Actually, I thought Biden handled the situation well, but thought the questions were ill concieved.
I would hope that all of our candiates would subject themselves to tough, fair, questions. Sadly that hasn't been the case.
I'm assuming that you are aware that the 'reporters' husband is a GOP operative?
Are you asking us if Biden knew this when he took the interview?
Nope, asking if the posters here are aware of the 'reporters' background.
She's a tool.
Those were not tough questions, they were completely specious and based mostly on poorly-choiced words on the part of Obama and Biden.
The Marx quote she used to compare Obama's tax plan to socialism had absolutely nothing to do with the issue. She ignored Biden's response that Obama's plan is simply to return taxes to pre-Bush levels. Is she suggesting that we were a socialist country under Clinton? Or Reagan, for that matter?
She propagated the false idea that ACORN as a foundation was responsible for voter registration fraud, rather than individual paid volunteers. She also propagated the false idea that any of the fraudulent registrations will even matter come election day. She conviently left out that ACORN was endorsed by McCain as well.
She spat out the typical conservative-bias non-issues; what America wants to hear, really? Every pundit and right-wing anchor has been asking these questions and they continue to get the same answers. Joe had every right to ask her who's writing her questions.
As is Campbell Brown, Charlie Gibson, Brian Williams, Tom Brokow, Katie Couric.
Yeah, so what's your point.
The main stream supposed news journalists do the same type of stuff to Republicans everyday.
That's the way the press works these days. They are just chasing the bucks.
There is no journalistic integrity anywhere on TV anymore...PBS comes the closest.
The point is stated in the first sentence of my post. Whats so hard to understand?
"Those were not tough questions, they were completely specious and based mostly on poorly-choiced words on the part of Obama and Biden."
Do you think Brown, Williams, Brokow, Gibson, or Couric would base poorly choice words through tough questions in that fashion, where you propergate and represent false ideas in your line of questioning?
That was my point.
Maybe you should watch the Jon Stuwart and Steve Colbert show for your news. It lightens thing up.
Had to add, I'm getting realy tired of the Dems of this country telling me what the issues are. I know full well what my issues are.Those were not tough questions, they were completely specious and based mostly on poorly-choiced words on the part of Obama and Biden.
Evidently 'Ole Joe thought they were pretty tough, he sure didn't want to answer them strait up. Instead he tried to put the interviewers integrity into question just as you have.
The Marx quote she used to compare Obama's tax plan to socialism had absolutely nothing to do with the issue? (And it sure got Joe's undies in a wad.)
How can it not be the issue? Redistributing the wealth IS SOCIALIST by definition. Marx's quote is just another way of saying it. Very much an issue with me. Then Joe's answer blamed Bush and McCain for "spreading the wealth" and denied that Obama's plan was to spread the wealth but to raise taxes on the top 5% earners and give it(by lowering taxes) to the other 95%. If that is not spreading the wealth, what is it?
She ignored Biden's response that Obama's plan is simply to return taxes to pre-Bush levels. Is she suggesting that we were a socialist country under Clinton? Or Reagan, for that matter?
If you really believe that it is that simple, you just have not been paying attention.
She propagated the false idea that ACORN as a foundation was responsible for voter registration fraud, rather than individual paid volunteers. She also propagated the false idea that any of the fraudulent registrations will even matter come election day. She conviently left out that ACORN was endorsed by McCain as well.
I'm not convinced that ACORN as a foundation was not responsible, I figure the uppitie-ups in their organization new full well who they had in Ohio and what they were doing. If not, that sure is not a very well run organization. How would she include that fact that McCain had endorsed ACORN in the past into her question? Besides, Joe used that as part of his answer.
She spat out the typical conservative-bias non-issues; what America wants to hear, really?
What conservatives are not part of America? A candidate for President of the USA spouting "Spread the wealth" is a non-issue? Just what the hell is an issue for you? I am pretty generous with my money, I spread my "wealth" around as I see fit, I don't want the government doing it for me. There is enough of that already, I can't afford to "double down".
Every pundit and right-wing anchor has been asking these questions and they continue to get the same answers. Joe had every right to ask her who's writing her questions.
IMHO, I think she should have told him that the questions come from the American public, because they do. There are many people in the country (believe it or not) that do not want their welth distributed to people who would rather set on their butts and wait for the gubment check to arrive. And I be one of em.
And by the way, my reply "Yeah, so what's your point." is a typical reply used by adults when a person agrees with the point that the other person just said. You'll get these not so subtle attempts at humor as you mature.
