ISIS aka The Islamic State


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.

If you ONLY understood how the word was used in this nations history, you wouldnt be so oblivious.

Redskin is only offensive to those of weak minds and weak souls.
In other words, the TROLL PATROL.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Redskin is only offensive to those of weak minds and weak souls.
In other words, the TROLL PATROL.
Excuse me, What's all this bullcrap about... What tribe are you from? Yeah, I thought so..."Redskin" was said with the same respect for native Americans as N was for blacks..Why is it that white people are always telling minorities how they should feel about language used to describe them?
If an American Indian says it's offensive, that's fine. I'm all for changing it.
Here's a thought, browny.....go ask one..Claiming there's no intent to offend, while continuing to be racist, is nonsensical.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Excuse me, What's all this bullcrap about... What tribe are you from? Yeah, I thought so..."Redskin" was said with the same respect for native Americans as N was for blacks..Why is it that white people are always telling minorities how they should feel about language used to describe them?
If an American Indian says it's offensive, that's fine. I'm all for changing it.
Here's a thought, browny.....go ask one..Claiming there's no intent to offend, while continuing to be racist, is nonsensical.
That's a lot of hostility for one post.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Nope. It's the followers of the Troll T.O.S.
Mr RealBrownone......Please go into any Native American business such as a casino and say "Hey redskin, bring me a Jack and Coke and $100 worth of chips". I double dog dare you. I think you will find out real quick what would happen next....If "Redskins" is a name of respect, then why don't we ever hear any republic politicians use it to describe the native community?Why???


golden ticket member
Mr RealBrownone......Please go into any Native American business such as a casino and say "Hey redskin, bring me a Jack and Coke and $100 worth of chips". I double dog dare you. I think you will find out real quick what would happen next....If "Redskins" is a name of respect, then why don't we ever hear any republic politicians use it to describe the native community?Why???
You wouldn't call Indians redskins, but you do call professional football players from Washington, Redskins. Just like we don't say mick, or hebe or polack or kraut.......grow up.

Oh and the pro baseball players in Cleveland are called with it !!


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
You wouldn't call Indians redskins, but you do call professional football players from Washington, Redskins. Just like we don't say mick, or hebe or polack or kraut.......grow up.

Oh and the pro baseball players in Cleveland are called with it !!
Moreloch couldn't possibly believe all the crazy stuff she says,can she?


Well-Known Troll
Nope. It's the followers of the Troll T.O.S.

He is the only one labeled that, and I have to wonder why. His posts can be sometimes over the top, but the posts from at least a half dozen members on the opposite side of the political spectrum are just as inflammatory, if not more.

I know a number of my posts never make it to the forum, in spite of not violating the terms, other posters do get posted while violating the terms.


golden ticket member
He is the only one labeled that, and I have to wonder why. His posts can be sometimes over the top, but the posts from at least a half dozen members on the opposite side of the political spectrum are just as inflammatory, if not more.

I know a number of my posts never make it to the forum, in spite of not violating the terms, other posters do get posted while violating the terms.
oh, roadrunner, you always were a whiner!