

Well-Known Member
More Americans went on disability than found jobs in last 3 months

More Americans went on disability than found jobs over the last three months, according
to fresh figures crunched by the Senate Budget Committee.

Underscoring the extent of the recent slowdown in the economy, the startling numbers
show that between April and June, a total of 246,000 people enrolled in the Social Security
Disability Insurance program.

In the same period, just 225,000 found jobs.

Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., ranking Republican on the budget panel, said the figures raise
concern about the health of the economy as well as the disability insurance program itself.

He said that since 2008, a total of 3.6 million Americans have gone on disability -- while
1.3 million lost jobs.

Read more: More Americans went on disability than found jobs in last 3 months | Fox News


Strength through joy
New retirement plan;
retire young ,
Cash out 401 (k) accounts & hide those funds overseas ,
declare that I have no income ,
apply for SS. claim disability ,
collect EBT card,
join state run healthcare,
wait some time before applying for Teamster pension .
But first I have to enroll as a democrat.


golden ticket member


Strength through joy
[h=1]‘The Tonight Show’ Lays Off 20 Staffers And Host Jay Leno Takes Pay Cut To Save Jobs[/h]NBC insiders tell me The Tonight Show went through ”downsizing” today and that 20 staffers lost their jobs. Others tell me the number is more like 25, and producers were forced to take pay cuts or lose their jobs. I’ve also learned that Jay Leno took what is being described as a “tremendous” pay cut to “save as many people’s jobs as he could”.
Leno has said publicly that he’s able to bank his entire Tonight Show salary and live on the hefty fees he makes from his hectic personal appearance schedule. Leno’s new salary is reportedly $27M-$30 million a year.


Strength through joy
[h=1]Bain Capital’s Contec Holdings Files for Bankruptcy[/h]
Contec Holdings Ltd., the cable-box repair company owned by Bain Capital LLC, sought bankruptcy protection from creditors.
Contec Holdings, based in Schenectady, New York, listed debt of as much as $500 million and assets of as much as $100 million in Chapter 11 documents filed yesterday in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Delaware.


Well-Known Member
Bain Capital’s Contec Holdings Files for Bankruptcy

Contec Holdings Ltd., the cable-box repair company owned by Bain Capital LLC, sought bankruptcy protection from creditors.
Contec Holdings, based in Schenectady, New York, listed debt of as much as $500 million and assets of as much as $100 million in Chapter 11 documents filed yesterday in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Delaware.

Is this a pro or anti Romney post?


golden ticket member
[h=2]Left-Leaning PolitiFact Rates Cutter’s Claim The Obama “Recovery” Has Created More Jobs Than Reagan’s Recovery False, Says Reagan’s Was “More Than Four Times Bigger”…[/h]

Cutter lied? — Shocker.
Via PolitiFact:
Stephanie Cutter, President Barack Obama’s deputy campaign manager, said her boss one-upped President Ronald Reagan in economic rebuilding following a crippling recession. But was she right?

On the Aug. 22, 2012, edition of MSNBC’sMorning Joe, Willie Geist asked Cutter what argument she would make to someone who had been out of work under Obama and who was wondering whether it’s time for a change.
Cutter re
sponded, “Well, I think that worker probably has a good understanding of what’s happened over the past four years in terms of the president coming in and seeing 800,000 jobs lost on the day that the president was being sworn in, and seeing the president moving pretty quickly to stem the losses, to turn the economy around, and over the past, you know, 27 months we’ve created 4.5 million private sector jobs. That’s more jobs than in the Bush recovery, in the Reagan recovery, there’s obviously more we need to do….”
Many readers contacted us to ask if the Obama recovery has really outpaced the recovery from the 1981-1982 recession under Reagan. (We’re focusing on the Reagan comparison because readers emailed us saying they thought Cutter was wrong.)

The answer is that, however you slice it, it hasn’t. Here’s a rundown. [...]

The comparison is even more unflattering to Obama if you use a less cherry-picked time frame than the one Cutter used — one that starts when the recoveries officially began, rather than the low point for jobs.
Using this formula, Obama’s numbers change quite a bit, since he’s suffered from the growing pattern of recoveries creating fewer jobs, and more slowly, than was typical in past recoveries.

The recession under Obama officially ended in June 2009. That means that the number of jobs continued to fall for another nine months before hitting rock bottom. Counting these nine extra months of job losses, Obama’s private-sector job creation total falls to 3.4 million over three years and one month.
By contrast, using this formula actually boosts Reagan’s private-sector job-creation totals. The recession under Reagan officially ended in November 1982, almost simultaneously with the low point in jobs. Over the next three years and one month — the comparable period under Obama — the number of private-sector jobs increased by 9.1 million.

Taking into account the growth of the workforce overall, employment has grown by 3 percent during the Obama recovery, compared to 13 percent under Reagan.
Chalk up an even stronger win for the Gipper.

Our ruling
Even using Cutter’s cherry-picked formulation, job creation under Obama has dramatically trailed the pace set by Reagan. In fact, adjusting for the size of the workforce, Reagan’s recovery was more than four times bigger than Obama’s has been so far. We rate Cutter’s claim False.


Strength through joy
[h=1]Jobless Claims Hold Flat; Spending Tops Income Gains[/h]Initial claims for state unemployment benefits were a seasonally adjusted 374,000, the Labor Department said on Thursday. The prior week's figure was revised up to show 2,000 more applications than previously reported. In a separate report, consumer spending rose 0.4 percent in July, the best showing in five months and ahead of the 0.3 percent income gain.
Economists polled by Reuters had forecast claims dipping to 370,000 last week. The four-week moving average for new claims, a better measure of labor market trends, rose 1,500 to 370,250.


golden ticket member
Campbell's Soup closing 2 plants and 7oo jobs gone.
yet miraculously, the unemployment # will probably show improvement .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Campbell's Soup closing 2 plants and 7oo jobs gone.
yet miraculously, the unemployment # will probably show improvement .

Campbells soups have been declining in sales for the last 5 years. Campbells has "subcontracted" its new line of soups to companies OUTSIDE the United States. Its Iconic cans are being replaced by pouches and those are being assembled by outside companies.

Campbells is attempting to lure customers back with convenience features like the pouches as younger buyers are too lazy to crack open a can and put it on the stove.

This has nothing to do with OBAMA, and more to do with people using microwaves for cooking vs stoves.




golden ticket member
Microwave came with this house, but are only a "reheating machine". I have never done a can of soup in the microwave.....that's what your smallest saucepans are for.....the stove top.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Microwave came with this house, but are only a "reheating machine". I have never done a can of soup in the microwave.....that's what your smallest saucepans are for.....the stove top.

Thats the point moreluck, Campbells is switching to microwavable pouches as thats the most popular version of soups on the market. They are changing their business model to fit todays market.

Young people use microwaves, stay at home people still use stoves.

