ISIS aka The Islamic State


Well-Known Member
I'm in favor of leaving those people alone.
Like rats in a jar, if you leave them alone long enough they will kill each other.
The problem I have is when they bring their crap to our country and force themselves on us.


Well-Known Member
I'm in favor of leaving those people alone.
Like rats in a jar, if you leave them alone long enough they will kill each other.
The problem I have is when they bring their crap to our country and force themselves on us.

We went there first.


Well-Known Member
There's a difference. They kill people one at a time. I advocate dropping nukes on their "crap i phate" and turn those areas into glass fields. friend you, terrorists.
They are filled with hate. You are filled with hate. Sorry but there's no difference between you and them. They feel killing of the innocent is justified and so do you. Like TOS suggested enlist, become a soldier and you will have your vengeance. Otherwise your hate filled posts mean absolutely nothing to those who have actually fought for our country.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
No, I oppose those barbaric a-holes, but if all they understand is violence and murder, then we need to start speaking their language.

This country has gone from a nation to fear, to an annoying younger sibling who's always nagging you so you just ignore them.

DEFINE "WE"?? or do you mean, "other peoples children other than your own" doing the fighting??


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Congrats! You are now one of them. No difference between your thinking and theirs.

What do you suggest we do?
Going out on the battlefield, hugging them and telling them we love them doesn't seem to be working.
They don't want to be like us.....stop trying to make them be like us.
These people are like the Japanese were in WW II. They think they are supreme beings. How did we finally stop the Japs?


and this derogatory comment coming from a moderator on this site??

Whats next? You going to tell us to attack the "chinks" in china or the "slopes" in north Korea? or the "sand N....s"
in the desert?

I see you havent learned what political correctness is, eh?


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I'm in favor of leaving those people alone.
Like rats in a jar, if you leave them alone long enough they will kill each other.
The problem I have is when they bring their crap to our country and force themselves on us.


If this country and other countries like Russia wouldnt put so much emphasis on selling weapons to every third world radical country, there would be NO FIGHTING or ISIS.

Look at the photos.

How many BRAND NEW humvees are isis fighters driving? How many american heavy armored vehicles are they using in their battles?? How many american weapons and ammo are they using? Look at their BOOTS for christ sakes, they are all american military issue.

WE are the problem in the world. OUR NEED for global dominance by believing that if we arm them, they will kill each other out of existence.

Only problem, it doesnt work, and then we are forced to send our young men and women over there to clean up a mess our defense industry and the Oliver Norths of 2014 are creating.

WE force them upon our nation, not the other way around.

Lets start by getting a grip on the arms being sold around the world. NO guns = NO wars.

But of course, you monkeys wouldnt have it any other way.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Maybe you should ENLIST, RE-ENLIST or BEG to serve to go over there and FIGHT and back up your words.

Blackwater is hiring. They need stupid people with guns to go die for big bucks.

I for one would love to hear you died on the battlefield for your cause, that would show me conviction.

Sounds like the poem of a coward.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.

and this derogatory comment coming from a moderator on this site??

Whats next? You going to tell us to attack the "chinks" in china or the "slopes" in north Korea? or the "sand N....s"
in the desert?

I see you havent learned what political correctness is, eh?

Where did you get that JAPS is derogatory?
Is YANKS derogatory?
Who are you to decide what is, and what isn't derogatory?


Well-Known Troll
They are filled with hate. You are filled with hate. Sorry but there's no difference between you and them. They feel killing of the innocent is justified and so do you. Like TOS suggested enlist, become a soldier and you will have your vengeance. Otherwise your hate filled posts mean absolutely nothing to those who have actually fought for our country.

Fine, let ISIS continue to do whatever they want, ignorant to the fact that they WILL seek to actively kill people here at home. We'll kill them with kindness and rainbows and lollipops, while they kill us with knives and suicide bombs.


Well-Known Troll

and this derogatory comment coming from a moderator on this site??

Whats next? You going to tell us to attack the "chinks" in china or the "slopes" in north Korea? or the "sand N....s"
in the desert?

I see you havent learned what political correctness is, eh?


Yeah, Political Correctness is a joke so all the libs don't get butt hurt because someone said something mean.

Thought koreans were gooks? I mean, if you're tossing out every ethnic pejorative, you should at least list them correctly.

When I say "WE" I mean WE as a nation, the American People need to see what's happening, and wake up and speak up to the atrocities taking place in the middle east and advocate something be done.

I'll enlist tomorrow, cause the coward at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave has said "NO BOOTS ON THE GROUND, PERIOD", I won't be going anywhere. Although, he also said if you liked your doctor and health plan you could keep them, will he flip on this one too?


Well-Known Troll
WE force them upon our nation, not the other way around.

Lets start by getting a grip on the arms being sold around the world. NO guns = NO wars.

But of course, you monkeys wouldnt have it any other way.


As a person of color, that's ignorant as hell. Why not just type out the word :censored2:?
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