Statement from President Joe Biden on protecting 600,000 Teamsters’ pensions


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
It sounds like you’ve been here long enough to hear their projections aren’t always correct? Lol
They’re saying all the right things, “we’re gonna insure the fund remains solvent beyond that” etc. They’ll sit on their asses until its critical again.


Well-Known Member
I just got the letter yesterday, it said 2051. If you believe them.
Projections are just guesses. But needless to say we’re OK for a while but doing nothing will be the end of it,

I could see in 10 to 12 years talk of ending the pension and going to some sort of 401(k) if the unions are unable to organize new members and new industries. That is why Sean is out there kicking in doors that have never been kicked in. He’s going for broke.


Well-Known Member
They’re saying all the right things, “we’re gonna insure the fund remains solvent beyond that” etc. They’ll sit on their asses until its critical again.
We were within just a couple of years of retirees, literally being bankrupt. My fund would’ve been out of money next year without this.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I think you guys are missing my point. When UPS bought out of Central States way back when so it's now UPS/IBT pension fund they(UPS)paid 6.6 billion to Central States....where did all that money go so fast that now there was a bailout needed?
We’re talking about the money now. My fund is getting 5.7 billion. That money went to Ukraine


Well-Known Member
I think you guys are missing my point. When UPS bought out of Central States way back when so it's now UPS/IBT pension fund they(UPS)paid 6.6 billion to Central States....where did all that money go so fast that now there was a bailout needed?
It got paid out. And just because UPS bought their way out of all these pension funds, don’t forget UPS was still on the hook for unfunded liabilities. Because they are one of the last ones standing. If these pension funds would’ve went belly up UPS would’ve owed billions of dollars and possibly went out of business. They were bailed out just as much as anybody.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
It got paid out. And just because UPS bought their way out of all these pension funds, don’t forget UPS was still on the hook for unfunded liabilities. Because they are one of the last ones standing. If these pension funds would’ve went belly up UPS would’ve owed billions of dollars and possibly went out of business. They were bailed out just as much as anybody.


Well-Known Member
Yep, a little known fact about how these pensions worked is that UPS even though they paid all that money was still on the hook for billions. The shockwaves it would’ve sent through the economy would’ve been tremendous.

“However, UPS withdrew in 2007, with a hurried contract ratification with the Teamsters enabling them to avoid changes to multi-employer plans coming into effect in 2008. Because the withdrawal liability payment required under legislation at the time did not fully compensate the plan for the losses it would experience, this and other withdrawals brought about further decreases in pension funding.”

This was around 2016 and it was actually much more than this and this was just for Central states.

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