

Well-Known Member
only if you tell the truth. if you have difficulties telling the truth well then good luck to you

jesus is against pollution too and throw away culture. this system will bring hell on earth.
Hell on earth was already said to be coming. You can’t stop it but eventually heaven will be here.


Well-Known Member
israel is complete garbage


Well-Known Member
They are and have been in a kill or be killed situation.
They're tired of having an idiot neighbor. 10/7 was the straw that broke the camel's back. There is no other solution.
you dont kill civilians. the israelis are the idiots thinking they can just expand the size of their country and theres not going to be violent push back. thinking they can trap 2 million people in gaza and everyone is just going to take it.



Well-Known Member

call your govt. supporting israeli genocide weakens american safety.


Well-Known Member
Which war didn't?
thats not an excuse. jesus is monitoring your behavior.

How dangerous is war for civilians?

Very dangerous. Between 1900 and 1990, 43 million soldiers died in wars. During the same period, 62 million civilians were killed. More than 34 million civilians died in World War II. One million died in North Korea. Hundreds of thousands were killed in South Korea, and 200,000 to 400,000 in Vietnam. In the wars of the 1990s, civilian deaths constituted between 75 and 90 percent of all war deaths.

What is the civilian experience in war?

They are shot, bombed, raped, starved, and driven from their homes. During World War II, 135,000 civilians died in two days in the firebombing of Dresden. A week later, in Pforzheim, Germany, 17,800 people were killed in 22 minutes. In Russia, after the three-year battle of Leningrad, only 600,000 civilians remained in a city that had held a population of 2.5 million. One million were evacuated, 100,000 were conscripted into the Red Army, and 800,000 died. In April 2003, during the Iraqi War, half of the 1.3 million civilians in Basra, Iraq, were trapped for days without food and water in temperatures in excess of 100 degrees.


Well-Known Member
US could be entering a war in the middle east. US secretary of state went to middle eastern countries with quotas for hundreds of thousands of palestinians they are hoping they will take. Was rebuked. I told you Israel was trying to get rid of the palestinians and it was not about stopping hamas which israel has supported over the decades. Israel is now going to africa and latin america offering money to take palestinians. Israel being charged with genocide, as I immediately said. Over 25,000 dead and its expected 500,000 will die from disease because Israel has carpet bombed gaza. RFK was killed because of America supporting this satanic behavior from israel. How many countries has israel attacked since oct 7th? I believe chomsky described Israel as one of the most aggressive countries in the world. 85% of Gaza has been displaced.

There can be dire dire consequences for supporting satanic behavior around the world.