean up.

The Kurds know, that IRAN will back the SHIA Iraqi government, so the Kurds see an opportunity to get FREE ARMS from the USA at a cost of billions to the US taxpayers to create their own country.

Iraq was never "won". It was only destabilized to keep us there for years. Our defense industry would profit tremendously from the bloodshed these people would commit on themselves.

ISIS, is just another USA armed terror group that got out of control.

just think, if we had done what John McCain and Lindsay Graham wanted to do, and gave them ground to air systems when they were in Syria fighting Assad, they'd be shooting down our own fighter jets right now.

None of this happens by chance, its all by design, the design of the makers of war in the republican party.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
So whos the real one, seems like moreluck is realbrown1to me.
Nice try. But so far, it's been a member of the TROLL PATROL caught using multiple names, not any on our side.

Ask the mods, they would know who's Real and who's fake.
I am the one and only realbrown1. And I am only realbrown1, no one else.
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Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real