It’s about to get real here in 705!


Well-Known Member
@Waldo: If you are now eligible to vote, a ballot packet should have already been mailed to you. I don't have the specific details of eligibility, but it's probably some combination of made it through the probationary period at work (40 days worked in Local 705), and having paid the initiation fee in full ($100 for part-time in L705; unfortunately fees, dues, and 'special assessments' are not broken out separately on your paystub-you'd have to do the math yourself by adding up what you've paid, or call the union's 'dues department' to ask about your status).

I did receive my ballot in the mail yesterday. As far as initiation fees, I have no idea how they figure it all out. When I was hired in early July they said my union dues would be $13 a week. My first weeks check $13.50 was taken out for dues, all other weeks it’s been $13 except one week none was taken out. Also that $13.50 the first week has never been added into my total paid.


promoted to mediocrity
I did receive my ballot in the mail yesterday. As far as initiation fees, I have no idea how they figure it all out. When I was hired in early July they said my union dues would be $13 a week. My first weeks check $13.50 was taken out for dues, all other weeks it’s been $13 except one week none was taken out. Also that $13.50 the first week has never been added into my total paid.
It's a little complicated, they actually put info about it as a 'letter of understanding' in the back of the contract book.


Staff member
He has pretty broad power, over all locals, even those outside of the National Master.

A strike would affect the International and almost all locals under the Master.

IBT Constitution

Article VI Section 5(a)

If the General President has or receives information which leads him to believe that any of the officers of a Local Union or other subordinate body are dishonest or incompetent, or that such organization is not being conducted in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the International Union or for the benefit of the membership, or is being conducted in such a manner as to jeopardize the interests of the International Union or its subordinate bodies, or if the General President believes that such action is necessary for the purpose of correcting corruption or financial malpractice, assuring the performance of collective bargaining agreements or other duties of a bargaining representative, restoring democratic procedures or preventing any action which is disruptive of, or interferes with the performance of obligations of other members or Local Unions under collective bargaining agreements, or otherwise carrying out legitimate objects of the subordinate body, he may appoint a temporary Trustee to take charge and control of the affairs of such Local Union or other subordinate body

Appreciate the actual information. That section does indeed make it appear that Hoffa could try to shut 705's attempt down using that.

Thanks for answering my question. :)


Well-Known Member
Yes it was because the guy was giving gift cards or some shady things. He knows if he took over our union a national contract would never pass. In 705 we vote and we could easily get 75% if we needed. It would easily be 10,000 no votes then our guys would be all over the country educating other locals. Good luck to the guys in freight. If they strike the members will loose in short term but win in the long run. The company will offer better contract in future

I'd fully agree with that.


Well-Known Member
Appreciate the actual information. That section does indeed make it appear that Hoffa could try to shut 705's attempt down using that.

Thanks for answering my question. :)
If 710's president believes that it's a foregone conclusion, why not just stop negotiating and put this up for vote?


Light 'em up!
If 710's president believes that it's a foregone conclusion, why not just stop negotiating and put this up for vote?

It's not a foregone conclusion, but it is a very high probability.

Hoffa has not said whether or not he will intervene, if it comes to a possible strike, so we do not know for sure.


Well-Known Member
It's not a foregone conclusion, but it is a very high probability.

Hoffa has not said whether or not he will intervene, if it comes to a possible strike, so we do not know for sure.
someone with a direct connection to the 710 president said Hoffa will override. So my question stands. Why not just put the contract out to 710 and get it over with?


Well-Known Member
I stand behind my current local. And just sent my ballot. I just hope after they win that they still negotiate a good contract. I'm afraid that after they win they put a vote out and push a yes vote and after the last meeting I can't see that but you never know and we loose all our leverage in 7 short weeks. So hopefully we take a strike vote soon. Another general members meeting coming up on 16th should be interesting


If 710's president believes that it's a foregone conclusion, why not just stop negotiating and put this up for vote?
He’s a afraid it will get voted down, then enforced, which makes them seems useless, as it stands 25% of the raised are going to part timers and 710/705 will have 22.4s


Well-Known Member
I believe we will both get 22.4’s, but maybe in limited numbers compared to national. I just hope for the $15 starting wage.


Well-Known Member
He’s a afraid it will get voted down, then enforced, which makes them seems useless, as it stands 25% of the raised are going to part timers and 710/705 will have 22.4s
and what will change in the next month or two? Nothing! Why is he waiting? It makes no sense. None. This is really starting to irritate me. What are they waiting for? The obvious answer is 705.


Well-Known Member
What does the other slate stand fo. I been waiting to hear from 1 guy. I highly doubt the new slate is qualified to negotiate a contract imo


Well-Known Member
Nobody in our local cares what hoffa says I'm telling you if we take a strike vote 80% vote to strike. I could see it now . Hey hoffa said we can't strike. Who is that ? Nobody flip the burgers and keep striking


Well-Known Member
So have you ever put toothpaste back in the tube. We should take the strike vote first. So that we know it will be last and final offer. Then give us the contract to vote on. I promise you it will not pass and I promise you we will meet any and all thresholds. Then what we automatically go on strike good luck I think your underestimating our unity and our power if this guy sells us another bad contract he can guarantee this will be his last term so many ramifications that an outsider can't see.


Well-Known Member
What does the other slate stand fo. I been waiting to hear from 1 guy. I highly doubt the new slate is qualified to negotiate a contract imo

I’m kinda torn on what slate to vote for. I do like the way our current leadership has handled things lately. Then today several coworkers were wearing the Change 705 shirts. The couple guys I spoke with said the current regime has been there too long (10 years) and they think very highly of some Tony guy on the ticket. So now I don’t know what to do lol. I’m still kinda new at only 4 months in.


Well-Known Member
I’m kinda torn on what slate to vote for. I do like the way our current leadership has handled things lately. Then today several coworkers were wearing the Change 705 shirts. The couple guys I spoke with said the current regime has been there too long (10 years) and they think very highly of some Tony guy on the ticket. So now I don’t know what to do lol. I’m still kinda new at only 4 months in.

Anyone on here will tell you.... vote for @Tony Q