I didn't know you get your material from an AARP perspective, next time I'll try to be "mature" enough to get your subtle attempts of dry humor, in the meantime take a swig of Geritol and enjoy Stewart/Colbert rip your party that you claim secession from. I know, I would be embarassed also if I was associated with Bush and the Republican Party as well. But the least you could do is be honorable and go down with the sinking republican-ship you once supported rather than jump ship and point fingers from the sidelines.
And now here you are, such a "mature" knowledgable adult, claiming EVERY news agency but PBS are liberal bias. A claim;
A) You can't back up because it's just an opinion
B) You can't tell the difference between a journalist and an opionionated political news entertainment show.
C) Is an insult to every serious journalist who's poured their heart and soul into their work.
I TIVO both Stewart and Colbert and watch them daily. Humor is one of my passions. "Nailin' Pailin" and "Riden’ Biden" came from Colbert (recent post).
AND my point is YES I DO THINK Brown, Williams, Brokow, Gibson, or Couric would base poorly choice words through tough questions in that fashion, where they propagate and represent false ideas in their line of questioning. D, you look at things through such a left-wing prism that you see these piss-poor excuses for journalists and think they are being objective. That is laughable and is a reflection of your lack of objectivity and judgment.
I fully realize that FOX is slanted and biased but you can not see that ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, etc are just as biased in the opposite direction. They toss softballs to the Democrats and then grill the Republicans with specious, biased questions.
That is why I watch PBS for political coverage 6 - 7 p.m. Mon - Fri and then Stewart and Colbert for levity 7 - 8 p.m. Mon - Thu
And since you decided to disparage me by saying I did not understand your clearly stated opinion on the speciousness questions...Yes I understood that but my not so subtle reply seems to have gone right over your head. If I reply to you in the future, I will try to respond like I am replying to an 10th grader so you can follow the logic and trail of the answer. It's been a while since I had teenagers in the house, so forgive me if I don't make replies directly to your stated position or question...I realize everything is all about you. (There I go probably don't realize that this is an attempt at good-natured humor).
Never been a Republican...only registered as a Libertarian. Not this year though, can't stand Bob Barr...he was my congressman...what a dip$**t.I didn't know you get your material from an AARP perspective, next time I'll try to be "mature" enough to get your subtle attempts of dry humor, I can see why your teenagers left the house, in the meantime take a swig of Geritol and enjoy Stewart/Colbert rip your ex-party that you claim secession from. I know, I would be embarassed also if I was associated with Bush and the Republican Party.
Thanks humor is driver by a warped mind looking at things through my window on life.Hoax, it's ok...dry humor is much preferable to NO humor at all.
Amen to that story. And we are all guilty. But there is only so much dirt a window can hold before it starts streaking everything. Whether its too late for the election or not I am not sure, but Obamas window is really really dirty.
Those were not tough questions, they were completely specious and based mostly on poorly-choiced words on the part of Obama and Biden.
Evidently 'Ole Joe thought they were pretty tough, he sure didn't want to answer them strait up. Instead he tried to put the interviewers integrity into question just as you have.
The Marx quote she used to compare Obama's tax plan to socialism had absolutely nothing to do with the issue? (And it sure got Joe's undies in a wad.)
How can it not be the issue? Redistributing the wealth IS SOCIALIST by definition. Marx's quote is just another way of saying it. Very much an issue with me. Then Joe's answer blamed Bush and McCain for "spreading the wealth" and denied that Obama's plan was to spread the wealth but to raise taxes on the top 5% earners and give it(by lowering taxes) to the other 95%. If that is not spreading the wealth, what is it?
She spat out the typical conservative-bias non-issues; what America wants to hear, really?
What conservatives are not part of America? A candidate for President of the USA spouting "Spread the wealth" is a non-issue? Just what the hell is an issue for you? I am pretty generous with my money, I spread my "wealth" around as I see fit, I don't want the government doing it for me. There is enough of that already, I can't afford to "double down".
Every pundit and right-wing anchor has been asking these questions and they continue to get the same answers. Joe had every right to ask her who's writing her questions.
IMHO, I think she should have told him that the questions come from the American public, because they do. There are many people in the country (believe it or not) that do not want their welth distributed to people who would rather set on their butts and wait for the gubment check to arrive. And I be one of em.
Had to add, I'm getting realy tired of the Dems of this country telling me what the issues are. I know full well what my issues are.