

Für Meno :)
Klein---you only serve to further embarass yourself when you comment on anything related to UPS.

You were fired for drinking on the clock. You have zero credibility when it comes to anything related to the company.

Do yourself a favor and stick to what you know---I can lend you a post-it note so that you can write it all down.


Hey atleast I stuck it out and didn't quit on my own !
Driver positions are also posted today (like almost every single week) !


Strength through joy
[h=2]Obama Sneaks Through 30-Year Drilling Moratorium[/h]While the Obama administration was taking a victory lap last week after the 5-4 Supreme Court decision to uphold the president’s signature legislative accomplishment, Obamacare, the Interior Department was using the media black hole to release a much-awaited five-year plan for offshore drilling. That plan reinstitutes a 30-year moratorium on offshore energy exploration that will keep our most promising resources locked away until long after President Obama begins plans for his presidential library. Given the timing, it is clear that the self-described “all of the above” energy president didn’t want the American people to discover that he was denying access to nearly 98 percent of America’s vast energy potential on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).
ince taking office, Mr. Obama and [left-wing Secretary of the Interior Ken] Salazar have worked to restrict access to our offshore oil and gas resources by canceling lease sales, delaying others and creating an atmosphere of uncertainty about America’s future offshore development that has left job creators looking for other countries’ waters to host their offshore rigs. More than 3 1/2 years into the Obama regime, nearly 86 billion barrels of undiscovered oil on the Outer Continental Shelf remain off-limits to Americans. Alaska alone has about 24 billion barrels of oil in unleased federal waters. The Commonwealth of Virginia – where Mr. Obama has reversed policies that would have allowed offshore development – is home to 130 million barrels of offshore oil and 1.14 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. But thanks to the president, Virginians will have to wait at least another five years before they can begin creating the jobs that will unlock their offshore resources.
Once you add those restrictions to the vast amount of shale oil that is being blocked, the administration has embargoed nearly 200 years of domestic oil supply.



Strength through joy
Seen any want ads like this.......“Hiring OPT/CPT/L2 EAD/TN/H1 candidates for Full Time”
You will probably ignore the ad because the initials mean nothing to you, even though had you looked closely in the small print you would have found a reference to your skills.
You, the citizen and the qualified worker, would be doing exactly what the purchasers of the ad wanted, because they are not looking for citizens or green card holders, they want not only foreign-born workers, but more specifically foreign-born nonimmigrant workers.
Each of the initials in the heading relates to a different temporary work visa or document.
This practice is common in the information technology industry and it means, in effect, “No Americans Need Apply”, according to a report released last week by Bright Future Jobs (BFJ), an advocacy group led by Donna Conroy.
One Old Vet


Well-Known Member
Shale oil = fracking = bad for the enviroment.

Natural gas prices down 43%---why do we need to produce more?

We are almost to the point where we are a net exporter of domestic oil.

We need to more seriously pursue alternative forms of energy.


golden ticket member
Until we have NO dependence on anyone for oil........................keep producing!

He took steps to cripple us and make us dependent on other countries. (30 year moratorium on drilling)

His hate of our country's ways becomes more evident everyday!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Until we have NO dependence on anyone for oil........................keep producing!

He took steps to cripple us and make us dependent on other countries. (30 year moratorium on drilling)

His hate of our country's ways becomes more evident everyday!!

I find it hilarious how people want our oil companies to KEEP PRODUCING, and then those same companies sell that oil overseas. Its amazing how the uninformed view oil.

If the oil companies said they will pump all the oil out of the ground, put it in giant storage containers and keep it for americans, then im all in with that, but that isnt the case. The intent of more drilling is to become more of a world player, selling to china and india.

Two big markets with growing thirsts for oil.

More drilling has nothing to do with independence for americans. Thats just the rouse that is used to keep the uninformed in line.




Strength through joy
So I found it funny that the next city over has to wait for their wind turbine to arrive from India.
Is that the green type of jobs bhos is creating ?


golden ticket member
So I found it funny that the next city over has to wait for their wind turbine to arrive from India.
Is that the green type of jobs bhos is creating ?
He accuses Romney of outsourcing, but Obama is the biggest outsourcer of jobs ever!! Romney's actions at Bain may have created some additional job overseas in addition to the jobs saved here, but he didn't actually move jobs out of the country. Big difference.


golden ticket member
I find it hilarious how people want our oil companies to KEEP PRODUCING, and then those same companies sell that oil overseas. Its amazing how the uninformed view oil.

If the oil companies said they will pump all the oil out of the ground, put it in giant storage containers and keep it for americans, then im all in with that, but that isnt the case. The intent of more drilling is to become more of a world player, selling to china and india.

Two big markets with growing thirsts for oil.

More drilling has nothing to do with independence for americans. Thats just the rouse that is used to keep the uninformed in line.


We know, everyone s uninformed 'cept you !! Standard response #3.


golden ticket member