ISIS aka The Islamic State


Well-Known Member
How'd that work out for them?
You bring up a good point actually. The Roman-Persian War was the longest conflict in human history. I won't support my country taking their turn at that kind of madness.

Destruction of both empires. That's what happens throughout history when you decide to wage a war to not win. By your posts one has to assume that's exactly what you support.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
How'd that work out for them?
You bring up a good point actually. The Roman-Persian War was the longest conflict in human history. I won't support my country taking their turn at that kind of madness.
Of course not, because cowards abhour wars. I bet if you were alive in 1941, you would oppose going to war against Japan and Germany. You would justify it by saying were don't know how long it will take to beat the axis, it might take years and years.
Cowards are all alike. always first to criticize wars and never, ever bothering to actually serve in the military.


Well-Known Member
Of course not, because cowards abhour wars. I bet if you were alive in 1941, you would oppose going to war against Japan and Germany. You would justify it by saying were don't know how long it will take to beat the axis, it might take years and years.
Cowards are all alike. always first to criticize wars and never, ever bothering to actually serve in the military.

We had this one won by most accounts. Even some of the most extreme leftists were saying we had stabilized Iraq. Then we ran. If only we had learned our lesson from the wars in Getmany and Japan things may have turned out differently in the end.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Where did you get that JAPS is derogatory?
Is YANKS derogatory?
Who are you to decide what is, and what isn't derogatory?

Like I have said before, you people enjoy being racists yourself, and when i throw it back in your faces by referring to some of you as white trash, you all get offended.

But a moderator using the term "japs" is ok by your book, and others I see.

Like the term "redskins" , you would never walk up to an indian and call them a redskin, at least not me, cause after you woke from your coma, you would know you said the wrong thing. Same with "japs" when referring to japanese people as the moderator was doing.

You would never walk up to a japanese person and call them a "jap".

Its a derogatory word, like the others I posted. And for your information, "gooks" referred to north Vietnamese. I thought you were purporting to have served? Sounds like you didnt.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Like I have said before, you people enjoy being racists yourself, and when i throw it back in your faces by referring to some of you as white trash, you all get offended.

But a moderator using the term "japs" is ok by your book, and others I see.

Like the term "redskins" , you would never walk up to an indian and call them a redskin, at least not me, cause after you woke from your coma, you would know you said the wrong thing. Same with "japs" when referring to japanese people as the moderator was doing.

You would never walk up to a japanese person and call them a "jap".

Its a derogatory word, like the others I posted. And for your information, "gooks" referred to north Vietnamese. I thought you were purporting to have served? Sounds like you didnt.

And all this time I just thought JAPS was short for Japanese.


I started this.
Staff member

and this derogatory comment coming from a moderator on this site??
But a moderator using the term "japs" is ok by your book, and others I see.
For your convenience here is a list of our moderators. Since this is the second time in the last few weeks that you have wrongly tried to shame a member with this type of accusation this list may save you from embarrassing yourself the next time.
  • barnyard
  • bbsam
  • cheryl
  • Jones
  • Photog
  • satellitedriver
  • scratch
  • tonyexpress
  • toonertoo

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
For your convenience here is a list of our moderators. Since this is the second time in the last few weeks that you have wrongly tried to shame a member with this type of accusation this list may save you from embarrassing yourself the next time.
  • barnyard
  • bbsam
  • cheryl
  • Jones
  • Photog
  • satellitedriver
  • scratch
  • tonyexpress
  • toonertoo

So, the concern is about the moderators and not the Offensive term?



Well-Known Troll
You would never walk up to a japanese person and call them a "jap".

Its a derogatory word, like the others I posted. And for your information, "gooks" referred to north Vietnamese. I thought you were purporting to have served? Sounds like you didnt.


I wouldn't be able to tell the difference to be so specific as to cal them a JAP. How do I know what country he's from

Korean/vietnamese/ chinese/Japanese, dirty knees look at these. It's all the same.

I never stated ANYWHERE that I served in any branch of the military. Another ASSumption on the part of our resident troll.

Since you KNOW intent, maybe you read too much into a comment I made, much like how you read too much into the 2nd amendment. According to your leader Nancy Pelosi, you don't need to read something to find out what it says.
Last edited:


I started this.
Staff member
So, the concern is about the moderators and not the Offensive term?

Just clarifying who is and who is not a moderator since you
have recently chosen to randomly post lies about which members are moderators.

I don't understand what motivates you to waste your time randomly posting bogus info about this site and our moderators. Remember the bizarre BC conspiracy theory you posted in 2009?

Your first mistake is believing this is an "INDEPENDENT" site run by a person.

From what I can tell, this site is run by the Laguna Pacific Region Headquarters (UPS) in Laguna Beach.

All you have to do is look at the information posted by the host and ask yourself how an "INDIVIDUAL", aka "private person" would get a hold of company pictures and documents, stories and such when those are properties of United Parcel Service.

For instance, when the San Fernando Building had the recent large fire that burned all the way to the building, pictures were taken that day of the fires itself.

In the aftermath, those pictures were the property of UPS, yet they were posted on this site.

Now, those photos are proprietary in nature and were not release to the public nor were they published in any newspapers or internet news service.

Yet, they appeared on this site. Every single one of them.

Now, you are fooling yourself if you believe this is merely a blog run by a private person who has no interest in UPS.

You must be careful.

Think about it, there is no better way to "evesdrop" on its employee base then to place a blog on the net and read what they have to say.

Its just like they were sitting in the locker room listening to everyone bitching about the company.

Its all good intel.

Keeping the finger on the pulse. Its a great idea, and its working.

Those of you who have ever been spoken to about something you posted should realize this to be true better than anyone else.

I.P. traces, online identifyers to trace your IP back to your host or carrier will provide the company with your name, address and other info.

Welcome to the world of technology.

To believe different would be to deny the obvious.:stalker:

In reference to "Offensive Terms," there are many words that reasonable people will agree are offensive racial slurs. There are also other words that some people will view as slurs, while others will not.

Since the EEOC has not published an official list of “racial slurs” how do I decide if a specific racial term is indeed an offensive racial slur?

My own personal sensibilities lean towards anything that is divisive, contentious, or does harm is offensive. However, I don't consider my personal opinion to be the final arbiter here.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Again, I can appreciate the honesty. I wont "bag" on a person who is upfront and honest. A huge difference between moreluck and the others.

Be yourself I always say, and if the mods and site owner allow it, then cool by me, just dont "edit" my posts for content any longer.

This has to be a two way street, and its been one way for a long time.

Your honesty is appreciated.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Just clarifying who is and who is not a moderator since you
have recently chosen to randomly post lies about which members are moderators.

I don't understand what motivates you to waste your time randomly posting bogus info about this site and our moderators. Remember the bizarre BC conspiracy theory you posted in 2009?

In reference to "Offensive Terms," there are many words that reasonable people will agree are offensive racial slurs. There are also other words that some people will view as slurs, while others will not.

Since the EEOC has not published an official list of “racial slurs” how do I decide if a specific racial term is indeed an offensive racial slur?

My own personal sensibilities lean towards anything that is divisive, contentious, or does harm is offensive. However, I don't consider my personal opinion to be the final arbiter here.

It aint "bizarre" at all. I do my homework.



nowhere special
Yeah, "JAP" is like pole or Czech... Try that on a japanese person next time you run into one. See if that works for you.


"JAP" was a derogatory term used in WWII which was taken from the word "JAPPON"..

Thank you.

I never heard of "JAPPON" but Nips was derived from Nippon.