Jussie Smollett


Well-Known Member
You need to speak to Robert "stop hammer time" Mueller, you know your saviour. Now he is your target of "collusion" and "obstruction of justice." @MAKAVELI , @bbsam, @It will be fine , @DriveInDriveOut , @BrownArmy , @bacha29 , @Turdferguson and to you sir once again, congratulations on a good bill of health, did you take my advice to go forth and multiply?
I do agree with all of you however, Mueller and his band of miscreant fool conspirators are pissants.
He had to reveal the truth at sometime however, their hoax was unraveled.
I understand the clowns hope the affected are happy with his proclamation and walk away giddy, not so with my type.
I expect charges, trials and if guilty verdicts, executions for treason. When I say I expect charges, I do not expect they will happen, I think they are warranted.
Pray to your idols that most Americans aren't like me.
I take my freedom seriously.
Take your meds.