

nowhere special
US could be entering a war in the middle east. US secretary of state went to middle eastern countries with quotas for hundreds of thousands of palestinians they are hoping they will take. Was rebuked. I told you Israel was trying to get rid of the palestinians and it was not about stopping hamas which israel has supported over the decades. Israel is now going to africa and latin america offering money to take palestinians. Israel being charged with genocide, as I immediately said. Over 25,000 dead and its expected 500,000 will die from disease because Israel has carpet bombed gaza. RFK was killed because of America supporting this satanic behavior from israel. How many countries has israel attacked since oct 7th? I believe chomsky described Israel as one of the most aggressive countries in the world. 85% of Gaza has been displaced.

There can be dire dire consequences for supporting satanic behavior around the world.
church lady satan.gif


Well-Known Member
US could be entering a war in the middle east. US secretary of state went to middle eastern countries with quotas for hundreds of thousands of palestinians they are hoping they will take. Was rebuked. I told you Israel was trying to get rid of the palestinians and it was not about stopping hamas which israel has supported over the decades. Israel is now going to africa and latin america offering money to take palestinians. Israel being charged with genocide, as I immediately said. Over 25,000 dead and its expected 500,000 will die from disease because Israel has carpet bombed gaza. RFK was killed because of America supporting this satanic behavior from israel. How many countries has israel attacked since oct 7th? I believe chomsky described Israel as one of the most aggressive countries in the world. 85% of Gaza has been displaced.

There can be dire dire consequences for supporting satanic behavior around the world.


Well-Known Member
Imagine if he didn't have Israel's back !!
(ABC News)​
– Two reports today about Iran’s nuclear program and the possibility of an Israeli military strike have analysts in Israel accusing the Obama administration leaking information to pressure Israel not to bomb Iran and for Iran to reach a compromise in upcoming nuclear talks.​
The first report in Foreign Policy quotes anonymous American officials saying that Israel has been given access to airbases by Iran’s northern neighbor Azerbaijan from which Israel could launch air strikes or at least drones and search and rescue aircraft.​
The second report from Bloomberg, based on a leaked congressional report, said that Iran’s nuclear facilities are so dispersed that it is “unclear what the ultimate effect of a strike would be…” A strike could delay Iran as little as six months, a former official told the researchers.​
“It seems like a big campaign to prevent Israel from attacking,” analyst Yoel Guzansky at the Institute for National Security Studies told ABC News. “I think the [Obama] administration is really worried Jerusalem will attack and attack soon. They’re trying hard to prevent it in so many ways.”​
The Foreign Policy report by Mark Perry quotes an intelligence officer saying, “We’re watching what Iran does closely…But we’re now watching what Israel is doing in Azerbaijan. And we’re not happy about it.”​
If true, the deal with Azerbaijan “totally changes the whole picture,” says Guzansky, making it far easier for Israel to strike faster and harder, rather than having to fly 2,200 miles to Iran and back over Iraqi airspace.​
well you'd have RFK



Well-Known Member
Imagine if he didn't have Israel's back !!
(ABC News)​
– Two reports today about Iran’s nuclear program and the possibility of an Israeli military strike have analysts in Israel accusing the Obama administration leaking information to pressure Israel not to bomb Iran and for Iran to reach a compromise in upcoming nuclear talks.​
The first report in Foreign Policy quotes anonymous American officials saying that Israel has been given access to airbases by Iran’s northern neighbor Azerbaijan from which Israel could launch air strikes or at least drones and search and rescue aircraft.​
The second report from Bloomberg, based on a leaked congressional report, said that Iran’s nuclear facilities are so dispersed that it is “unclear what the ultimate effect of a strike would be…” A strike could delay Iran as little as six months, a former official told the researchers.​
“It seems like a big campaign to prevent Israel from attacking,” analyst Yoel Guzansky at the Institute for National Security Studies told ABC News. “I think the [Obama] administration is really worried Jerusalem will attack and attack soon. They’re trying hard to prevent it in so many ways.”​
The Foreign Policy report by Mark Perry quotes an intelligence officer saying, “We’re watching what Iran does closely…But we’re now watching what Israel is doing in Azerbaijan. And we’re not happy about it.”​
If true, the deal with Azerbaijan “totally changes the whole picture,” says Guzansky, making it far easier for Israel to strike faster and harder, rather than having to fly 2,200 miles to Iran and back over Iraqi airspace.​
i dunno peace in the middle east

the genocide would be over


Well-Known Member
Cornel west is anti racist and bibi likely is a racist
Sorry, while in theory, I can agree with some of the things he espouses his focus on one issue is entirely unacceptable. His extreme hate for Rich liberal and conservative elites is admirable, but it is not going to win a presidential election. even his best friend, Bernie Sanders has no qualms about stabbing him in the back.