It’s about to get real here in 705!


Well-Known Member
I am not on the committee. I have several friends that are but I do not ask about negotiations. I do not want to put them in any kind of awkward situation. I am not sure.
it's just strange that there's no update from Thursday and it's already Monday. Beginning to think this doesn't get resolved till after peak.


Well-Known Member
2013-2018 contract was extended until new contract ratification, when that happens nobody knows, sad
ok...I should have been more specific. I know we're working under the old contract by mutual agreement. When you said they were cancelling the extension and going back to the table, it seemed you were saying that 710 was essentially striking.
I can't see a new contract ratification happening this year.


Well-Known Member
Now with 22.4s coming in I would be surprised if that starts becoming the norm around the country.
I don’t know why they didn’t put language in there to say that outside of peak these 22.4 couldn’t work more than 1/2 of their shift on the car...supposedly the union brought this 22.4 idea to the table but they didn’t put any stipulations in so that the language couldn’t be abused....the way I look at it is ups isnt going to use these guys/gals in the hub unless absolutely necessary.... so the benefit we would get by having a 22.4 working in the hub at 22+ bucks an hour with hub rats making 14 is gone....