ISIS aka The Islamic State


Well-Known Member
Male pattern baldness?

At nearly 60, I'm fortunate to not suffer from such. Just cut a 17 inch ponytail back in April that went to Locks of Love and now working on another for the same destination in about 3 more years.

Now the gray is another matter! :wink-very:


Staff member
Because they know they have a homie in the white house that won't betray them. They will resort to more insidious techniques that will go unnoticed until it is too late.
So the more it doesn't happen, the more we should be afraid of what's coming...are you people crazy?!


Well-Known Member
I don't plan on dying anytime soon, but I keep paying my life insurance premium for the same reason. You just never know, and I'd rather plan for the future. Expect the unexpected.

Oh my- have I really come to that?


Well-Known Member
Because they know they have a homie in the white house that won't betray them. They will resort to more insidious techniques that will go unnoticed until it is too late.

So why is their homie droning them in the homeland? Obama has far surpassed Bush on that front to the point that even the left questions Obama getting the Peace prize.


Well-Known Member
So the more it doesn't happen, the more we should be afraid of what's coming...are you people crazy?!

Flashback, if you will, to pre-December 7, 1941. This date may not ring a bell for you but......

The Japanese diplomats were openly discussing detente' with America all the while they were planning the Pearl Harbor attack.


Well-Known Member
Flashback, if you will, to pre-December 7, 1941. This date may not ring a bell for you but......

The Japanese diplomats were openly discussing detente' with America all the while they were planning the Pearl Harbor attack.

That may be true but did they just wake up one day, got bored and decided to attack Pearl Harbor because there was nothing on TV to watch? What was behind Japanese hostility that caused them to act in such manner in the first place?


Well-Known Member
What was behind Japanese hostility that caused them to act in such manner in the first place?

It is thought that:
1) they believed they were supreme beings that wanted to rule the world (sorta like the muslims) and/or;
2) America had resources they needed to accomplish their global reign.


Staff member
Flashback, if you will, to pre-December 7, 1941. This date may not ring a bell for you but......

The Japanese diplomats were openly discussing detente' with America all the while they were planning the Pearl Harbor attack.
And there's reason to believe that Roosevelt knew it was coming.


Well-Known Member
It is thought that:
1) they thought they were supreme beings that wanted to rule the world (sorta like the muslims) and/or;
2) America had resources they needed to accomplish their global reign.

If that were true, why did Roosevelt feel it necessary to blockade Japan oddly enough using the 7th fleet out of Pearl?

I wonder had Anglo American interests not been meddling in that region for the prior 100 plus years would the paranoia of Japan grown to as you say, try to take over the world? Actually it was more like the Asia region.

Check out the East India Company and their history in the region just for starters. Ironic that this same East India Company was also associated with many forces that led a bunch of colonists in a place called America to also rebel. If the Japanese were wrong...............



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
You need to put down the Call of Duty video game, go sign up for the Marines and fight like you type, then we could respect your post. Otherwise you are nothing but a keyboard warrior who would have no problem having someone else put their life on the line. My guess is you wouldn't last 1 min in the "real" battlefield.
I already served my country.
Have you?